You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 1
Backend Development & Deployment Guide
- We use Intellij
- Fork the code
- Download your Google App Engine Service Account and set the path for
- We use Github Flow.
- Always fork from the latest
branch - Rebase and merge your PR branch into
. This will also trigger the deployment to STABLE - Merge --no-ff from
- Tag nightly-xxx to deploy to Nightly
- Tag prod-xxx to deploy to Production.
- Always fork from the latest
- Commit message format: <Purpose of your commit. (#issue_number)>
We only need to do it once to set up the GCP environment. If you already set up the GCP environment or already had one, you can stop reading.
This is also a Google Cloud Platform Project
- standard
- java
- create billing account
- Install gcloud SDK
- If required, switch to the other account using
gcloud auth login
- If required, switch to the other project [project-id] using
gcloud config set project [project-id]
- Clone the Backend repo. The main code for MSRP backend is here
- To deploy, go to project root folder (This repo root) and run
./gradlew clean appengineDeploy -Pmode=prod
(Could be stable, nightly, prod)
- Enable Database by https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/[project id]/database
- Security rules for Realtime Database: Start in locked mode
- Drop down to Cloud Firestore and start in locked mode
- setup security rule and click
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{pathSegment}/{document=**} {
allow write: false;
allow read: false;
- Create collections(needs automation):
- publish_admin: create a document. Use your Mozilla email account
email : your_email@mozilla.com
- important_mission
- settings: Please create a document(any doc id) and set the value
fxa_api_profile : https://stable.dev.lcip.org/profile/v1/profile
fxa_api_token : https://oauth-stable.dev.lcip.org/v1/token
fxa_client_id : YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE......
fxa_client_secret : YOUR_SECRET_HERE.....
- Create 3 composit index
- publish - category Ascending / locale Ascending / publish_timestamp Descending
- mission_daily_progress - mid Ascending / uid Ascending / timestamp Descending
- user_activity - status Ascending / userDocId Ascending / updated_timestamp Ascending
- Create 1 single-field index
- users/uid / Collection + Collection Group scope for ascending
In registered client App(Android), find the API key and set the Fingerprint: Cloud Console -> API & Services -> Credentials -> find the Android Key that the target app uses -> Application restrictions -> Android Apps -> Restrict usage to your Android apps -> Add Item with package name & SHA-1 cetertificate fingerprint ( You can find it in Play Store/Release)
Identity and Access Management
Service: Cloud Console -> API & Services -> Library -> Search forIdentity and Access Management (IAM) API
For Google App Engine service accounts(@appspot.gserviceaccount.com) to access Google APIs, it needs below permissions Service Account Token Creator(
): Used to create a custom token,See the document.