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Release Notes: 0.43

Peter Thiess edited this page Aug 26, 2014 · 10 revisions

This is a draft!

This document will not be finalized until the end of Release 0.43 -- approximately September 3rd.

What's New in Release 0.43

Full change logs: brackets and brackets-shell

UI Changes

Quick Open - The first item is automatically highlighted, making it more clear that you can press Enter immediately to jump to the top item (Down arrow not required). Highlighting the 2nd item in the result list now only requires pressing the Down arrow once (previously required two presses). Quick Find Definition no longer changes the scroll position until you start typing.

Linux: Edit menu - The Edit > Cut/Copy/Paste menu items are removed on Linux, because they did not work. These menu items will be restored once a native menu bar is implemented.

API Changes

Theme authoring - Simplified how Find/Replace highlight colors are set. ...TODO... - Only permits 'file://' URLs and 'about:blank', since brackets-shell is not a secure general-purpose web browser. Use NativeApp.openURLInDefaultBrowser() to open webpages in the user's regular browser.

New/Improved Extensibility APIs

Known Issues

  • Activity Monitor in Mavericks (OS X 10.9) says the Brackets Helper process is "Not Responding" even when it's working normally (#5794). You can safely ignore this unless Brackets is actually failing to respond when you click or type text.
  • #2272: Windows Vista may not allow the Brackets installer to run (you may not see any error message). To work around this, right-click the installer file, choose Properties, and click the Unblock button.
  • Debug > Run Tests is disabled in the installer/DMG distributions of Brackets, because the unit test code is not included. To run unit tests, pull Brackets from GitHub instead.

Community contributions to Brackets


Pulling source code from Git

  • TODO - brackets-shell required?
  • Some submodules were updated this sprint. Run git submodule update to ensure your source tree is fully up to date.

Bugs fixed in Release 0.43

For details on the bugs addressed, please refer to closed Release 0.43 bugs. Not all fixed bugs will be caught by this search query, however.

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