a string with a maximum length of 250 bytes, hierarchically structured, levels separated by dots.
- system.
- system.host. - Controller processes
- system.config. - System settings, like language
- system.adapter. - Adapter processes
- system.adapter.<adapter-name> - default config of an adapter
- <adapter-name>.<instance-number>. - An adapters namespace
- enum. - Enumerations
- hist. - History Data
getState method and stateChange event delivers an object with all attributes except expire
for "setState" method everything except "val" is optional, "from" is set automatically by the "setState" method. "ack" defaults to false, "ts" and "lc" are set as expected
attributes for getState/stateChange/setState object:
- val - the actual value - can be any type that is JSON-encodable
- ack - a boolean flag indicating if the target system has acknowledged the value
- ts - a unix timestamp indicating the last update of the state
- lc - a unix timestamp indicating the last change of the state's actual value
- from - adapter instance that did the "setState"
- expire - a integer value that can be used to set states that expire after a given number of seconds. Can be used ony with setValue. After the value expires, it disappears from redisDB.
Every state has to be represented by an object of the type state containing Meta-Data for the state. see below.
Following attributes have to exist in every object:
- _id
- type (see below for possible values)
- common (includes an object with mandatory attributes for specific type)
- native
- name
- parent
Objects can have a parent attribute containing the id of their parent to build a tree structure. This should be limited to 3 levels (except for objects of type path)
- state - parent should be of type channel, device, instance or host
- channel - object to group one or more states. parent should be device
- device - object to group one or more channels or state. should have no parent.
- enum - objects holding a array in common.members that points to states, channels, devices or files. enums can have a parent enum (tree-structure possible)
- host - a host that runs a controller process
- adapter - the default config of an adapter. presence also indicates that the adapter is successfully installed. (suggestion: should have an attribute holding an array of the hosts where it is installed)
- instance - parent has to be of type adapter
- meta - rarely changing meta information that a adapter or his instances needs
- config - configurations
- path - a virtual path. parent has to be another path or an ancestor of vfs.root
- file - a object with an attached file - parent has to be of type path
- common.type (optional - default is mixed==any type) (possible values: number, string, boolean, array, object, mixed)
- common.min (optional)
- common.max (optional)
- common.unit (optional)
- common.def (optional - the default value)
- common.desc (optional, string)
- common.oper.read (boolean, mandatory) - true if read is possible for this state
- common.oper.write (boolean, mandatory) - true if write is possible for this state
History function needs the history adapter
fifo length is reduced to min when max is hit. set to null or leave undefined to use defaults
for a list of transports see history adapter README
common.history (optional)
common.history.fifo (optional, high speed history storage)
common.history.fifo.enabled (boolean)
common.history.fifo.min (integer, min fifo length)
common.history.fifo.max (integer, max fifo length)
common.history.fifo.transports (array of strings, log-transports data should be sent to after leaving the fifo)
common.history.direct.enabled (boolean)
common.history.direct.transports (array of strings, log-transports data should be sent on change)
common.role (indicates how this state should be represented in user interfaces)
possible values:
text (common.type = string)
html (common.type = string)
list (common.type = array)
value (common.type=number, common.oper.write=false)
value.temperature (common.type=number, common.oper.write=false, common.unit='°C' or '°F' or '°K')
value.humidity (common.type=number, common.oper.write=false)
value.brightness (common.type=number, common.oper.write=false)
button (common.type=boolean)
indicator (common.type=boolean)
indicator.working (common.type=boolean, indicates that something the target systems is doing changes on the parent channel)
indicator.direction (common.type=number or string, indicates up/down, left/right, 4-way switches, wind-direction, ... )
indicator.maintenance (common.type=boolean, indicates system warnings/errors, alarms, service messages, battery empty or stuff like that)
indicator.maintenance.desc (common.type=string, indicates system warnings/errors, alarms, service messages, battery empty or stuff like that as a text, e.g "low battery")
level (common.type=number, common.oper.write=true)
level.dimmer (common.type=number, common.oper.write=true)
level.blind (common.type=number, common.oper.write=true)
level.temperature (common.type=number, common.oper.write=true)
switch (common.type=boolean, common.oper.write=true) - (QUESTION) relay?(See below why)
suggestion: the channel-objects common.role should/could imply a set of mandatory and/or optional state-child-objects
possible values:
- info - (QUESTION) Currency or shares rate? What else?
- forecast - weather forecast
- media - common media channel
- media.music - media player, like sonos, yamaha and so on
- media.tv - TV
- media...
- thermo - Monitor or control the temperature, humidity and so on
- thermo.heat
- thermo.cool
- dimmer - Light dimmer
- switch - Light or actor switch. Normally can be OFF or ON (may be relay?, see by remote why)
- shutter - Window shutter control
- color - Light control with ability of color changing
- color.ct - color temperature °K
- color.rgb - Set color in RGB
- color.hsl - Set color in Hue/Saturation/Lightness
- color.hslct - Set color in Hue/Saturation/Lightness with Kelvin
- remote - (QUESTION) ??? Button on the wall? Remote with buttons? (Possible names: keyPad, buttons, remote, keySwitch, switch - if other switch will be "relay")
- contact - E.g. window or door contact, water leak sensor, fire sensor
- contact.doorwindow
- contact.water
- contact.fire
- phone - fritz box, speedport and so on
- ...
- switch - mandatory (common.type=boolean, common.oper.write=true)
- text.description - optional
- indicator.maintenance - optional
- indicator.maintenance.desc - optional (QUESTION) Where must be room and role? in enum.rooms.common.members ?
- level.dimmer - mandatory (common.type=boolean, common.oper.write=true) - (QUESTION) Must it be readable too?
- value.dimmer - or must it be used? (QUESTION)
- text.description - optional
- indicator.maintenance - optional
- indicator.maintenance.desc - optional
- common.members - optional array of member IDs
- <adapter-name>.<instance-number>.meta.<meta-name>
- <adapter-name>.meta.<meta-name>
- system.meta.<meta-name>
id system.adapter.<adapter.name>
- common.mode
- common.enabled (value should be false so new instances are disabled by default)
- common.language (possible values: javascript, other)
- common.browse (search in the home network the devices automatically)
id system.adapter.<adapter.name>.<instance-number>
- common.host (host where the adapter should be started at - object system.host.<host> must exist
- common.enabled
- common.mode (possible values see below)
- daemon - always running process (will be restarted if process exits)
- subscribe - is started when state system.adapter.<adapter-name>.<instance-number>.alive changes to true. Is killed when .alive changes to false and sets .alive to false if process exits (will not be restarted when process exits)
- schedule - is started by schedule found in system.adapter.<adapter-name>.<instance-number>.schedule - reacts on changes of .schedule by rescheduling with new state
id system.host.<host>
id *system.vfs.<name>
- common.name (name of the directory)
- common.children (better name it common.subdirs?) (array of child objects with type path)
- common.files (array of child objects with type file)
- parent (id of a path object)
- common.size (size in kBytes)
- common.mine (mime-type)
one CouchDB-Attachment - the file itself