Motivation: What is venmo used for? Apply NLP techniques to analyze venmo transactions.
Some specific motivating questions:
Do the type of transactions change over time? For example, during football season, there could be betting/fantasy football pools that have transacations for football. Post-covid, Has there been a change in the social outings, rent/utilities payments? Can I detect tips and professional jobs on Venmo? Can I identify superusers? What transactions are the superusers doing?
while this project does not get around to answer all these questions, those that aren't remain potential for Future Work
- Using venmo-api, data was collected from venmo on 8/9.
- API capabilities:
- Search for users based on name
- Pull transactions for each user (limit of 50 latest transactions, though there may be another way around this)
- Because the API does not allow pulling from a feed of the most recent transactions, to get a list of transactions, the following process was adopted:
- Find the most popular American names, based on information from the Social Security Administration
- Using searches for those names, generate a list of users (with more users for the more popular names)
- Pull transactions for each of the users
- Note that this process results in data that is intended to reflect the broad population of U.S. Citizens and their usage of Venmo.
Note: For privacy considerations, individual transaction data is not be available in the public repo. This includes raw data, processed data, and outputs within notebooks.
- NLP to clean the data
- Handles Emojis
- Custom processing to allow for word embeddings from Google's file to be used (e.g. french_fries instead of "french fries")
- Initial EDA performed on the data
- Explored dimensionality reduction techniques (LSA, NMF, LDA). However, these were not that interpretable.
04A_Modeling_spaced_notes - adding spaces
- This was the final approach to developing themes for each note
- 05_Word_Embeddings_download
- obtain word embeddings for the word2vec google-news-200 dataset
- 06_Word_Vector_Matrix\
- Convert each transaction note into word count vectorizer
- Apply word embeddings
- Result in vector for each note
- 07_Modeling_Clustering #This is the Champion Model
- Use Kmeans cluster to arrive at themes for each note
- Export dataset with themes
- Performed additional data analysis using the final dataset in tableau
- 08_venmo_tableau_workbook
- Word Embeddings:
- Google-news-300
- Python libraries
- venmo-api
- emoji
- pandas
- sklearn
- seaborn
- matplotlib
- gensim
- pyLDA
- re
- Tableau
- visualization
Venmo Social Security Administration (for common names)
- File cleanup:
- Can add more discussion to the 04 models, to better illustrate why those were not used