This python code performs an efficient speech reverberation starting from a dataset of close-talking speech signals and a collection of acoustic impulse responses.
The reverberated signal y[n] is computed in the following way:
y[n]=x[n] * h[n]
where x[n] is the clean signal and * is the convolutional operator.
The script takes in input the following arguments:
- in_folder: folder where the original close-talk dataset is stored.
- out_folder: folder where the reverberated dataset will be stored.
- list.txt : it is a text file where each row should contain: original_wav_file IR_file.
Before run it, make sure you have all the needed python packages. In particular:
- pysoundfile:
pip install pysoundfile
- numpy
- scipy
python clean_examples/ rev_examples/ list.txt
Note that to have meaningful and realistic results, both the impulse responses and the clean speech signal must be sampled at the same sampling rate (e.g., 16 kHz - 16 kHz).
To create a reverberated version of TIMIT do the following steps:
- Make sure you have the TIMIT dataset. If not, it can be downloaded from the LDC website (
- Change lst_TIMIT.txt according to the paths of your TIMIT Dataset
- Run:
python $path_TIMIT $path_TIMIT_rev lst_TIMIT.txt
The current version of TIMIT has been contaminated with some high-quality impulse responses of the DIRHA-English Dataset [3].
Tested on: Python 2.7, Ubuntu
This code has been used in the following papers (please cite them if you use this code):
[1] M. Ravanelli, P. Svaizer, M. Omologo, "Realistic Multi-Microphone Data Simulation for Distant Speech Recognition", in Proceedings of Interspeech 2016.
[2] M. Ravanelli, M. Omologo, "Contaminated speech training methods for robust DNN-HMM distant speech recognition", in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2015.
[3] M. Ravanelli, M. Omologo, "The DIRHA-English corpus and related tasks for distant-speech recognition in domestic environments", in Proceedings of ASRU 2015.