Crosshair-pycharm is a plug-in for PyCharm IDE that allows you to automatically test your Python code using crosshair-tool.
Install crosshair-pycharm. Use Plug-in manager in your PyCharm: File ⟶ Settings ⟶ Plugins.
Select crosshair-pycharm
Install crosshair-tool. As crosshair-pycharm is only a thin wrapper around crosshair-tool, please install crosshair-tool manually in the virtual environment of your project.
For example, through: File ⟶ Settings ⟶ Project ⟶ Python Interpreter.
If you are writing a package using
, you might want to include
crosshair-tool in your test dependencies.
You can use crosshair-pycharm from within an editor (with an open Python file) through the editor pop-up menu:
Alternatively, you can select a file in the project view and access crosshair-pycharm through the project view pop-up menu:
A module containing multiple submodules can also be selected in which case both
the parent module, and the children modules are going to be verified (or in case of
command, watched recursively):
You can also select a directory which is not a proper Python module (e.g., lacks
In this case, all the Python files beneath the directory will be verified.
Crosshair-pycharm creates the run configuration based on the selected action (described below).
You can view and edit these run configurations manually or re-run them (usually by
pressing Shift+F10).
Crosshair-pycharm will not overwrite the run configurations, so the manual changes
will persist.
For example, you might want to change the parameter --per_path_timeout
a particular run (see Command-line interface in the crosshair-tool's documentation).
The following actions can be executed:
Check {module or function}. Verify the given module or function using crosshair-tool.
Watch {module or function}. Watch the given module or function for changes and verify continuously using crosshair-tool.
You can see the results in the terminal window immediately upon making changes in the editor.
Feature requests or bug reports are always very, very welcome!
Please see quickly if the issue does not already exist in the issue section and, if not, create a new issue.
You can also contribute in code. Please use GitHub's fork workflow. The commit messages follow Chris Beams' guidelines. Please discuss briefly the feature you would like to implement beforehand so that we can explore together the use case and how it fits with the overall vision.
We follow a bit unusual semantic versioning schema:
- X is the oldest supported version of crosshair-tool,
- Y is the minor version (new or modified features), and
- Z is the patch version (only bug fixes).