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Simple "editActionsForRowAt" functionality, written on SWIFTUI Can be applied without list to every view.
var leftActions = [
Action(title: "Note", iconName: "pencil", bgColor: .note, action: {}),
Action(title: "Edit doc", iconName: "doc.text", bgColor: .edit, action: {}),
Action(title: "New doc", iconName: "doc.text.fill", bgColor: .done, action: {}),
SwipeableView(content: {
Text("Swipe to see actions")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
leftActions: Example.leftActions,
rightActions: Example.rightActions,
rounded: false) // there are two styles
.frame(height: 90)
Create object of SwManager
var container = SwManager()
Create arrays with actions:
var leftActions = [
Action(title: "Note", iconName: "pencil", bgColor: .note, action: {}),
Action(title: "Edit doc", iconName: "doc.text", bgColor: .edit, action: {}),
Action(title: "New doc", iconName: "doc.text.fill", bgColor: .done, action: {}),
static var rightActions = [
Action(title: "Delete", iconName: "trash", bgColor: .delete, action: {})
SwipeableView usage:
SwipeableView(content: {
// Your view content here
leftActions: Example.leftActions,
rightActions: Example.rightActions,
rounded: false)
.frame(height: 90)
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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Ilya Mikhailov - @mix_off -
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