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Helm installation procedure


In order to be able to use helm to render templates, it has to be installed on a host where a user plans to generate templates.

Helm Installation

On Linux or Mac OS, run these two commands to download and copy helm binary into /usr/local/bin directory.

export HELM_URL=$(uname | tr A-Z a-z)-amd64.tar.gz
curl "$HELM_URL" | sudo tar --strip-components 1 -C /usr/local/bin -zxf - $(uname | tr A-Z a-z)-amd64/helm

Provisioner's spec generation process has been tested with helm version 2.7.2.

Helm verification

Run the following command:

helm version

This output should be generated:

Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.7.2", GitCommit:"8478fb4fc723885b155c924d1c8c410b7a9444e6", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Error: cannot connect to Tiller

The error on the second line of the output can be ignored, as Tiller, helm's deployment engine has not been installed on the kubernetes cluster as it is not required for template generation.

Provisioner's helm chart

Helm templating is used to generate the provisioner's DaemonSet and ConfigMap specs. The generated specs can be further customized as needed (usually not necessary), and then deployed using kubectl.

helm template uses 3 sources of information:

  1. Provisioner's chart template located at helm/provisioner/templates/provisioner.yaml
  2. Provisioner's default values.yaml which contains variables used for rendering a template.
  3. (Optional) User's customized values.yaml as a part of helm template command. User's provided values will override default values of Provisioner's values.yaml.

Default values.yaml is located in local-volume/helm/provisioner folder, user should not remove variables from this file but can change any values of these variables.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the local volume provisioner chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Type Default
common.rbac Generating RBAC (Role Based Access Control) objects. bool true
common.namespace Namespace where provisioner runs. str default
common.createNamespace Whether to create namespace for provisioner. bool false
common.useAlphaAPI If running against pre-1.10 k8s version, the useAlphaAPI flag must be enabled. bool false
common.useJobForCleaning If set to true, provisioner will use jobs-based block cleaning. bool false
common.useNodeNameOnly If set to true, provisioner name will only use Node.Name and not Node.UID. bool false
common.minResyncPeriod Resync period in reflectors will be random between minResyncPeriod and 2*minResyncPeriod. str 5m0s
common.configMapName Provisioner ConfigMap name. str local-provisioner-config
classes.[n].name StorageClass name. str -
classes.[n].hostDir Path on the host where local volumes of this storage class are mounted under. str -
classes.[n].mountDir Optionally specify mount path of local volumes. By default, we use same path as hostDir in container. str -
classes.[n].blockCleanerCommand List of command and arguments of block cleaner command. list -
classes.[n].volumeMode Optionally specify volume mode of created PersistentVolume object. By default, we use Filesystem. str -
classes.[n].fsType Filesystem type to mount. Only applies when source is block while volume mode is Filesystem. str -
classes.[n].storageClass Create storage class for this class and configure it optionally. bool/map false
classes.[n].storageClass.reclaimPolicy Specify reclaimPolicy of storage class, available: Delete/Retain. str Delete Provisioner DaemonSet name. str local-volume-provisioner
daemonset.image Provisioner image. str
daemonset.imagePullPolicy Provisioner DaemonSet image pull policy. str -
daemonset.serviceAccount Provisioner DaemonSet service account. str local-storage-admin
daemonset.kubeConfigEnv Specify the location of kubernetes config file. str -
daemonset.nodeLabels List of node labels to be copied to the PVs created by the provisioner. list -
daemonset.nodeSelector NodeSelector constraint on nodes eligible to run the provisioner. map -
daemonset.tolerations List of tolerations to be applied to the Provisioner DaemonSet. list -
daemonset.resources Map of resource request and limits to be applied to the Provisioner Daemonset. map -
prometheus.operator.enabled If set to true, will configure Prometheus monitoring bool false
prometheus.operator.serviceMonitor.interval Interval at which Prometheus scrapes the provisioner str 10s
prometheus.operator.serviceMonitor.namespace The namespace Prometheus is installed in str monitoring
prometheus.operator.serviceMonitor.selector The Prometheus selector label map prometheus: kube-prometheus
Note: classes is a list of objects, you can specify one or more classes.


To try out one of the examples. you can run, e.g. for gce:

$ helm template ./helm/provisioner -f helm/examples/gce.yaml > ./provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/provisioner_generated.yaml

Currently you can try the following examples: