$ npm i respond-to-mixin
$ bower i respond-to-mixin
Add into your project through require()
or otherwise.
Example use.
#myElement {
@include respond-to($from: 'small', $to: 'medium') { margin-right: 20px }
Which compiles to
@media screen and (min-width: 601px) and (max-width: 960px) {
#myElement {
margin-right: 20px
You can also include media type with $media-type.
#myElement {
@include respond-to($media-type: print) { display: none }
The mixin supports Strings provided in the breakpoint map, or any css value. E.g.
#myElement {
@include respond-to($from: 10em, $to: 2000px) { margin-bottom: 20px }
There is also support for just min-width or max-width media queries.
#myElement {
@include respond-to($from: 'large') { margin: 0 auto }
#myElement {
@include respond-to($to: 'large') { margin: 0 }