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JetBrains incubator project

Bazel by JetBrains (EAP) for IntelliJ IDEA

Bazel by JetBrains (EAP) for IntelliJ IDEA.

This plugin lets you import and work with Bazel projects.

This plugin is available as public EAP (Early Access Program). It is tested on some large production code bases for Java and Kotlin. Other languages and frameworks are under development and will be supported soon.


  • open Bazel projects by selecting a folder
  • define project views to open a focused subset of large projects
  • automatically detect project model changes and offer to synchronize
  • target tree to search for and run actions on Bazel targets
  • run and debug runnable and testable targets from target tree or gutter icons
  • test result display
  • Starlark support, including syntax highlighting, completion, navigation
  • Starlark debugging

To learn more about available features, please check the feature overview.


  1. in IntelliJ IDEA, go to Preferences | Plugins
  2. Go to Marketplace tab.
  3. Then look for "Bazel" (check that the publisher is JetBrains) and click Install.
  4. Restart IntelliJ IDEA. You're ready!

Building, running, contributing changes

Please follow the Plugin development setup guide