GPL licenced Android Expense Tracking App.
My Expenses is an Android app designed to keep track of your expenses and income. Works on Android 5.0 and above.
- Effortless Expense Tracking: Keep tabs on your expenses and income seamlessly, whether you're on your smartphone or tablet.
- Flexible Account Management: Effortlessly manage multiple accounts, including transfers between different currencies.
- Streamlined Financial Planning: Easily set up plans for recurring transactions.
- Seamless Data Management: Export and import data with ease using QIF and CSV formats.
- Enhanced Security: Protect your data with password or device lock screen security.
- Customizable Experience: Tailor the app to your preferences with customizable themes and font sizes.
- Bank Statement Reconciliation: Easily compare transaction status with your bank statements for accurate financial tracking.
- Quick Data Entry: Enjoy convenient access with homescreen widgets and shortcuts.
- Powerful Data Analysis: Filter your data based on various criteria and visualize distribution and historical trends with dynamic graphs.
My Expenses relies on many Open Source libraries and has borrowed code from other Open Source projects :
- Financisto (CalculatorInput, QifParser, WhereFilter)
- iText
- MPAndroidChart
- SimpleDialogFragments
- Grisbi (category definitions)
- Android Open Source Project (SetupWizardLib, EventRecurrenceFormatter, Licencing Verification)
- MaterialSeekBarPreference
- Picasso
- Caldroid
- Android-State
- dav4android
- Apache commons (Lang, CSV and Collections)
- Guava (Int, IntMath, Files)
- CarReport (WebDAV setup)
- Acra
- Phrase
- Dagger
- Gson
- AutoValue
- AutoValue: Gson Extension
- AutoValue: Cursor Extension
- AutoValue: Parcel Extension
- OkHttp
- Timber
- logback-android
- Retrofit2
- Donut
- Copper
- andOTP (EncryptionHelper)
- Font-Awesome (Category Icons)
- TapTargetView
- PageIndicatorView
- FlexboxLayout
- Android Image Cropper
- Ktor
- FontDrawable
- Accompanist (drawablepainter, pager, flowlayout with patch from Sven Obser (
- Email Intent Builder
- HBCI4Java
- Hibiscus
- sealed-enum
and on the contribution of many users that helped make My Expenses available in 34 different languages.
Code has also been contributed by:
- khris78 (Configuring and applying custom colors to accounts)
- Ayman Abdelghany (Applying Sonar code quality checks)
- eltos (Improved Input Dialogs and Color Pickers)
- tillgraeger implemented several tickets (#640, #704, #638) in the context of his internship.
Requires Java 21
git clone
cd MyExpenses
export ANDROID_HOME={sdk-dir}
./gradlew build
My Expenses now has experimental support for inserting data from third party apps. See