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Probe-design for SARS-Cov-2


Target SARS-CoV-2 (NC_045512.2)

  • Genome sequence is stored here: data\
  • For a blast search against this genome, we use: data\genomes\cov2\cov2.fasta
  • For a blast against >2500 aligned cov-2 genomes, we use: data\genomes\cov2\cov2_aligned.fasta. Please see data\genomes\cov2\gisaid_acknowledgements.txt for the acknowledgments.
  • Target regions are define in the file data\Wuhan-Hu-1_2019__target_regions.tsv. This can be the entire genome, or sub-regions.

NGS coverage

Probes that target regions for having highest NGS coverage are selected. All relevant data is in the folder data\coverage.

If new coverage files are added, they first have to be analyzed with the script workflows\probe_design\


Coverage refers to the average number of times a single base is read during a sequencing run.

What is Coverage in NGS? In theory, a sequencing run will geenrate reads that sample a genome randomly and independently. However, these reads are not distributed equally across an entire genome; some bases are covered by fewer, some by more reads than the average coverage.

As a simplification, coverage can be assumed to be proportional to the amount of RNA species in the sample, and should hence allow to pinpoint towards regions more likely to be present in a sample (as genomes/subgenomes/transcripts).

Other beta-coronaviruses

Identified probes should not be specific against any other beta-coronavirus.

data\genomes\beta-corona: genomes are stored in multi-fasta file.

beta-coronavirus ID Included
SARS NC_004718.3 [x]
MERS NC_019843.3 [x]
HKU1 NC_006577.2 [x]
OC43 NC_006213.1 [x]
NL63 JX504050.1 [x]
229E NC_002645.1 [x]

Other viruses/pathogens

Identified probes should not be specific against other pathogens/viruses with similar symptomes.

data\genomes\viruses: genomes are stored in separate fasta file.

Virus/pathogen ID Included
Mycobacterium tuberculosis NC_000962.3 [x]
Human parainfluenza virus type 1 NC_003461 [x]
Human parainfluenza virus type 2 NC_003443.1 [x]
Human parainfluenza virus type 3 NC_001796 [x]
Human parainfluenza virus type 4 NC_021928.1 [x]
Respiratory syncytial virus NC_001803 [x]
Human metapneumovirus NC_039199 [x]
Mycoplasma pneumoniae NZ_CP010546 [x]
Chlamydophila pneumoniae NC_005043.1 [x]
Influenza A H3N2 [x]
Influenza A H1N1 (such as A/Alaska/58/2017(H1N1)) txid2043069 [x]
Influenza B (such as B/Yamagata/16/88 and B/Victoria/2/87) txid416674 [x]
Influenza C GCF_000856665.10 [x]
Influenza D GCF_002867775.1 [x]
Rhinovirus/enterovirus NC_038312.1 [x]

Probes are (web) blasted against possible host genomes

Identified probes should not be specific against transcriptome of commonly used host organisms.

Only tanscripts are kept from blast hits, e.g. Refseq annotations starting with : 'NM_', 'XM_', 'NR', 'XR_'

Host Identifier Tested
Home sapiens Human G+T [x]
Mus musculus Mouse G+T [x]
African Green monkey 60711 [x]
Hamsters 10026 [x]
Ferret 9669 [x]

Probe-design workflow

1. Create fasta file for target sequence(s) [Python]

Takes the file with the target regions, extracts their sequences, and creates a separate fasta file for each target region type. If several sequences are defined for a target regions type, the script will create a multi-fasta file, e.g. multiple fasta entries in one file.

In this function, you can define if the fasta sequence should be the reverse complement.

Note: fasta file names, sequence ids or description should NOT contain underscores. In Oligostan, underscores are used to split string to extract some meta-data.


Function: probe_design\


  1. data\
  2. data\Wuhan-Hu-1_2019_potential_target_regions.tsv Different region types can be defined as well if needed (specified by the name in the first column). Currently supported are
    • cov-2
    • spike-glycoprotein
    • target-region
    • primer-region

For a new region type, several target ranges (specified by their start and end position) can be specified.

If you define a new region type, you have to modify the the Python script to take new entry types into considerations.


  1. data\
  2. data\Wuhan-Hu-1_2019_potential_target_regions.tsv

2. Design probes [R]

We use Oligostan for probe-design.

See also the provided document workflows\probe_design\Oligostan_documentation.doc for more details.

IMPORTANT: in the probe design script you have to update the path to the fasta sequence (line 8).

  • Runs in R as a script, which designs probes against the fasta sequences created in step 1.
  • Requires installation of some extra packages: install.packages(c("ade4", "seqinr", "zoo"))
  • Takes fasta files as an input.
    • Multi-fasta is supported.
    • File-names, sequence ids or description can NOT contain underscores
    • When specifying path names under Windows, \ has to be replaced by /


Function: probe_design\oligostan.r


  1. data\
  2. data\Wuhan-Hu-1_2019_potential_target_regions.tsv

Output: Will create a folder data\fasta\Probes__annotation-name, where region-name is the name of the regions given in step 1, e.g. cov-2 when the annotated region was the default region covering the entire genome.

Contains a fasta file and a summary text file for all probes identified (ALL), and the probes passing the specified filters (FILT).

3. Blast sequences: LOCAL databases

Perform local blast against several reference genomes. Results are stored as blast hit files with output format 6.

Blast is performed with the option blastn-short, which is specifically optimized for shorter sequences (<50 bases). This changes the following parameters

  • word-size: 2
  • gapopen: 5
  • gapextend: 2
  • reward: 1
  • penalty: -3

IMPORTANT: you have to build the databases on your local installation (see below).

Local blast install

You can download the blast+ suite from this link. Instructions for different operating systems are provided.

Important: blast commands have to be in system path as described here.

  • Local databases can be build for alignment against any fasta sequence.

Build local database from downloaded fasta sequences

FASTA files for different viruses/pathogens/beta-coronaviruses are provided. blast data-base has to be build for each new local installation.

Build commands are listed in data\genomes\

The general command is makeblastdb -in beta-corona.fasta -dbtype nucl -title beta-corona -max_file_sz 500000 -parse_seqids

  • The -parse_seqids option is required to keep the original sequence identifiers.
  • The -max_file_sz option helps to avoid an error under windows?

Has to be performed for each of the genomes where a blast is desired.

Build can provoke error messages under Windows. See below.

Local blast: Out of memory error: windows

This can create an error on windows. This can be resolved by by setting an environmental variable BLASTDB_LMDB_MAP_SIZE=1000000

Steps to create or modify environment variables are summarized below:

  1. Search for "Environment Variables" and Select "Edit environmental ...".
  2. Click the "New" button under the "User variable for ..." panel
  3. Type the environment variable BLASTDB_LMDB_MAP_SIZE and set its value to 1000000
  4. Click "OK" to close the prompts


Function: probe_design\


  1. Fasta files with probe sequences: data\fasta\Probes__cov-2\Probes__cov-2_ALL.fasta
  2. Local blastn databases: data\genomes\


  1. Blast hit files for each data-basesstored in \data\fasta\Probes__cov-2\blast\local

4.Blast sequence against human transcriptome

  1. Blast website
  2. Enter query sequence: Upload file with probe sequences**: data\fasta\Probes__cov-2\Probes__cov-2_ALL.fasta
  3. Choose Search Set:
    1. Database: Standard databases (nr etc.)
    2. Organism: add taxid of host organism
  4. Program Selection: Somewhat similar sequences
  5. Perform Blast.
  6. Download results as hit file (csv). We performed blast against

5. Combine blast results

Results of all blast searches are combined, and a summary files with details of probe design and the blast results created.

The file data\blast_identifiers.json permits to specify an identifier for a blast search. If absent, the file-name will be used.


Function: probe_design\


  1. Fasta files from local search.
  2. Fasta files from web search.


  1. csv file with all information of probes.
  2. Some plots showing mismatch distribution.

6. NGS coverage of probes

We calculate for each probe the NGS coverage (summarized with the script (workflows\probe_design\


Function: workflows\probe_design\


  1. csv file with all information of probes and blast results.


  1. csv file with all information of probes, blast results, and probe coverage
  2. Plots showing coverage of each probe.

7. Query probes

Results are provided as a csv file combining all information about probe design, blast analysis, and probe coverage.

Probes are queried for

  • GC content
  • Passing sequence filters
  • Highest NGS coverage
  • Maximum overlap with different cov-2 genomes
  • Minimum overlap with other beta-corona viruses, other viruses/pathogens causing similar symptomes.


Function: probe_design\


  1. Summary csv file.


  1. Fasta file with queried sequence.
  2. Plot with distribution of probes along sequence.

Additional information



Installed under C:\Program Files\NCBI\blast-2.10.0+

Path was automatically update with bin directory: C:\Program Files\NCBI\blast-2.10.0+\bin

BLASTn output format 6

Obtained when downloading blastn internet searches as a hit table. BLASTn tabular output format 6.

  • qseqid: query (e.g., unknown gene) sequence id
  • sseqid: subject (e.g., reference genome) sequence id
  • pident: percentage of identical matches
  • length: alignment length (sequence overlap)
  • mismatch: number of mismatches
  • gapopen: number of gap openings
  • qstart: start of alignment in query
  • qend: end of alignment in query
  • sstart: start of alignment in subject
  • send: end of alignment in subject
  • evalue: expect value
  • bitscore: bit score

Note: additional fields could be added. From blastn -help:

qseq stands for aligned part of query sequence sseq stands for aligned part of subject sequence

Note that qseq/sseq may contain gaps (- characters).