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- Refactor of the 'Molecular Entity' and 'Chemical Substance' classes and hierarchy.
- 'Genomic Entity' is now a 'mixin' rather than a class.
- 'Chemical Substance' class is deprecated in favor of 'Small Molecule' (child of 'Molecular Entity').
- New classes: 'Chemical Entity', 'Chemical Mixture', 'Complex Chemical Mixture', 'Small Molecule Entity', 'Polypeptide', 'Nucleic Acid Entity'.
- 'Gene' now is a child of 'Nucleic Acid Entity'.
- 'Nucleic Acid Entity' now groups DNA, RNA, etc.
- 'Protein' is a child of 'Polypeptide'.
- 'Carbohydrate', 'FoodComponent', and 'Metabolite' are deprecated.
- New classes: 'Information Resource'
- New association slots (edge properties): 'knowledge source', 'primary knowledge source', 'original knowledge source', 'aggregator knowledge source', 'supporting data source'
- New association classes: ‘Reaction To Participant Association’, ‘Reaction To Catalyst Association’.
- New predicates (and inverses): 'catalyzes', 'has substrate', 'consumes'.
- EC numbers help define the 'Molecular Activity' class.
- added inverses for the majority of biolink predicates.
- primary direction of predicate tagged with 'biolink:canonical_predicate'.
- assciation_id, edge label, association type, disease or phenotypic feature association to location association.