Simulated Annealing (SA) is a powerful, but slow, optimization method. In the Nature Paper, the Simulated Annealing is used as one of the baselines. We implement the Simulated Annealing approach based on the descriptions in the Nature Paper.
The implementation details of Simulated Annealing is presented as following.
"All the macros are placed onto the centers of the grid cells."
Initialization of macro placements : we implement two simple packing methods to generate initial macro placements for SA.
Basic description of SA process : In each SA iteration(step), we perform
$2N$ macro actions (where$N$ is the number of macros). A macro action takes one of the five forms: swap, shift, mirror, move and shuffle. By default, we apply a uniform probability over the five move types, meaning that at each move, there is a 1/5 chance of swapping, a 1/5 chance of shifting, a 1/5 chance of flipping, a 1/5 chance of moving and a 1/5 chance of shuffling. Users can change this by updating the "action_probs" in the config.json.- Swap selects two macros at random and swaps their locations, if feasible. [code]
- Shift selects a macro at random and shifts that macro to a neighboring location (left, right, up or down). [code]
- Mirror flips a macro at random across the x axis, across the y axis, or across both the x and y axes. [code]
- Move allows a macro to be placed at any legal location. This action is not in the original action set used by the Nature Paper. [code]
- Shuffle permutes 4 macros at a time. This action is not in the original action set used by the Nature Paper. [code]
"For each macro action, the new state is accepted if it leads to a lower cost. Otherwise, the new state is accepted with a probability of
$exp[(prev_{cost} - new_{cost})/t]$ , where$t = t_{max}exp(log[(t_{max}/t_{min})(step / steps)])$ . Here$pre_{cost}$ refers to the cost at the previous iteration;$new_{cost}$ refers to the cost at the current iteration;$t$ is the temperature, which controls the willingness of the algorithm to accept local degradations in performance, allowing for exploration; and$t_{max}$ and$t_{min}$ coorespond to the maximum and mininum allowable temperature, respectively." [code]After
$2N$ macro actions, we use the circuit training's FD placer to place clusters of standard cells while keeping macro locations fixed. -
The cost is defined as following:
$cost = w_{wirelength} \times cost_{wirelength} + w_{density} \times cost_{density} + w_{congestion} \times cost_{congestion}$
In our experiments,
$w_{wirelength} = 1.0$ ,$w_{density} = 0.5$ and$w_{congestion} = 0.5$ . The detailed explanation for the cost function is available here. In our implementation, we use the circuit training's API to calculate the cost. -
Basic runtime metrics
- macro action + cost calculation : 0.006 second per time
- FD placer : 0.74 second per time
We enable multi-threading feature to run massive SA runs. Multiple SA runs can be launched in parallel. But there is no communication between different SA runs. [code]
We implement the Simulated Annealing based on the APIs of Circuit Training. Please install Circuit Training before you run our scripts. You also need to update your Circuit Training directory in the scripts. You can also change the default configurations by updating the config.json. The config.json has following parameters:
- netlist : the protocol buffer netlist
- plc_file : the locations for plc objects
- action_probs : the probablity of each action, following the order of swap, shift, mirror, move and shuffle
num_actions(xn) : the number of macro actions [
$\times N$ ] in each SA iteration(step) -
max_temperature :
$t_{max}$ -
num_iters :
$steps$ . [see$t = t_{max}exp(log[(t_{max}/t_{min})(step / steps)])$ ] - seed : random seed
- num_cores : number of cores used
- spiral_flag : use Spiral placement for initial macro placement if spiral_flag = true; otherwise, use Greedy packer for initial macro placement
After setting the config.json, the scripts can be run with following command:
We have tested our codes with the ariane133 (NanGate45, utilization = 0.68, clock_period = 1.3ns). Our configuration is as following:
- action_probs : [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
- num_actions(xn) : 2
- max_temperature : 5e-5
- num_iters : 20000
- seed : 1
- num_cores : 8
- spiral_flag : [False, True]
The cost curves are shown below. We can see that Spiral placement is better than Greedy packer.
Figure 1. Cost curves of Simulated Annealing. The black and red curves respectively represent the results from spiral placement and greedy packer.
The processes of Simulated Annealing are shown below. The left figure represents the result from spiral placement and the right figure represents the result from greedy packer.
Figure 2. The processes of Simulated Annealing. The left figure represents the result from spiral placement and the right figure represents the result from greedy packer.