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Felipe Musse edited this page Mar 29, 2015 · 17 revisions

Inertial Measurement Unit

Tricot Malin features a inertial measurement unit (IMU) in each arm in order to detect the wearer's gestures and movements. The chosen component for the project is a breakout board sold by Sparkfun featuring the LSM9DS0 integrated circuit made by ST, which is a 9 degrees of freedom (DoF) IMU in a single chip.

LSM9DS0 Breakout Board

LSM9DS0 IMU breakout board

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While the IMUs which would be integrated in the final product hadn't arrived, a breakout board made by OpenJumper containing the MPU-6050 IMU was used to study how an IMU works and to think about how is it possible to detect a person's movements from the data it provides.


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