- Date: Feb 2nd 2021
- Type: Deprecation of options as first arguemnt to latestBlock
For JS-SDK versions 0.0.44 and below, getting the latest block looked like this:
let options = {...}
await sdk.latestBlock(options)
Getting the latest block now works slightly differently. If you wish to get the latest block, you must now pass in arguments like such:
let options = {...}
let isSealed = false
await sdk.latestBlock(isSealed, options)
The first argument to latestBlock
must be a boolean specifying if the latest block must be sealed or not, followed by send options
as the second argument.
We reccomend migrating your code to the new format as soon as you can. In future versions of the JS-SDK, latestBlock
cease to accept options as the first argument.
- Date: Feb 2nd 2021
- Type: Deprecation of getLatestBlock Builder
For JS-SDK versions 0.0.44 and below, getting the latest block looked like this:
await sdk.send(sdk.build([
Getting the latest block now works slightly differently. If you wish to get the latest block, you must now use the
builder like such:
let isSealed = false
await sdk.send(sdk.build([
You can optionally specify if you require the latest block to be sealed or not by passing in an isSealed boolean as the first
arguement to the getBlock
We reccomend migrating your code to the new format as soon as you can. In future versions of the JS-SDK, the getLatestBlock
may cease to exist.
- Date: Feb 2nd 2021
- Type: Deprecation of getEvents Builder
For JS-SDK versions 0.0.44 and below, getting events in a block height range looked something like this:
await sdk.send(sdk.build([
sdk.getEvents("MyEvent", 123, 456)
Getting events now works slightly differently. If you wish to get events in a block height range, you must now use the
builder like such:
await sdk.send(sdk.build([
sdk.getEventsAtBlockHeightRange("MyEvent", 123, 456)
If you wish to get events in a selection of blocks specified by block ids, you can now use the getEventsAtBlockIds
like such:
await sdk.send(sdk.build([
sdk.getEventsAtBlockIds("MyEvent", [
We reccomend migrating your code to the new format as soon as you can. In future versions of the JS-SDK, the getEvents
may cease to exist.
- Date: Feb 2nd 2021
- Type: Deprecation of getBlockById Builder
For JS-SDK versions 0.0.44 and below, getting a block at a specific block id looked something like this:
await sdk.send(sdk.build([
Moving forward, getting a block by a specific block id will work by specifying that you want to get a block, and then the block id of the block you wish to get like such:
await sdk.send(sdk.build([
We reccomend migrating your code to the new format as soon as you can. In future versions of the JS-SDK, the getBlockById
may cease to exist.
- Date: Feb 2nd 2021
- Type: Deprecation of getBlockByHeight Builder
For JS-SDK versions 0.0.44 and below, getting a block at a specific block height looked something like this:
await sdk.send(sdk.build([
Moving forward, getting a block by a specific block height will work by specifying that you want to get a block, and then the block height of the block you wish to get like such:
await sdk.send(sdk.build([
We reccomend migrating your code to the new format as soon as you can. In future versions of the JS-SDK, the getBlockByHeight
may cease to exist.
- Date: Sept 29th 2020
- Issue: #177
- Type: Deprecation of resolveParams Resolver
At the time of writing this if you are writing script and transaction interactions and building up your resolvers yourself you will likely have a piece of code that looks something like this.
import * as sdk from "@onflow/sdk"
sdk.resolve(ix, [
We are introducing a more generic resolver that covers core cadence concepts: @onflow/sdk-resolve-cadence
The above code using sdk.resolveParams
will still work for now as a proxy to @onflow/sdk-resolve-cadence
(with deprecation notice), but we can't promise it will stay around for ever in the future.
Instead we would recommend that you use the following in its place:
import * as sdk from "@onflow/sdk"
import {resolveCadence} from "@onflow/sdk-resolve-cadence"
sdk.resolve(ix, [
As part of our ongoing effort to break the sdk down into smaller and smaller pieces, at this time we are not considering adding in an sdk.resolveCadence
- Date: July 22nd 2020
- Issue: #177
- Type: Deprecation of Certain Functionality
A common way of getting values from our javascript into our cadence code has been like this:
import * as fcl from "@onflow/fcl"
import * as t from "@onflow/types"
const doTheThing = async (a, b, msg) => {
const response = await fcl.send([
pub fun main(): Int {
log("${p => p.msg}")
return ${p => p.a} + ${p => p.b}
fcl.param(5, t.Identity, "a"),
fcl.param(6, t.Identity, "b"),
fcl.param("hmm", t.Identity, "msg"),
return fcl.decode(response)
Where a
and b
are integers in the users control, and msg
is a string in the applications control.
We have a couple issues with this, which are better listed out (here)[onflow#177], which is leading us to modify a couple parts of this functionality.
With the addition of Arguments
in the Cadence code we would prefer the above to be written like this:
import * as fcl from "@onflow/fcl"
import * as t from "@onflow/types"
const doTheThing = async (a, b, msg) => {
const response = await fcl.send([
pub fun main(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a + b
fcl.args([fcl.arg(5, t.Int), fcl.arg(6, t.Int)]),
return fcl.decode(response)
Once again, where a
and b
are values the user controls, and msg
is a value that the application controls.
Arguments also work with transactions
You might have something like this before:
const doTheThing = async (m1, m2, m3) => {
const response = await fcl.send([
transaction {
execute {
log("${p => p.m1}")
log("${p => p.m2}")
log("${p => p.m3}")
fcl.param(m1, t.Identity, "m1"),
fcl.param(m2, t.Identity, "m2"),
fcl.param(m3, t.Identity, "m3"),
// ...payer/authorizations/proposer
With arguments you can do it like this:
const doTheThing = async (m1, m2, m3) => {
const response = await fcl.send([
transaction(m1: String, m2: String, m3: String) {
execute {
fcl.arg(m1, t.String),
fcl.arg(m2, t.String),
fcl.arg(m3, t.String),
// ...payer/authorizations/proposer
Some things to be aware of:
Import addresses have to be done as standard interopolation.
import * as fcl from "@onflow/fcl"
import * as t from "@onflow/types"
const doTheThing = async barId => {
const response = await fcl.send([
import Foo from ${CONTRACT_ADDRESS}
pub fun main(id: UFix64): Foo.Bar {
return Foo.getBarWithId(id: id)
fcl.args([fcl.arg(barId, t.UFix64)]),
return fcl.decode(response)