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Programming Patterns in Iridis Alpha

Assembly requires the programmer to specify every task in detail. Over the course of his time programming the Vic 20 and C64 Minter developed a number of patterns for common tasks. Here I try to cover as many of them as I can. I hope that discussing these patterns will also make it easy for an Assembly-newbie to start reading and understanding the code themselves.

Writing to the Screen

Clearing the screen

The C64 screen consists of 1000 bytes (40 columns by 25 rows) at address $0400-$07E7. A common requirement is to completely clear the screen. You achieve this by populating it with spaces ($20). The loop below appears in most Minter games when the screen needs to be cleared:

        ;Clear screen
        LDX #$00
        LDA #$20 ; The space character
b4129   STA SCREEN_RAM,X ; SCREEN_RAM = $0400
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $0100,X
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $0200,X
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $02F8,X
        BNE b4129 ; Loop until X = 0

Note that the technique here is to start X at 00 and keep looping until decrementing X reaches 00 again. This makes the loop 256 iterations long, covering each of the 4 256-byte segments of the screen RAM.

Drawing characters and colors on the screen

How do we draw characters (and add color to them). Let's take the stripes behind the title name in the title screen of Iridis Alpha. There are seven of them forming a rainbow effect.


Here's the routine that draws the colorful stripes behind the title in the title screen. The character being drawn to each position in the screen is $00. If we look up the character set in charset.asm we see that it is 4 horizontal stripes. The routine repeats this character across 7 lines. In addition it assigns a color to each line by writing the approprite value in the corresponding position of the C64's color ram ($D800 - $D8E7). The color values are also given below.

        .BYTE $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF   ;.BYTE $FF,$00,$FF,$00,$00,$FF,$00,$FF
                                                ; CHARACTER $00
                                                ; 11111111   ********
                                                ; 00000000           
                                                ; 11111111   ********
                                                ; 00000000           
                                                ; 00000000           
                                                ; 11111111   ********
                                                ; 00000000           
                                                ; 11111111   ********
BLACK    = $00
WHITE    = $01
RED      = $02
CYAN     = $03
PURPLE   = $04
BLUE     = $06
YELLOW   = $07

; DrawStripesBehindTitle
        LDX #$28
b0A78   LDA #$02
        STA COLOR_RAM + $0077,X
        LDA #$08
        STA COLOR_RAM + $009F,X
        LDA #$07
        STA COLOR_RAM + $00C7,X
        LDA #$05
        STA COLOR_RAM + $00EF,X
        LDA #$0E
        STA COLOR_RAM + $0117,X
        LDA #$04
        STA COLOR_RAM + $013F,X
        LDA #$06
        STA COLOR_RAM + $0167,X
        LDA #$00; Stripe character
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $0077,X
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $009F,X
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $00C7,X
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $00EF,X
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $0117,X
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $013F,X
        STA SCREEN_RAM + $0167,X
        BNE b0A78


Defining Character Sets

This might inspire the question: how do you define a character set? The first step is to define the characters themselves and assign them to location in memory. The most common location to do this is from $2000 onwards. If you look in charset.asm you'll see that is indeed where Iridis Alpha's character set lives. Each character uses an 8 byte long definition. This is what the character set definition for 'A' looks like:

        .BYTE $C6,$C6   ;.BYTE $3C,$66,$C6,$DE,$C6,$C6,$C6,$C6
                                                ; CHARACTER $01
                                                ; 00111100     ****  
                                                ; 01100110    **  ** 
                                                ; 11000110   **   ** 
                                                ; 11011110   ** **** 
                                                ; 11000110   **   ** 
                                                ; 11000110   **   ** 
                                                ; 11000110   **   ** 
                                                ; 11000110   **   ** 

The way we tell the C64 that this is where the character set definitions are located is by storing a value in $D018. The value '8' in $18 below achieves this:

        LDA #$18
        STA $D018    ;VIC Memory Control Register

The following section int the C64 Programmer's Reference Manual explains how this works:

    The location of character memory is controlled by 3 bits of the VIC-II
  control register located at 53272 ($D018 in HEX notation). Bits 3,2, and
  1 control where the characters' set is located in 2K blocks. Bit 0 is ig-
  nored. Remember that this is the same register that determines where
  screen memory is located so avoid disturbing the screen memory bits. To
  change the location of character memory, the following BASIC statement
  can be used:

    POKE 53272,(PEEK(53272)AND240)OR A

  Where A is one of the following values:
  |VALUE|          |            LOCATION OF CHARACTER MEMORY*             |
  | of A|   BITS   +-------+----------------------------------------------+
  |     |          |DECIMAL|         HEX                                  |
  |   0 | XXXX000X |     0 | $0000-$07FF                                  |
  |   2 | XXXX001X |  2048 | $0800-$0FFF                                  |
  |   4 | XXXX010X |  4096 | $1000-$17FF ROM IMAGE in BANK 0 & 2 (default)|
  |   6 | XXXX011X |  6144 | $1800-$1FFF ROM IMAGE in BANK 0 & 2          |
  |   8 | XXXX100X |  8192 | $2000-$27FF                                  |
  |  10 | XXXX101X | 10240 | $2800-$2FFF                                  |
  |  12 | XXXX110X | 12288 | $3000-$37FF                                  |
  |  14 | XXXX111X | 14336 | $3800-$3FFF                                  |
  | * Remember to add in the BANK address.                                |

Using Line Pointers to Specify X and Y Positions on the Screen

This is a technique Minter uses a lot, and it's both simple and effective. The idea is to define an array with each member pointing to the first column of each line on the screen. The first member of the array points to the start of the first line, the second to the start of the second line, and so on. Now, equipped with an X and Y position on the screen that you want to write a character to, you pick the Yth member of the array, and write to the Xth position after the area in memory that the member refers to.

Below is an example from madeinfrance.asm that shows how the array is initialized. As you may quickly observe the 'array' is in fact two arrays. This is because our array is a list of pointers to positions in memory, and all such pointers are two bytes long, e.g. $0400, $510 etc. So in order to store a list of memory pointers we in fact create two equally sized arrays and store the 'low byte' of the pointer in the first one and the 'high byte' in the second one. In the case of address $0400 this means storing '$00' in the first slot of the 'low byte' array and '$40' in the first slot of the 'high byte' array. This is what the routine below does. It uses the memory beginning at $0340 for storing the low bytes, and the memory beginning at $0360 for storing the high bytes. It increments each iteration in the loop by $28, which is the 40-byte length of each line. It exits the loop once it has copied $1A (i.e. 25) lines.

pointerLo = $02
pointerHi = $03
screenLinePtrLo = $0340
screenLinePtrHi = $0360
SCREEN_RAM      = $0400

; Init_ScreenPointerArray
        LDA #>SCREEN_RAM
        STA pointerHi
        LDA #<SCREEN_RAM
        STA pointerLo
        LDX #$00
b4109   LDA pointerLo
        STA screenLinePtrLo,X
        LDA pointerHi
        STA screenLinePtrHi,X
        LDA pointerLo
        ADC #$28
        STA pointerLo
        LDA pointerHi
        ADC #$00
        STA pointerHi
        CPX #$1A
        BNE b4109

When the loop is done, screenLinePtrLo and screenLinePtrHi look something like this:

screenLinePtrLo: $00,$28,$80,...
screenLinePtrHi: $40,$40,$40,...

So armed with this pair of arrays, if I want to write to the 5th position on the 2nd line I take the second entry in each of the screenLinePtrLo/Hi arrays. These are $28 and $40, which combine to give $4028. I now write to the 5th position after $4028, which is $402C.

The mechanics of how this is done in practice (from madeinfrance.asm below) requires us to introduce another concept in the C64 and that is the way these two-byte pointers are actually used. When you look at the code below you'll notice that we retrieve the value for the line we're interested in from each array and store the low byte in a variable pointerLo and the high byte in pointerHi. But when we go to actually 'perform the write' we only reference the pointerLo variable.

; MIF_PutCharAtCurrPosInAccumulator
        LDX mifCurrentYPos
        LDY mifCurrentXPos
        LDA screenLinePtrLo,X
        STA pointerLo
        LDA screenLinePtrHi,X
        STA pointerHi
        LDA (pointerLo),Y

; MIF_DrawCurrentCharAtCurrentPos
        JSR MIF_PutCharAtCurrPosInAccumulator
        LDA mifCurrentChar
        STA (pointerLo),Y ; This is where we're performing the write.
        LDA pointerHi

        ; Move to Hi ptr to Color Ram so we can paint the
        ; character's color
        ADC #$D4
        STA pointerHi
        LDA mifCurrentCharColor
        STA (pointerLo),Y
        STA pointerHi
f4174   RTS 

The reason we do this is because of two things:

  • pointerLo and pointerHi are in adjacent positions in memory. This is important as will become clear. pointerLo is at position $0003 and pointerHi is as position $0004.
  • The C64 is little endian. This means that when it looks at a position in memory, retrieves two bytes from that position (for example $00 at position $0003 and $04 at position $0004), and is asked to treat that two bytes as an address it reads the result as $0400, instead of $0004. In other words it switches the bytes around from the order that they appear in: treating the first byte as the 'low byte' in the address, and the second byte as the 'high byte'.

So when we pull out two entries from our screenLinePtrLo and screenLinePtrHi arrays and store them in pointerLo and pointerHi respectively, we are actually setting up the two bytes stored beginning at pointerLo as the address in screen ram that we want to write to (e.g. $0400). This is because we have stored $00 in pointerLo (which is at address $0003) and $04 in pointerHi (which is at address $0004).

When we load a value to the Accumulator (A) (e.g. $20) and want to store it at position $0400, this is what we would do:

        LDA screenLinePtrLo
        STA pointerLo
        LDA screenLinePtrHi
        STA pointerHi
        LDA $20
        STA (pointerLo)

In the STA (pointerLo) instruction the C64 resolves the address to store at by looking at the content of pointerLo ($0003) which is $00, and then the content from the byte after it (pointerHi ($0004)) which is $04, combining them in a little-endian mode to $0400 and then writing the value of A ($20) to address $0400, i.e. the first column of the first line on the screen.

Using Pointer Tables

Pointer Tables for Writing Structured Data

An extension of this technique using arrays of pointers can be found in the construction of the high score table display. Since the scores are at various positions in the screen we can create an array of positions on the screen for writing each of the high scores to.

hiScoreTableCursorPosLoPtr .BYTE $A1,$C9,$F1,$19,$41,$69,$91,$B9
                           .BYTE $E1,$09,$B5,$DD,$05,$2D,$55,$7D
                           .BYTE $A5,$CD,$F5,$1D
hiScoreTableCursorPosHiPtr .BYTE $04,$04,$04,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05
                           .BYTE $05,$06,$04,$04,$05,$05,$05,$05
                           .BYTE $05,$05,$05,$06

Note that there's an entry in the table for each of the twenty high scores. Each combination (e.g. $04A1, $04C9, etc.) refers to the position on the screen for the corresponding high score:


In the snippet below we have established the position in the high score table that the current player has achieved and have stored it in currentEntryInHiScoreTable. We use this as an index into the hiScoreTableCursorPosLoPtr and hiScoreTableCursorPosHiPtr arrays and then write the 'camel' character to the corresponding position on screen:

        LDX currentEntryInHiScoreTable
        LDA hiScoreTableCursorPosLoPtr,X
        STA tempLoPtr
        LDA hiScoreTableCursorPosHiPtr,X
        STA tempHiPtr
        LDY #$10
        LDA #$25 ; The camel character
        STA (tempLoPtr),Y

Using Pointer Arrays to Jump to Subroutines

If we can use pointer arrays for referencing positions in memory for data, there's no reason why we can't also use them to store the addresses of subroutines or functions. This is how Iridis Alpha draws random structures on the surface of the game's planets. In DrawRandomlyChosenStructure we use a random number between 1 and 4 to choose one of 4 routines stored in the structureSubRoutineArrayLoPtr/structureSubRoutineArrayHiPtr arrays:

; DrawRandomlyChosenStructure
        ; Pick a random positio to draw the structure
        JSR StoreRandomPositionInPlanetInPlanetPtr
        ;Pick a random number between 1 and 4
        JSR PutRandomByteInAccumulatorRegister
        AND #$03

        ; Run the randomly chose subroutine, one of:
        ; $7486, $74B1, $74CB, $74E5 to draw a structure
        ; on the planet surface
        LDA structureSubRoutineArrayHiPtr,X
        STA structureRoutineHiPtr
        LDA structureSubRoutineArrayLoPtr,X
        STA structureRoutineLoPtr
        JMP (randomStructureRoutineAddress)

;Jump table
structureSubRoutineArrayHiPtr   .BYTE $74,$74,$74,$74
structureSubRoutineArrayLoPtr   .BYTE $86,$B1,$CB,$E5

Once the item in the array is selected JMP (randomStructureRoutineAddress) branches execution to the randomly selected routine. For example DrawMediumStructure at $74B1:

; DrawMediumStructure ($74B1) 
        LDX #$00

        LDA mediumStructureData,X
        CMP #$FF
        BNE b74C0
        JSR SwitchToNextLayerInPlanet
        JMP j74B3

b74C0   CMP #$FE
        BEQ b74B0 ; Return
        STA (planetPtrLo),Y
        JMP j74B3

An example of a 'medium' structure drawn by the above routine:


For more on the way the planet data is generated, check the README in the src directory.

The same 'jump' technique is used to manage launching the subgames in Batalyx.

; LaunchSubGame
        LDA #$00
        STA currentRasterArrayIndex
        JSR UpdateRasterPosition
        LDX selectedSubGame
        LDA subGameJumpMapLoPtr,X
        STA a449E
        LDA subGameJumpMapHiPtr,X
        STA a449F
        JSR UpdateGameIconsPanel
        JMP (a449E)

; $AB00 - LaunchHallucinOBomblets
; $6000 - LaunchAMCII
; $4288 - LaunchIridisBase
; $0810 - LaunchCippyOnTheRun
; $A000 - LaunchSyncro
; $7800 - LaunchPsychedelia
subGameJumpMapLoPtr   .BYTE $00,$00,$88,$10,$00,$00
subGameJumpMapHiPtr   .BYTE $AB,$60,$42,$08,$A0,$78

Early Returns

Mutating Memory

A Technique for Getting 'Random' Numbers

Given the space constraints and the bare-metal execution model of assembly programming in the C64 it's very common to mutate memory in-place to achieve a desired effect. What this means in practice is updating a position in RAM so that the next time the surrounding code is executed the updated value is used instead of the value it replaced.

A simple example is the technique Minter used (which was presumably common) to get a pseudo-random number. In this little routine we load whatever is in the memory pointed to by label currentMemoryPointer. In this instance, currentMemoryPointer starts out point at $9A00. So when the routine is first run it will load whatever is in $9A00 into the accumulator(A) and return it. The calling function can now treat the content of A as a random number. The trick the function uses to ensure that it returns a different random number the next time it is called is to increment the location pointed to by currentMemoryPointer by 1 byte from $9A00 to $9A01. It does this by directly manipulating that location in memory, in this case by calling INC addressOfCurrentMemoryPointer. The variable addressOfCurrentMemoryPointer points to the 00 in the instruction LDA $9A00'. Incrementing 'addressOfCurrentMemoryPointer' by 1 changes the instruction from LDA $9A00' to `LDA $9A01'.

; PutRandomByteInAccumulator
addressOfCurrentMemoryPointer =*+$01

        LDA currentMemoryPointer
        INC addressOfCurrentMemoryPointer

(Strictly speaking it changes the instruction from LDA $009A to LDA $019A, because as you may remember byte pairs are little-endian in the C64, so the 'second' byte appears before the 'first byte'. The address $9A00 is stored in the order $009A in memory. This is also why the definition of addressOfCurrentMemoryPointer is "+$01" rather than "=+$02": it tells the compiler to skip ahead 1 byte rather than two to point to the location of currentMemoryPointer'. LDA`, like all instructions in 6502 assembly is only one byte long.)

So with all that in mind, you can see that this little function is treating the bytes from $9A00 onwards as good as random. Every time you call the function it will give you another 'new' random byte, and move its pointer to the next position in memory after $9A00 ready for the next caller.

Handling Keyboard Input

The easiest way of reading keyboard input is to check the byte in memory location $00C5. This stores the value of the most recently pressed key on the keyboard. This table is a useful reference providing a mapping from key pressed to the value stored in $00C5.

The keyboard input routine in the dna.asm pause mode 'game' is representative of how Minter typically codes for this sort of thing. When DNA is running the user can manipulate a helix of large blinking eyeballs (!) by tuning the speed, frequency and 'phase' of the helix:

The routine that processes this user input I've called DNA_CheckKeyBoardInput and it is called periodically in DNA during a 'raster interrupt' that runs dozens of times every second. (We'll cover 'interrupts' in more detail later.)

Since assembly doesn't contain if or switch statements the challenge here is to find a pattern that delivers both 'early returns' (i.e. exiting the function as early as possible) and the ability to check a wide variety of possible conditions. The least possible work the routine can do to is establish that no key has been pressed and exit immediately. Since the value $40 in $C005 tells us that no key has been pressed, this can be used to bail early if there's no keyboard input to process.

There's a problem though: we only want to act on changes to lastKeyPressed (the name we'll give to $C005). So we need to be able to detect when it has changed rather than acting on the last keypress repeatedly. Even if the user presses the key only for a second, this routine will be called dozens of times with the value for that key and it only wants to act on the keypress once: not dozens of times.

Minter solves this by making the keyboard input routine slightly inefficient. The routine will only act on a key the first time it sees it in $00C5. This means noticing when the content has changed from $40 to something else. The way Minter does this here is to check the current key press when the previous one was $40 (i.e. no key pressed), otherwise return early:

; DNA_CheckKeyBoardInput
        LDA dnaLastRecordedKey
        CMP #$40 ; No key pressed
        BEQ b1018

        ; No key was pressed. Update last recorded key and return.
        LDA lastKeyPressed
        STA dnaLastRecordedKey

b1018   LDA lastKeyPressed
        STA dnaLastRecordedKey
        CMP #$0C ; 'Z'
        BNE b1027
        ; Z pressed: decrease wave frequency.
        DEC dnaWave1Frequency
        JMP DNA_DrawStuff
        ; Returns

This has the inefficient result of checking against every possible valid keypress (i.e. Z,X,A etc.) nearly every time the routine is called. This could have been avoided with another check as follows:

b1018   LDA lastKeyPressed
        STA dnaLastRecordedKey
        CMP #$40 ; Additional check for 'no key pressed'
        BEQ ReturnEarly ; If no key pressed jump to an RTS and return.
        CMP #$0C ; 'Z'
        BNE b1027
        ; Z pressed: decrease wave frequency.
        DEC dnaWave1Frequency
        JMP DNA_DrawStuff
        ; Returns

The pattern in this paragraph is repeated throughout the routine. If the key value isn't the one we're interested in (in this this case $0C (which is 'Z')) then move to the next paragraph, otherwise act on the input and return.

Handling Joystick Input