A ruby gem developed by Jason Ayre of bravenewwebdesign.com (site being rebuilt currently), to make super complicated, ridiculous, time consuming things in Magento, e.g. creating a new extension, easy.
gem install saruman
Creating a new extension should be working. To do so, MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN THE ROOT DIRECTORY (containing app folder) of your magento installation and call
saruman extension
The wizard should take you through the rest of it. I would recommend adding an observer, choose event #145 (checkout_cart_update), and then after it's finished, add an item to your cart and watch the system log, to verify everything is working correctly (well not EVERYTHING, just the observer and general installation of the extension really)
If you created a model, check your db for the new tables, along with the extension version in core_resource table
However the phrase goes, its a lot of words, so here is an example of what my terminal looks like after creating a new extension via saruman, along with tailing the magento system log in bottom portion of terminal screen. Oh and I didnt see my itunes open in back when I took screenshot, and too lazy to take a new one, so I would like to state for the record that I have no idea how Katy Perry got into my itunes library, though I suspect it was the work of gremlins, or George W Bush and is part of some 9/11 cover up conspiracy...
saruman extension
Will guide you through the wizard process and help you build an extension. Will let you create a controller, views for your controller, observer, model, helper for your new extension along with an installer.
saruman model
Will let you create any number of models for the specified magento extension. You must type the fields using same syntax rails uses. e.x.
title:string content:text active:boolean
When creating models, it is assumed that you will be creating a new version of the extension. Therefore, a upgrade file is created with the SQL for all of your new models, along with the appropriately named new version. NOTE: I couldn't remember whether Magento even allows anything but 0.0.1 (3 digits sep by period) syntax, so things will probably break if that is not the case, and you don't have the 3 digit version syntax on your extension (writing this super fast so dont have time to check.)
saruman controller
Will create a new controller, and allow you to create as many actions as you need for it. You will also be asked whether you would like views created for your controller.
Here is an example of the output you should expect if you create a new controller, with the actions index, show and add, and choose to output views
create app/design/frontend/base/default/template/blog/post/index.phtml
create app/design/frontend/base/default/template/blog/post/show.phtml
create app/design/frontend/base/default/template/blog/post/add.phtml
class BNW_Blog_PostController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
public function indexAction()
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
public function showAction()
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
public function addAction()
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
(added to config global)
(added to config)
saruman observer
Will create a new observer file with an unlimited amount of events you wish to observe. I also parsed a document containing most of the observer events in magento version 1.5ish I believe, so there are about 300 events to choose from, no guarantees that they all work or are up to date. Just type the number of the observer event youd like to observer, rinse and repeat until you are finished (note that it will create all the observer events into one observer.php file so it will overwrite if you have an observer already.)
Controllers, helpers, more stuff. I'll post a screencast of how to use it as well, sometime in near future.