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MarkLogic Plugin

The MarkLogic Telegraf plugin gathers health status metrics from one or more host.


  ## Base URL of the MarkLogic HTTP Server.
  url = "http://localhost:8002"

  ## List of specific hostnames to retrieve information. At least (1) required.
  # hosts = ["hostname1", "hostname2"]

  ## Using HTTP Basic Authentication. Management API requires 'manage-user' role privileges
  # username = "myuser"
  # password = "mypassword"

  ## Optional TLS Config
  # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
  # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  # insecure_skip_verify = false


  • marklogic
    • tags:
      • source (the hostname of the server address, ex. ml1.local)
      • id (the host node unique id ex. 2592913110757471141)
    • fields:
      • online
      • total_load
      • total_rate
      • ncpus
      • ncores
      • total_cpu_stat_user
      • total_cpu_stat_system
      • total_cpu_stat_idle
      • total_cpu_stat_iowait
      • memory_process_size
      • memory_process_rss
      • memory_system_total
      • memory_system_free
      • memory_process_swap_size
      • memory_size
      • host_size
      • log_device_space
      • data_dir_space
      • query_read_bytes
      • query_read_load
      • merge_read_bytes
      • merge_write_load
      • http_server_receive_bytes
      • http_server_send_bytes

Example Output:

$> marklogic,host=localhost,id=2592913110757471141,source=ml1.local total_cpu_stat_iowait=0.0125649003311992,memory_process_swap_size=0i,host_size=380i,data_dir_space=28216i,query_read_load=0i,ncpus=1i,log_device_space=28216i,query_read_bytes=13947332i,merge_write_load=0i,http_server_receive_bytes=225893i,online=true,ncores=4i,total_cpu_stat_user=0.150778993964195,total_cpu_stat_system=0.598927974700928,total_cpu_stat_idle=99.2210006713867,memory_system_total=3947i,memory_system_free=2669i,memory_size=4096i,total_rate=14.7697010040283,http_server_send_bytes=0i,memory_process_size=903i,memory_process_rss=486i,merge_read_load=0i,total_load=0.00502600101754069 1566373000000000000