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(ARM 0) Puppet Armatures


There is currently a gap in the process for developing Puppet that is sometimes critiqued as lack of openness,  frustration over where and how to get ideas heard, and the perception that the redmine issue tracker functions as a dumping ground for fly by feature requests that sit there for years with no, or very little, action or value.

Other open source projects have adopted an enhancement process to deal with such issues, and thus, this is an attempt to define ARM - Puppet Armatures. This proposal is heavily inspired by the Java community's JEP process.

In some cases, ARMs are artifacts of the process leading up to one or several issues/feature requests in the issue tracker. In others, they may be detailed, principled specifications for major innovations.


Puppet Armatures is a process for collecting, reviewing, sorting, and recording the result of proposals for enhancements to Puppet and related ecosystem and processes.

An enhancement is an effort to design and implement a non trivial change, or other types of work worth communicating broadly. An enhancement; hereafter an "ARM" should be drafted for any work that meets one of the following criteria:

  1. It requires more than 2 weeks of engineering construction effort, or
  2. It makes a significant change to something in the Puppet ecosystem, or to the processes and infrastructure by which it is developed, or
  3. It is in high demand by developers or users

In addition, some changes are always considered significant:

  1. Changes to the Puppet Language
  2. Changes in evaluation semantics

The primary goal of the process is to produce an up-to-date list of proposals serving as a long term roadmap for Puppet Projects. The intent is that this roadmap extends well into the future (several years) to allow for sufficient time for the most complex proposals to be researched, defined and implemented.

The process is public; anyone may submit proposals as well as contribute to any of the proposals.

The occurrence of a ARM only means that it is a proposal of record from a technical perspective. There is no guarantee that anyone will work on it, much less that its end result will appear in any release of any project.

It is up to the project leadership to ascertain whether sufficient collaborators have signed up to complete the work of a ARM to consider it to be funded. Non funded, stale or otherwise defunct ARMs are taken off the list.

ARM Process

A successful ARM (and we want them all to be successful!) passes through the following states:

Fig. 1: Armature workflow

  • Draft — In circulation by the idea's champion for initial review and consensus- building; Generally a fork of the ARM repository that has not been merged into the master branch.

  • Posted — Pushed into the ARM repository by the champion for wider review. When an ARM is posted (via a pull request), comments must be requested from the [Puppet Developers]( /puppet-dev) mailing list. Feedback from that forum, and any other means the champion wishes, is incorporated by the champion and other contributors until the ARM is ready for a more formal review.

  • Submitted — Declared by the champion as ready for evaluation by the Armatures governors. A formal review results in an up-or-down decision. If the proposal is accepted, it moves to Candidate status, and is given the major version 1.0. Submissions must be made by sending mail to the Puppet Developers mailing list.

  • Candidate — Accepted for inclusion in iteration planning (costing and scheduling). A ticket is created for the sole purpose of tracking development.

  • Funded — Implementation is costed and staffed. In some cases, Puppet Labs will be responsible for executing on an ARM; in others, community contributors (likely the ARM champions) are responsible for execution, following the normal procedures for [contributing to Puppet] (

  • Completed — Built, tested, packaged, released. Once completed, ARMs are archived and marked as such.

  • Rejected: — The governors hope it doesn't happen, but there may come a point they must reject proposals outright. The proposal will still be in the repository, and champions will be notified exactly why a proposal is rejected. Rejected proposals may be resubmitted after necessary rework. Re- submissions must increment the major version number.

  • Withdrawn: — If the ARM champion does not wish to continue further work, it can be marked as withdrawn. The proposal will contiune to exist, and work may be taken up by a new champion.

ARMs Talks, and ARM Rallies

There should be regular ARMs talks; where proposals for new ARMs are presented, major revisions reviewed and where the ARM process itself is reviewed. These meetings are open to the public. (The collaborators of a particular ARM may naturally hold their own meetings).

ARM rallies should be arranged whenever there is a Puppet conf/camp - this includes communicating the state of ARMs and possibly organizing reviews/feedback on ARMs in the pipeline.

Creating an ARM

The ARM consists of a Git repository where each top level folder is a ARM identified by an ARM number and the name of the ARM. One folder exists for defunct/old ARMs, and one for accepted/implemented and archived ARMs. Defunct ARMs are garbage collected after 12 months of their deprecation. Archived ARMs are kept (but are not updated to keep in sync with the implementation).

To request a new ARM identifier or suggest archiving an old one, submit a Github Issue against the main repository. The governors of the ARM resolve additions by ascertaining the seriousness and likelihood of funding, assign a ARM number and creates a top level folder for the ARM. The seriousness behind an idea does not necessarily mean that it is not a "wacky idea", only that there is serious intent to work on the idea.

The ARM governors create a folder with initial metadata (see below) and a template for the proposal. (See the JEP template as a reference to what it may contain - link at the end of this document).

Contributions to a ARM are done via github pull requests. The ARM is worked on until there is a first acceptable draft. It is then merged to the master ARM repository. At that point the champion should announce the ARM on a thread on the puppet-dev mailing list and reference the thread at in the top-level ARM index and metadata.json. The mailing list thread should be the canonical place for commentary, questions, suggestions and feedback about the ARM. (For the record, we experimented with using a Github-based workflow for collaboration using pull request comments and issues but found that useful commentary got lost when the pull requests were closed; mailing list threads are more permanent.)

We suggest that people working on a larger ARM fork the repository and use the fork (and its issue tracker) as the collaboration point to drive that ARM to the point where it's ready for submission to the upstream repository.

The issue tracker for the master ARM project is used only for the lifecycle of ARMs, not for handling issues/work related to the content of the ARMs.

The master ARM repository is owned/governed by Puppet Labs but commit access should be opened to community members who have demonstrated interest in working on ARMs.

Text Format

Proposals are written using Github Flavored Markdown.

Encoding is always UTF-8.

The templates in ARM-1 should be a starting point, but a minimal beginning point might be simply writing to the section header prompts in the JEP2 document.

Auxiliary Files

The major part of an ARM's content should be plain text, but they may include auxiliary files such as diagrams. Such files should be named arm-[number]-[file_description].[extension].


A proposal always has one root file metadata.json that describes:

  1. arm - (required) self reference, the ARM number
  2. title - (required) Human-readable title for the ARM
  3. champion - (required) Github handle of the primary author
  4. organization - a list of Github handles for contributors to the ARM, or a Github organization name
  5. effort - quantity of work required to fully implement. Resonable values: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL
  6. revision - (required) a sequence number indicating the revision/version of the proposal. Revision uses semver (Major, Minor, Micro, where micro changes means that only typos or formatting have changed). The first version made available for consideration to be implemented should be 1.0. Change in the Major number indicates a new completed version to be considered for implementation. Changes of the Minor number are work in progress revisions up to the next release, mostly of concern to those collaborating on the ARM
  7. requires - a list of ARMs that must be implemented before this ARM can be implemented
  8. project - (required) a URL or list of URLs to the project's homepage (typically a github repository complete with issue tracker); i.e. as simple/complex as required by the size/complexity of the ARM. Further information about the project/work should be found there, like URLs to puppet project branches where exploratory/reference implementions, issue tracking, meetings, schedule, who's who, etc. as dictated by the complexity/size of the project
  9. issues - when the ARM is in the late stages, there will be one or several Puppet Labs tickets tracking implementation work; URLs to these are also included in this file
  10. implementation - when the ARM is in the late stages, there will be one or several Puppet Labs tickets tracking implementation work such as target versions, work assignments, compatibility, and so on. These are also included in this file
  11. discussion - link to the canonical thread discussion the ARM on

Example metadata.json

  "title":"Introduce a new syntax"

The intent of this metadata is to allow automatic publishing of ARMs in an hyperlinked way and with communication of their status.

Keep in mind we may add fields as necessary, for example including status or a particular reviewer's name.


Happy ARM-wrestling, and remember we welcome all feedback on the process.