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iTermWidget embedding will not work. #139

BlueFalconHD opened this issue Jun 20, 2021 · 0 comments

iTermWidget embedding will not work. #139

BlueFalconHD opened this issue Jun 20, 2021 · 0 comments
Bug Something is not working as expected.


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BlueFalconHD commented Jun 20, 2021

I accidentally put iTermWidget. It is actually TermiWidget (by spencer woo on GitHub gists)

2021-06-19 23:11:20: Error on line 125:27: No file to import at Cache.
iTermWidget works fine on its own. I tried to use some different directories, and I also have the Cache folder with Weather Cal.js.

Full Weather Cal.js File:

// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-purple; icon-glyph: calendar;


Welcome to Weather Cal. Run this script to set up your widget.

Add or remove items from the widget in the layout section below.

You can duplicate this script to create multiple widgets. Make sure to change the name of the script each time.

Happy scripting!



// Specify the layout of the widget items.
const layout = `
      text(Hayes Dombroski)

 * Be more careful editing this section. 
 * =====================================

// Names of Weather Cal elements.
const codeFilename = "Weather Cal code"
const gitHubUrl = ""

// Determine if the user is using iCloud.
let files = FileManager.local()
const iCloudInUse = files.isFileStoredIniCloud(module.filename)

// If so, use an iCloud file manager.
files = iCloudInUse ? FileManager.iCloud() : files

// Determine if the Weather Cal code exists and download if needed.
const pathToCode = files.joinPath(files.documentsDirectory(), codeFilename + ".js")
if (!files.fileExists(pathToCode)) {
  const req = new Request(gitHubUrl)
  const codeString = await req.loadString()
  files.writeString(pathToCode, codeString)

// Import the code.
if (iCloudInUse) { await files.downloadFileFromiCloud(pathToCode) }
const code = importModule(codeFilename)

const custom = {

  // Custom items and backgrounds can be added here.
async itermwidget(column) {
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-blue; icon-glyph: terminal;
 * Constants and Configurations

 // Cache keys and default location
const CACHE_KEY_LAST_UPDATED = 'last_updated';
const CACHE_KEY_LOCATION = 'location';
const DEFAULT_LOCATION = { latitude: 0, longitude: 0 };
// Font name and size
const FONT_NAME = 'Menlo';
const FONT_SIZE = 10;

// Colors
const COLORS = {
  bg0: '#29323c',
  bg1: '#1c1c1c',
  personalCalendar: '#5BD2F0',
  workCalendar: '#9D90FF',
  weather: '#FDFD97',
  location: '#FEB144',
  period: '#FF6663',
  deviceStats: '#7AE7B9',

const NAME = 'Hayes';
const WORK_CALENDAR_NAME = 'Work Calendar';
const PERSONAL_CALENDAR_NAME = 'Calender';
const PERIOD_EVENT_NAME = 'Hayes';

 * Initial Setups

 * Convenience function to add days to a Date.
 * @param {*} days The number of days to add
Date.prototype.addDays = function(days) {
  var date = new Date(this.valueOf());
  date.setDate(date.getDate() + days);
  return date;

// Import and setup Cache
const Cache = importModule('Cache');
const cache = new Cache('terminalWidget');

// Fetch data and create widget
const data = await fetchData();
const widget = createWidget(data);

 * Main Functions (Widget and Data-Fetching)

 * Main widget function.
 * @param {} data The data for the widget to display
function createWidget(data) {
  console.log(`Creating widget with data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);

  const widget = column.addStack()
widget.cornerRadius = 20
widget.setPadding(10, 10, 10, 10);
  const bgColor = new LinearGradient();
  bgColor.colors = [new Color(COLORS.bg0), new Color(COLORS.bg1)];
  bgColor.locations = [0.0, 1.0];
  widget.backgroundGradient = bgColor;
  widget.setPadding(10, 15, 15, 10);

  const stack = widget.addStack();
  stack.spacing = 4;
  stack.size = new Size(320, 0);

  // Line 0 - Last Login
  const timeFormatter = new DateFormatter();
  timeFormatter.locale = "en";

  const lastLoginLine = stack.addText(`Last login: ${timeFormatter.string(new Date())} on ttys001`);
  lastLoginLine.textColor = Color.white();
  lastLoginLine.textOpacity = 0.7;
  lastLoginLine.font = new Font(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE);

  // Line 1 - Input
  const inputLine = stack.addText(`iPhone:~ ${NAME}$ info`);
  inputLine.textColor = Color.white();
  inputLine.font = new Font(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE);

  // Line 2 - Next Personal Calendar Event
  const nextPersonalCalendarEventLine = stack.addText(`🗓 | ${getCalendarEventTitle(data.nextPersonalEvent, false)}`);
  nextPersonalCalendarEventLine.textColor = new Color(COLORS.personalCalendar);
  nextPersonalCalendarEventLine.font = new Font(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE);

  // Line 3 - Next Work Calendar Event
  const nextWorkCalendarEventLine = stack.addText(`🗓 | ${getCalendarEventTitle(data.nextWorkEvent, true)}`);
  nextWorkCalendarEventLine.textColor = new Color(COLORS.workCalendar);
  nextWorkCalendarEventLine.font = new Font(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE);

  // Line 4 - Weather
  const weatherLine = stack.addText(`${} | ${}° (${}°-${}°), ${}, feels like ${}°`);
  weatherLine.textColor = new Color(;
  weatherLine.font = new Font(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE);
  // Line 5 - Location
  const locationLine = stack.addText(`📍 | ${}`);
  locationLine.textColor = new Color(COLORS.location);
  locationLine.font = new Font(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE);

  // Line 6 - Period
  const periodLine = stack.addText(`🩸 | ${data.period}`);
  periodLine.textColor = new Color(COLORS.period);
  periodLine.font = new Font(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE);

  // Line 7 - Various Device Stats
  const deviceStatsLine = stack.addText(`📊 | ⚡︎ ${data.device.battery}%, ☀ ${data.device.brightness}%`);
  deviceStatsLine.textColor = new Color(COLORS.deviceStats);
  deviceStatsLine.font = new Font(FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE);


 * Fetch pieces of data for the widget.
async function fetchData() {
  // Get the weather data
  const weather = await fetchWeather();

  // Get next work/personal calendar events
  const nextWorkEvent = await fetchNextCalendarEvent(WORK_CALENDAR_NAME);
  const nextPersonalEvent = await fetchNextCalendarEvent(PERSONAL_CALENDAR_NAME);

  // Get period data
  const period = await fetchPeriodData();

  // Get last data update time (and set)
  const lastUpdated = await getLastUpdated();
  cache.write(CACHE_KEY_LAST_UPDATED, new Date().getTime());

  return {
    device: {
      battery: Math.round(Device.batteryLevel() * 100),
      brightness: Math.round(Device.screenBrightness() * 100),

 * Helper Functions

// Weather Helper Functions

 * Fetch the weather data from Open Weather Map
async function fetchWeather() {
  let location = await;
  if (!location) {
    try {
      location = await Location.current();
    } catch(error) {
      location = await;
  if (!location) {
    location = DEFAULT_LOCATION;
  const url = "" + location.latitude + "&lon=" + location.longitude + "&exclude=minutely,hourly,alerts&units=imperial&lang=en&appid=" + WEATHER_API_KEY;
  const address = await Location.reverseGeocode(location.latitude, location.longitude);
  const data = await fetchJson(`weather_${address[0].locality}`, url);

  const currentTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
  const isNight = currentTime >= data.current.sunset || currentTime <= data.current.sunrise

  return {
    location: `${address[0]}, ${address[0].postalAddress.state}`,
    icon: getWeatherEmoji([0].id, isNight),
    temperature: Math.round(data.current.temp),
    wind: Math.round(data.current.wind_speed),
    high: Math.round(data.daily[0].temp.max),
    low: Math.round(data.daily[0].temp.min),
    feelsLike: Math.round(data.current.feels_like),

 * Given a weather code from Open Weather Map, determine the best emoji to show.
 * @param {*} code Weather code from Open Weather Map
 * @param {*} isNight Is `true` if it is after sunset and before sunrise
function getWeatherEmoji(code, isNight) {
  if (code >= 200 && code < 300 || code == 960 || code == 961) {
    return "⛈"
  } else if ((code >= 300 && code < 600) || code == 701) {
    return "🌧"
  } else if (code >= 600 && code < 700) {
    return "❄️"
  } else if (code == 711) {
    return "🔥" 
  } else if (code == 800) {
    return isNight ? "🌕" : "☀️" 
  } else if (code == 801) {
    return isNight ? "☁️" : "🌤"  
  } else if (code == 802) {
    return isNight ? "☁️" : "⛅️"  
  } else if (code == 803) {
    return isNight ? "☁️" : "🌥" 
  } else if (code == 804) {
    return "☁️"  
  } else if (code == 900 || code == 962 || code == 781) {
    return "🌪" 
  } else if (code >= 700 && code < 800) {
    return "🌫" 
  } else if (code == 903) {
    return "🥶"  
  } else if (code == 904) {
    return "🥵" 
  } else if (code == 905 || code == 957) {
    return "💨" 
  } else if (code == 906 || code == 958 || code == 959) {
    return "🧊" 
  } else {
    return "❓" 

// Calendar Helper Functions

 * Fetch the next calendar event from the given calendar
 * @param {*} calendarName The calendar to get events from
async function fetchNextCalendarEvent(calendarName) {
  const calendar = await Calendar.forEventsByTitle(calendarName);
  const events = await[calendar]);
  const tomorrow = await CalendarEvent.tomorrow([calendar]);

  console.log(`Got ${events.length} events for ${calendarName}`);
  console.log(`Got ${tomorrow.length} events for ${calendarName} tomorrow`);

  const upcomingEvents = events.concat(tomorrow).filter(e => (new Date(e.endDate)).getTime() >= (new Date()).getTime());

  return upcomingEvents ? upcomingEvents[0] : null;

 * Given a calendar event, return the display text with title and time.
 * @param {*} calendarEvent The calendar event
 * @param {*} isWorkEvent Is this a work event?
function getCalendarEventTitle(calendarEvent, isWorkEvent) {
  if (!calendarEvent) {
    return `No upcoming ${isWorkEvent ? 'work ' : ''}events`;

  const timeFormatter = new DateFormatter();
  timeFormatter.locale = 'en';

  const eventTime = new Date(calendarEvent.startDate);

  return `[${timeFormatter.string(eventTime)}] ${calendarEvent.title}`;

 * Fetch data from the Period calendar and determine number of days until period start/end.
async function fetchPeriodData() {
  const periodCalendar = await Calendar.forEventsByTitle(PERIOD_CALENDAR_NAME);
  const events = await CalendarEvent.between(new Date(), new Date().addDays(30), [periodCalendar]);

  console.log(`Got ${events.length} period events`);

  const periodEvent = events.filter(e => e.title === PERIOD_EVENT_NAME)[0];

  if (periodEvent) {
    const current = new Date().getTime();
    if (new Date(periodEvent.startDate).getTime() <= current && new Date(periodEvent.endDate).getTime() >= current) {
      const timeUntilPeriodEndMs = new Date(periodEvent.endDate).getTime() - current;
      return `${Math.round(timeUntilPeriodEndMs / 86400000)} days until period ends`; ;
    } else {
      const timeUntilPeriodStartMs = new Date(periodEvent.startDate).getTime() - current;
      return `${Math.round(timeUntilPeriodStartMs / 86400000)} days until period starts`; 
  } else {
    return 'Unknown period data';

// Misc. Helper Functions

 * Make a REST request and return the response
 * @param {*} key Cache key
 * @param {*} url URL to make the request to
 * @param {*} headers Headers for the request
async function fetchJson(key, url, headers) {
  const cached = await, 5);
  if (cached) {
    return cached;

  try {
    console.log(`Fetching url: ${url}`);
    const req = new Request(url);
    req.headers = headers;
    const resp = await req.loadJSON();
    cache.write(key, resp);
    return resp;
  } catch (error) {
    try {
      return, 5);
    } catch (error) {
      console.log(`Couldn't fetch ${url}`);

 * Get the last updated timestamp from the Cache.
async function getLastUpdated() {
  let cachedLastUpdated = await;

  if (!cachedLastUpdated) {
    cachedLastUpdated = new Date().getTime();
    cache.write(CACHE_KEY_LAST_UPDATED, cachedLastUpdated);

  return cachedLastUpdated;



// Run the initial setup or settings menu.
let preview
if (config.runsInApp) {
  preview = await code.runSetup(, iCloudInUse, codeFilename, gitHubUrl)
  if (!preview) return

// Set up the widget.
const widget = await code.createWidget(layout,, iCloudInUse, custom)

// If we're in app, display the preview.
if (config.runsInApp) {
  if (preview == "small") { widget.presentSmall() }
  else if (preview == "medium") { widget.presentMedium() }
  else { widget.presentLarge() }

@mzeryck mzeryck added the Bug Something is not working as expected. label Jul 19, 2022
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Bug Something is not working as expected.
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