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This is a chat app that runs in both the browser and the command line. It uses iroh-gossip to send messages between peers sharing a channel.

We automatically deploy this example, you can try it out here.

The example has the following parts:

  • shared is a Rust library that exposes a ChatNode, which uses iroh and iroh-gossip to power a simple ephemeral gossip chat between peers.
  • cli uses that library to create a simple command-line chat app.
  • browser-wasm is a wrapper around the shared library that uses wasm-bindgen to export JavaScript bindings.
  • frontend is the web app. It is written in TypeScript and uses React and shadcn components. It is built and bundled with Vite.

Web app

Follow the steps below to build and run the browser version of the chat app.


To build the example, you need a Rust toolchain for wasm32-unknown-unknown, wasm-bindgen and wasm-pack.

rustup target install wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo binstall wasm-bindgen wasm-pack

cargo binstall is a nifty little tool that downloads binaries from Github releases matching your system architecture. If you don't have it yet, first install it.

Building for development

To build the chat app in development mode, run these commands:

cd frontend
npm run build:wasm
npm install
npm run dev

And then open http://localhost:5173 in your browser.

Note that you have to run npm run build:wasm before running npm install. build:wasm is an alias defined in frontend/package.json that builds and packs the browser-wasm crate with wasm-pack. Spelled out:

wasm-pack build ./browser-wasm --dev --weak-refs --reference-types -t bundler -d pkg

This builds the browser-wasm for the wasm32-unknown-unknown target, creates the JavaScript bindings with wasm-bindgen, and wraps it into an NPM package ready to be used by common frontend bundling tools (like Vite in our chat app frontend).

The frontend package has a file: dependency onto the Wasm package created by wasm-pack. Whenever you change something on the rust side, you need to rebuild the Wasm package with npm run build:wasm (or the wasm-pack command). Likely you will have to restart the Vite dev server afterwards, as the Wasm is not properly picked up by Vite's hot module reloader.

Building for production

To build for production, run these commands:

cd frontend
npm run build:wasm:release
npm run build

You will find the output (HTML and assets) in the frontend/dist folder.

The build:wasm:release command is an alias to wasm-pack in release mode. We also have a custom profile definition for the release build that includes optimizations to reduce the Wasm size (see .cargo/config.toml).

Command-line app

To run the CLI version of our chat app, simply run cargo run from this folder. It will print help text on how to create or join channels.