Contains the country codes from ISO 3166-1 based on the code based on:
But also has the MCC and MNC codes based on the Wikipedia page:
As well as the latest released listing from ITU:
Note that MCC codes for a country can be:
- None (no MCC code)
- a string (where a country has one code)
- a tuple of strings (where a country has more than one code)
$ pip install mobile-codes
>>> import mobile_codes
Lookup by Mobile Country Code (MCC):
>>> mobile_codes.mcc("648") [Country(name=u'Zimbabwe', alpha2='ZW', alpha3='ZWE', numeric='716', mcc='648')] >>> mobile_codes.mcc("311") [Country(name=u'Guam', alpha2='GU', alpha3='GUM', numeric='316', mcc=('310', '311')), Country(name=u'United States', alpha2='US', alpha3='USA', numeric='840', mcc=('310', '311', '313', '316'))] >>> mobile_codes.mcc("313") [Country(name=u'United States', alpha2='US', alpha3='USA', numeric='840', mcc=('310', '311', '313', '316'))]
Lookup by name, alpha2, alpha3 (all case insensitive):
>>> mobile_codes.alpha3("CAN") Country(name=u'Canada', alpha2='CA', alpha3='CAN', numeric='124', mcc='302') >>> mobile_codes.alpha2("CA") Country(name=u'Canada', alpha2='CA', alpha3='CAN', numeric='124', mcc='302') >>>'canada') Country(name=u'Canada', alpha2='CA', alpha3='CAN', numeric='124', mcc='302')
Lookup operators by mcc (returns a list of all operators):
>>> mobile_codes.operators('302') [Operator(mcc='302', mnc='220', brand='Telus', operator=u'Telus'), Operator(mcc='302', mnc='221', brand='Telus', operator=u'Telus'),...
Lookup operator by mcc and Mobile Network Code (MNC):
>>> mobile_codes.mcc_mnc('722', '070') Operator(mcc='722', mnc='070', brand='Movistar', operator=u'Movistar')
All lookups raise a KeyError if the requested value is not found.
If you want to do development on the library, follow these steps:
- Create a virtualenv
- bin/pip install -r requirements/tests.txt
- bin/nosetests -s mobile_codes
- Hanno Schlichting (hannosch)
- Jared Kerim (jaredkerim)