Don't forget to hit the ⭐ if you like this repo.
- StackEdit
- Dillinger
- Git and GitHub learning resources
- GitHub Skills
- Basic writing and formatting syntax
- Markdown Cheat Sheet
- Awesome README Tools
- Todoist Stats in Readme - Daily Todoist Stats on your Profile Readme
- Visitor Badge - Count visitors for your, Issues, PRs in GitHub
- Shields Project - Use Shields to create profile badges, compatible with Simple Icons
- Github Readme Stats - Get dynamically generated GitHub stats on your readmes
- Github Contributor Stats - 🔥 Get dynamically generated Github Contributor stats (repositories you really committed) on your readmes
- GitHub Streak Stats - 🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README
- Simple Icons - SVG icons for popular brands for your files
- Laravel GitHub Profile Visit Counter - Add on your Laravel project a quick-badge to count your profile visits.
- Dev Metrics in Readme - WakaTime Weekly Metrics on your Profile Readme
- Profile Activity Generator - Generate custom profile activity for your profile README
- Current UTC time - Example code of server that can serve dynamic content on GitHub profile
- Github Activity in README - Updates
with the recent GitHub activity of a user - Github Profile README Generator - This tool provides an easy way to create github profile readme with latest addons like
visitors count
,github stats
etc. - Dynamic Profile Page On Github - Get dynamically generated list of your commits (of the repositories that the action is configured) on GitHub profile readme.
- npm package downloads - Show all of your npm packages and their total downloads
- All Dev Stats in Readme - Are you an early 🐤 or a night 🦉? When are you most productive during the day? What languages you code in? And other stuff... Let's check out in your readme!
- Feedparser - Convenient processing of RSS files
- Profile README Widgets - Add simple widgets to your profile readme.
- Spotify now playing card generator - Generate your Spotify now playing card for your GitHub profile
- Markdown Badges - Add badges to your profile.
- Latest Blog Posts and StackOverflow activity in readme - Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed using this Github Action
- GitHub Readme LinkedIn - Get dynamically generated images from your LinkedIn profile on your GitHub readmes
- GitHub Readme Medium - Show your latest Medium article on your readmes!
- GitHub Readme StackOverflow - Dynamically generated your StackOverflow profile status on your GitHub readmes!
- StackOverflow Stats Badge - Display your stats with this Unique StackOverflow Badge!
- Github Profile README Generator - This project allows you to create nice and simple github profile readme files.
- Profile Readme Stats - [Github Action] Showcase your github stats on your profile
- README Jokes - Random dev jokes in your GitHub README.
- GitHub Profile Trophy - 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Trophy on your readme
- Github Readme Twitter - Show your latest tweet on your readmes.
- Random Dev Memes - Random dev memes to display on your GitHub README.
- GitHub Readme Quotes - Dev quotes on your GitHub Profile Readme.
- GitHub Profilinator - This tool contains small GUI components that you can hook together to generate markdown for your perfect readme.
- PageSpeed score - Generate website's PageSpeed score in animated svg form which can be used in GitHub README
- Gitwar Profile Score - Add your Github Profile Score in README.
- Header Images for Github Profile READMEs - Generate header images for your GitHub profile READMEs with custom content
- YouTube Channel Stats - 📺 Display number of subscribers on YouTube and/or your channel's view count as a badge
- Current Book Status from GoodReads - Add a card of the current book you are reading that automatically syncs with GoodReads to display your progress.
- Readme Typing SVG - ⚡ Dynamically generated, customizable SVG that gives the appearance of typing and deleting text
Please create an Issue for any improvements, suggestions or errors in the content.
You can also contact me using Linkedin for any other queries or feedback.