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{{tippy}} Modifier

<button {{tippy "I'm a Tippy tooltip!" placement="right"}}>My Button</button>


  • Type: String | SafeString | HTMLElement
  • Default: ''

Tippy content.

It's alias for args.named.content.

SafeString is Ember htmlSafe string, it automatically sets allowHTML: true.


  • Type: Object
  • Default: null

All options via single argument. Alias for args.named.


  • Type: Object
  • Default: {}

tippy.js options + ember-tippy options (see below).

ember-tippy options


  • Type: String | Element | Element[] | NodeList
  • Default: this.element (in context of modifier)

tippy.js target(s)


  • Type: Function(tippyInstances[])
  • Default: null

Invoked once all tippy instances for specified target(s) have been created.


  • Type: Function(tippyInstances[])
  • Default: null

Invoked after all tippy instances for specified target(s) have been updated.


  • Type: Function(tippyInstances[])
  • Default: null

Invoked before all tippy instances for specified target(s) have been destroyed.


  • Type: Object
  • Default: null

A singleton link yielded by <TippySingleton> to attach a tippy to the Singleton. It's not a tippy singleton instance.

<Tippy> Component

  My Button

  <Tippy @placement="right" as |tippyInstance|>
    I'm a Tippy tooltip!

Content in block and inline form

In block form the inner content is used as HTMLElement tippy content.

Also @content can be used in inline form.

{{yield tippyInstance}} in block form

For example, you can use it to hide interactive tippies (popovers):

  My Button

  <Tippy @interactive={{true}} as |tippyInstance|>
    I'm a Tippy popover!
    <button type="button" {{on "click" tippyInstance.hide}}>Hide</button>

See for details.


  • Type: Object
  • Default: null

All options via single argument. Alias for <args>.


  • Type: Object
  • Default: {}

tippy.js options + ember-tippy options (see below).

ember-tippy options


  • Type: String | Element | Element[] | NodeList
  • Default: parent element

tippy.js target(s)

The rest of the ember-tippy options are the same as for the {{tippy}} modifier.

<HeadlessTippy> Component

  My Button

  <TippyHeadless @placement="right" as |tippyInstance|>
    <div class="my-popper">
      <div class="my-popper-box">
        I'm a headless Tippy tooltip!

The use of this component is similar to the block form of <Tippy> component. The main difference is that the inner content will be used to render the entire tooltip, not just its content. Also you can provide your own @render function and use inline form of the component. See for details.

ember-tippy options


  • Type: Function(prevProps, nextProps)
  • Default: null

Callback whenever .setProps() or .setContent() is called when using <HeadlessTippy>. See for details.

The rest of the ember-tippy options are the same as for the <Tippy> component.

<TippySingleton> Component

<TippySingleton @placement="right" as |tippySingleton|>
  <button {{tippy "Tooltip 1" singleton=tippySingleton}}>My Button 1</button>
  <button {{tippy "Tooltip 2" singleton=tippySingleton}}>My Button 2</button>
  <button {{tippy "Tooltip 3" singleton=tippySingleton}}>My Button 3</button>

{{yield tippySingleton}} in block form

A singleton link (it's not a tippy singleton instance) to attach a regular tippy instance to the singleton.


  • Type: Object
  • Default: null

All options via single argument. Alias for <args>.


  • Type: Object
  • Default: {}

tippy.js options + tippy.js singleton options + ember-tippy options (see below).

ember-tippy options


  • Type: Object[]
  • Default: collected by yielded singleton link in block form

You can use this with inline form of <TippySingleton> component to create a singleton from existing tippy instances.


  • Type: Function(tippySingletonInstance)
  • Default: null

Invoked once tippy singleton instance has been created.


  • Type: Function(tippySingletonInstance)
  • Default: null

Invoked after tippy singleton instance has been updated.


  • Type: Function(tippySingletonInstance)
  • Default: null

Invoked before tippy singleton instance has been destroyed.