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K-Net: Towards Unified Image Segmentation


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Semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentations have been addressed using different and specialized frameworks despite their underlying connections. This paper presents a unified, simple, and effective framework for these essentially similar tasks. The framework, named K-Net, segments both instances and semantic categories consistently by a group of learnable kernels, where each kernel is responsible for generating a mask for either a potential instance or a stuff class. To remedy the difficulties of distinguishing various instances, we propose a kernel update strategy that enables each kernel dynamic and conditional on its meaningful group in the input image. K-Net can be trained in an end-to-end manner with bipartite matching, and its training and inference are naturally NMS-free and box-free. Without bells and whistles, K-Net surpasses all previous published state-of-the-art single-model results of panoptic segmentation on MS COCO test-dev split and semantic segmentation on ADE20K val split with 55.2% PQ and 54.3% mIoU, respectively. Its instance segmentation performance is also on par with Cascade Mask R-CNN on MS COCO with 60%-90% faster inference speeds. Code and models will be released at this https URL.

Results and models


Method Backbone Crop Size Lr schd Mem (GB) Inf time (fps) Device mIoU mIoU(ms+flip) config download
KNet + FCN R-50-D8 512x512 80000 7.01 19.24 V100 43.60 45.12 config model | log
KNet + PSPNet R-50-D8 512x512 80000 6.98 20.04 V100 44.18 45.58 config model | log
KNet + DeepLabV3 R-50-D8 512x512 80000 7.42 12.10 V100 45.06 46.11 config model | log
KNet + UperNet R-50-D8 512x512 80000 7.34 17.11 V100 43.45 44.07 config model | log
KNet + UperNet Swin-T 512x512 80000 7.57 15.56 V100 45.84 46.27 config model | log
KNet + UperNet Swin-L 512x512 80000 13.5 8.29 V100 52.05 53.24 config model | log
KNet + UperNet Swin-L 640x640 80000 13.54 8.29 V100 52.21 53.34 config model | log


  • All experiments of K-Net are implemented with 8 V100 (32G) GPUs with 2 samplers per GPU.


    title={{K-Net: Towards} Unified Image Segmentation},
    author={Wenwei Zhang and Jiangmiao Pang and Kai Chen and Chen Change Loy},