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SegNeXt: Rethinking Convolutional Attention Design for Semantic Segmentation


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We present SegNeXt, a simple convolutional network architecture for semantic segmentation. Recent transformer-based models have dominated the field of semantic segmentation due to the efficiency of self-attention in encoding spatial information. In this paper, we show that convolutional attention is a more efficient and effective way to encode contextual information than the self-attention mechanism in transformers. By re-examining the characteristics owned by successful segmentation models, we discover several key components leading to the performance improvement of segmentation models. This motivates us to design a novel convolutional attention network that uses cheap convolutional operations. Without bells and whistles, our SegNeXt significantly improves the performance of previous state-of-the-art methods on popular benchmarks, including ADE20K, Cityscapes, COCO-Stuff, Pascal VOC, Pascal Context, and iSAID. Notably, SegNeXt outperforms EfficientNet-L2 w/ NAS-FPN and achieves 90.6% mIoU on the Pascal VOC 2012 test leaderboard using only 1/10 parameters of it. On average, SegNeXt achieves about 2.0% mIoU improvements compared to the state-of-the-art methods on the ADE20K datasets with the same or fewer computations. Code is available at this https URL (Jittor) and this https URL (Pytorch).

Results and models


Method Backbone Crop Size Lr schd Mem (GB) Inf time (fps) Device mIoU mIoU(ms+flip) config download
SegNeXt MSCAN-T 512x512 160000 17.88 52.38 A100 41.50 42.59 config model | log
SegNeXt MSCAN-S 512x512 160000 21.47 42.27 A100 44.16 45.81 config model | log
SegNeXt MSCAN-B 512x512 160000 31.03 35.15 A100 48.03 49.68 config model | log
SegNeXt MSCAN-L 512x512 160000 43.32 22.91 A100 50.99 52.10 config model | log


  • When we integrated SegNeXt into MMSegmentation, we modified some layers' names to make them more precise and concise without changing the model architecture. Therefore, the keys of pre-trained weights are different from the original weights, but don't worry about these changes. we have converted them and uploaded the checkpoints, you might find URL of pre-trained checkpoints in config files and can use them directly for training.

  • The total batch size is 16. We trained for SegNeXt with a single GPU as the performance degrades significantly when usingSyncBN (mainly in OverlapPatchEmbed modules of MSCAN) of PyTorch 1.9.

  • There will be subtle differences when model testing as Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) in LightHamHead will be initialized randomly. To control this randomness, please set the random seed when model testing. You can modify ./tools/ like:

def main():
    from mmengine.runner import seg_random_seed
    random_seed = xxx # set random seed recorded in training log
    set_random_seed(random_seed, deterministic=False)
  • This model performance is sensitive to the seed values used, please refer to the log file for the specific settings of the seed. If you choose a different seed, the results might differ from the table results. Take SegNeXt Large for example, its results range from 49.60 to 51.0.


  title={SegNeXt: Rethinking Convolutional Attention Design for Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Guo, Meng-Hao and Lu, Cheng-Ze and Hou, Qibin and Liu, Zhengning and Cheng, Ming-Ming and Hu, Shi-Min},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.08575},