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File metadata and controls

158 lines (115 loc) · 6.19 KB


Get your current playing Spotify track to use on your OBS stream!

Full render


# Clone the project
git clone
cd Streamtify
# Copying the configuration file
cp .env.example .env

See the configuration section to see how to make it work before running it.


# For Windows
pip install -r requirements.txt

# For Linux
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


There is a bunch of steps to follow in order to allow the application to listen to your Spotify activity, and then configuring everything as you need.

Spotify API

Go to your Spotify developer dashboard and click on Create app.

Give it a name and description (for you to remember what it does), ignore website, and in the Redirect URIs, set a local address, like http://localhost:16052. You can change the port (numbers) for anything between 1000-60000.

You don't have to check any option that come up next, except the Agreements, and then click on the Save button.

On the new page, you can click on edit to copy the Client ID, and click on View client secret to copy it too.

Report those 3 values (Client ID, Client Secret and Redirect URI) to the 3 corresponding values of the config file.

Config file

Here's the whole configuration file with every value explained:

# The three values to config the access to the Spotify API (see # Spotify-API)
SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID="Add your client id here"
SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET="Add your client secret here"

# Weither the current track should be printed on the console as well
CONSOLE_ECHO=0  # 0: off, 1: on

# The time between two calls to the API to refresh the current track
REFRESH_RATE=5  # seconds

# The size of the cover image to use
COVER_SIZE=1  # 0: small (64px), 1: medium (300px), 2: large (640px)

# Formated output to use. You can format it as you want
# You can use one, any or all of the variables:
# {TITLE} title of the track
# {ARTIST} artists of the track, separeted by comma (,)
# {CURRENT} current time in song, formated as MM:SS
# {DURATION} total length of song, formated as MM:SS

# What export system you like
# Local file (0) : will save track and cover on files on your system
# Local server (1) : will create a local HTTP server you can access
#                    to get the track and cover (refresh automaticaly)
EXPORT_FORMAT=0  # 0: local files, 1: local server

# If you choose Local file (0) above, this is the path of the folder you
# want the output to be in (relative or absolute path)

# The name of the track and cover files, inside the output folder defined above 

# If you choose Local server (1) above, this is the host and port of your server
# If you plan to only use it on your computer (mostly), you can let the default host
# The server will be available at http://HOST:PORT (e.g http://localhost:16053)
SERVER_HOST=""  # localhost

# You can change this to whatever value you want in range 1000-60000

OBS configuration

Depending on the EXPORT_FORMAT value you defined on the Config file, refer to the associate section: Either Local file if you set 0, or Local server if you set 1.

Local file

On your scene, add new Text sources for the track, or Image source for the cover.

For the track, configure the font style (family, size & color) as you wish, and then select the Read from a local file option.

Configure the path to be the same as the one configured in OUTPUT_FOLDER and OUTPUT_FILE for the track, or OUTPUT_COVER for the cover.


If I have defined OUTPUT_FOLDER to C:/Users/<user>/Desktop/output and OUTPUT_FILE to track.txt, I will fill the file path to C:/User/<user>/Desktop/output/track.txt


The OBS render of local files can sometimes stop being refreshed. This is caused by the way OBS caches the file to avoid having to do a lot of file-reading operation.
The temporary solution is to refresh the source by hiding it and then showing it back.

Local server

On your scene, add new Browser sources.

Set the URL as the data you want to fetch, as follow: http://localhost:<PORT><SOURCE>.

  • <PORT> is the value you defined in SERVER_PORT of the Config file (i.e. 16053)
  • <SOURCE> is the data you're interested in. It can be:
    • / - A full pre-render (cover & track rendered as defined in OUTPUT_FORMAT)
    • /track - The track render (as defined in OUTPUT_FORMAT)
    • /title - The title text only
    • /artist - The artist text only
    • /cover - The cover image only (with its size as defined in COVER_SIZE)


If I want to add a source for the track render, I will setup the URL as http://localhost:16053/track.

You can define the Width and Height parameters as you need, it will depends on the font size for the text. For the /cover, I recommend to set those to the width of the cover as defined in COVER_SIZE

For the text data (/track, /title & /artist), you will surely need to adjust the style of the page to fit your needs (font family & size, color).


Here's one example to set the background transparent, use the 40px Montserrat font colored to white.

body { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); margin: 0px auto; overflow: hidden; }
p {
  font-family: Montserrat, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 40px;
  color: white;

I set the Width to 1200, and Height to 100 using this example.
For the cover, I use no custom CSS, and defined the Width and Height to 300.