The NDNCERT CLI tool can be used to interact with an NDNCERT CA. It allows entities to securely provision certificates after authenticating their identity with the CA.
This example illustrates how to get a certificate from the NDN Testbed CA.
To begin, you need to get the root CA certificate out of band. The most recent certificates for the NDN Testbed can be obtained here.
If the certificate is in base64, you will need to convert it to TLV or PEM format.
cat testbed.root.base64 | base64 -d | ndnd sec pem-encode > testbed.root.pem
In this example, we will use the email challenge to request a certificate from the NDN Testbed CA.
Note that the specified output filename does not include an extension.
In this case, a new key will be created since no key is specified with -k
The key will then be written to alice.key
and the issued certificate to alice.cert
ndnd certcli -o alice testbed.root.pem
The CLI will now prompt you for challenge type. Select the email
Please choose a challenge type:
1. email
2. pin
Choice: 1
You will next be prompted for the email address to use for the challenge.
Enter your email address:
The CLI will now attempt to request a certificate from the CA.
================ CA Profile ===============
NDN Testbed NDNCERT CA (Demo)
Name: /ndn
Max Validity: 360h0m0s
Challenges: [email]
Challenge Status: need-code
Enter the code sent to your email address:
You will receive an email with a code to enter. On successful verification, the certificate will be issued, and the CLI will write the key and certificate to the specified output files.
You can also use the CLI to certify an existing key.
# Create a new signing key
# We use a key name corresponding to
ndnd sec keygen /ndn/com/gmail/alice ecc secp256r1 > alice.key
# Request a certificate using the existing key
# We specify the challenge type as email with the -c option,
# and the key with the -k option.
ndnd certcli -o alice -k alice.key -c email testbed.root.pem
# Enter the email address and code as before