Keep compatibility with Redmine 5
Keep compatibility with Redmine 5
Redmine 6 compatibility: update patched method
Redmine 6 compatibility: update patched method
Keep compatibility with Redmine 5
Keep compatibility with Redmine 5
Update CI config: add Redmine 6 and drop support of Redmine 4
Update CI config: add Redmine 6 and drop support of Redmine 4
Fix CI config with Redmine 4.2.11
Fix CI config with Redmine 4.2.11
Update CI config: Add gem 'builder' to run Redmine 4.2.11
Update CI config: Add gem 'builder' to run Redmine 4.2.11
Update CI config: Add gem 'builder' to run Redmine 4.2.11
Update CI config: Add gem 'builder' to run Redmine 4.2.11
Enhance plugin compatibility with Redmine 5.1.2
Enhance plugin compatibility with Redmine 5.1.2
Update CI config: Include the latest Redmine versions
Update CI config: Include the latest Redmine versions
Update CI config: keep using rails-dom-testing gem version 2.0.3 for now
Update CI config: keep using rails-dom-testing gem version 2.0.3 for now
Improve compatibility with Redmine 5
Improve compatibility with Redmine 5
Improve compatibility with Redmine 5
Improve compatibility with Redmine 5
Improve compatibility with Redmine 5
Improve compatibility with Redmine 5
Force push
Update CI config: add latest Redmine releases
Update CI config: add latest Redmine releases
Force push
Update CI config: add latest Redmine releases
Update CI config: add latest Redmine releases
Improve compatibility with Redmine 5
Improve compatibility with Redmine 5