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Generic Service Helm Chart

This Helm chart simplifies deploying a typical "80% case" service on Kubernetes. It takes care of creating common Resources such as Deployment, Service and Ingress. It also provides optional support for:

The Generic Service Grafana Dashboard is a useful companion to this chart.

Getting started

This chart is most commonly used as a dependency instead of installing it directly. You can reference it in your chart by adding this to your Chart.yaml:

  - name: generic-service
    version: ~1.10.0
    alias: app

You can then add static configuration to your values.yaml like this:

    repository: myservice
    tag: 1.2.3


Value Default Description
name Release Name The name of the service (used for label)
fullname Release Name (+ name) The name of the service instance (used for resource names and label)
version same as image.tag The version of the service (used for label)
image.registry The Registry containing the image to run
image.repository required The name of the image image to run (without the Registry)
image.tag required The tag of the image to run; start with @ for digest instead of tag (e.g., @sha256:abc...)
image.pullPolicy IfNotPresent Set to Always to try to pull new versions of the image
image.pullSecret Name of the Kubernetes Secret providing credentials for pulling the image
securityContext.pod runtime default seccomp Security context to use for the pod
securityContext.container drop all capabilites Security context to use for the container
command [] Overrides the command to launch in the image
args [] The command-line arguments passed to the service
env {} Environment variables passed to the service as a key-value map
envFrom {} Environment variables passed to the service from other sources (e.g., secretKeyRef)
config {} YAML/JSON configuration to be mounted as a file in the container
configMountPath /config/config.yaml The file path in the container to mount the data from config into (exposed via $CONFIG_FILE)
additionalConfigs [] Additional ConfigMaps with key named data.yaml to be mounted (paths appended to $CONFIG_FILE)
dnsConfig DNS config for the pod
startupProbe Probe that waits for the service to initially start up
livenessProbe Probe that causes the service to be restarted when failing
readinessProbe Probe that prevents the service from receiving traffic when failing
maxShutdownSeconds 30 The number of seconds the pod has to shutdown before it is terminated
labels {} Additional labels to set on all generated resources
annotations {} Additional annotations to set on the Pod controller and Pods
resources.requests.memory 64Mi The amount of memory requested for the service (recommendation: slightly higher than average usage)
resources.requests.cpu 10m The number of CPU cores requested for the service
resources.limits.memory 96Mi The maximum amount of memory the service may use (recommendation: slightly higher than worst-case usage)
resources.limits.cpu 2000m The maximum number of CPU cores the service may use
rollout.controller Deployment The type of Pod controller to create (Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet or ArgoRollout)
rollout.strategy RollingUpdate The rollout strategy (RollingUpdate, Recreate, OnDelete, Canary or BlueGreen)
rollout.autoPromotion true Automatically promote rollouts (if rollout.strategy is BlueGreen and rollout.flagger if false)
rollout.flagger false Use Flagger to control rollouts (rollout.controller must be Deployment or StatefulSet)
rollout.analysis req. for Canary or Flagger Flagger or Argo Rollouts analysis for automatic Canary or BlueGreen promotion
rollout.revisionHistoryLimit null Number of old ReplicaSets to retain (rollout.controller must be Deployment or ArgoRollout)
replicas 1 The number of instances of the service to run
autoscaling.enabled false Enables automatic starting of additional instances
autoscaling.maxReplicas 3 The maximum number of instances to run (must be larger than replicas)
autoscaling.metric.type Resource The type of metric to use for scaling (Resource, Pods, Object or External) cpu The name of the metric to use for scaling
autoscaling.metric.object req. if type = Object Reference to the Kubernetes object the metric describes
autoscaling.metric.selector {} Labels for selecting the metric as a key-value map
autoscaling.targetValue 80 The desired value of the metric to achieve through scaling (e.g., CPU utilization in percent)
autoscaling.behavior {} Scaling behavior configuration (see HorizontalPodAutoscalerBehavior)
scheduling.priority The name of the PriorityClass to use for scheduling this service
scheduling.nodeSelector {} Labels to select nodes this service may be run on
scheduling.nodePeferences {} Sets of label values to select nodes this service should be run on if possible
scheduling.nodeExclusions {} Sets of label values to select nodes this service must not run on
scheduling.tolerations [] Taints on nodes this service can tolerate
scheduling.podAffinity {} Labels to select other pods this service should share nodes with if possible
scheduling.podAntiAffinity {} Labels to select other pods this service must not share nodes with
scheduling.replicaSpread BestEffort How to spread replicas across nodes (BestEffort, Strict, None)
scheduling.minAvailable 1 Minimum number of instances to keep running during cluster maintenance (only if smaller than replicas)
persistence.enabled false Enables persistent storage for the service
persistence.storageClass The type of disk to use for storage instead of the cluster default
persistence.accessModes [ReadWriteOnce] The support access modes the volume can be mounted with
persistence.size 1G The size of the persistent volume to create for the service
persistence.mountPath required if enabled The mount path for the storage inside the container
secrets.SECRET_NAME.mountPath required if used The mount path for the Secret named SECRET_NAME (supports templating) inside the container
secrets.SECRET_NAME.subPath The path of a single file in the Secret named SECRET_NAME to mount; leave empty to mount all files
secrets.SECRET_NAME.files Map of file names to base64-encoded content; leave empty to reference existing Secret required if used The name of an additional volume to be mounted at PATH inside the container
additionalMounts.PATH.* required if used The configuration for the additional volume (e.g., emptyDir: {})
ingress.enabled false Enables ingress into the service (either cluster-internal or public)
ingress.shutdownDelaySeconds 5 The number of seconds to delay shutting down the container once no new requests are being routed to it
ingress.port 80 The container port ingress traffic is routed to
ingress.protocol http The internal protocol used for ingress (e.g., http, https, h2c, grpc, http2/h2 or grpcs)
ingress.timeoutSeconds Number of seconds after which to timeout waiting for response from service; -1 for infinite [] The public domain names under which the service is exposed (leave empty for cluster-internal only)
ingress.paths [] HTTP path prefixes to accept ingress traffic for (leave empty to accept traffic for any path)
ingress.tls.enabled false Enables TLS termination at the ingress (not applicable if ingress.istio.enabled)
ingress.tls.secret {{ .Release.Name }}-tls The name of the Secret holding the TLS private key (not applicable if ingress.istio.enabled)
ingress.tls.secretNamespace The Kubernetes namespace containing the Secret (only applicable if ingress.class is contour)
ingress.cors.enabled false Enables CORS (only applicable if ingress.class is nginx or ingress.istio.enabled is true)
ingress.cors.allowOrigin [] List of origins allowed to access the ingress via CORS; leave empty to allow any
ingress.cors.allowMethods [GET] List of HTTP methods allowed to access the ingress via CORS
ingress.cors.allowHeaders [Content-Type] List of HTTP headers that can be used when requesting the ingress via CORS
ingress.cors.allowCredentials true Indicates whether the caller is allowed to send the actual request (not the preflight) using credentials
ingress.cors.exposeHeaders [] List of HTTP headers that the browsers are allowed to access
ingress.class The ingress controller to use (not applicable if ingress.istio.enabled)
ingress.annotations {} Annotations for Ingress or VirtualService resource
ingress.headless false Creates an additional Service with the suffix -headless that directly exposes Pod IPs
ingress.headlessExposesAll false Exposes all replicas, including unready ones, via the -headless Service
ingress.nodeLocal false Creates an additional Service with the suffix -local that only routes to pods on the same node
ingress.additionalSelectors {} Additional label selectors used to restrict the Pods selected by the Service
ingress.istio.enabled false Use Istio VirtualService instead of Kubernetes Ingress resource
ingress.istio.gateways [] The names of the Istio Gateways to use
ingress.istio.httpHeaders {} Custom HTTP response headers
ingress.istio.retries {} Istio retry policy
ingress.extra.*.class same as ingress.class Additional ingress controller to use (not applicable if ingress.istio.enabled)
ingress.extra.*.port same as ingress.port Additional container port ingress traffic is routed to (not applicable if ingress.istio.enabled)
ingress.extra.*.portRef Reference to the name of another extra ingress to share its container port
ingress.extra.*.protocol http The protocol used for the port (e.g., http, https, h2c, grpc, http2/h2 or grpcs)
ingress.extra.*.timeoutSeconds Number of seconds after which to timeout waiting for response from service; -1 for infinite
ingress.extra.*.domains [] The public domain names under which the port is exposed (leave empty for cluster-internal only)
ingress.extra.*.paths [] HTTP path prefixes to accept ingress traffic for (leave empty to accept traffic for any path)
ingress.extra.*.tls.enabled false Enables TLS termination at the ingress
ingress.extra.*.tls.secret Release Name + * + -tls The name of the Secret holding the TLS private key
ingress.extra.*.tls.secretNamespace The Kubernetes namespace containing the Secret (only applicable if class is contour)
ingress.extra.*.annotations {} Additional annotations, merged with ingress.annotations (use string nil to unset existing values)
netpol.enabled false Apply network policies for the Pods
netpol.ingress Allow from same namespace Ingress network policy rules to apply
netpol.egress [] Egress network policy rules to apply
tracing.enabled false Enables tracing with OpenTelemetry or Jaeger agent (injected as sidecar)
tracing.probability 1 Probability of any single trace being sampled; can be overridden for incoming requests e.g. via Istio
tracing.class Custom value to set for tracing sidecar injection annotations
tracing.insecure true Use insecure connections (without TLS) to tracing endpoints in local sidecar container
monitoring.enabled false Use Prometheus for monitoring / metrics scraping
monitoring.port 9100 The port to be scraped for monitoring data
monitoring.path /metrics The path to be scraped for monitoring data
monitoring.interval 1m The interval at which monitoring data is scraped
alerting.enabled false Deploys Prometheus alert rule for issues like like unavailable pods or high memory use
alerting.pod.maxStartupSeconds 120 The maximum amount of time a Pod is allowed to take for startup
alerting.pod.maxAgeSeconds The maximum allowed age of a Pod in seconds (useful to ensure regular deployments)
alerting.restarts.enabled true Deploys Prometheus alert rule for unexpected container restarts
alerting.memory.enabled true Enables alerts relating to memory usage
alerting.memory.maxUsageFactor 0.9 The maximum usage factor of the memory limit (between 0 and 1)
alerting.memory.quotaBufferFactor 1.0 Multiplied with resources.*.memory to determine minimum allowed unused memory quota in namespace
alerting.cpu.sampleInterval 1m The time interval in which to measure CPU usage
alerting.cpu.maxThrottleFactor 0.01 The maximum fraction of the container's execution time during which it experiences CPU throttling
alerting.cpu.quotaBufferFactor 1.0 Multiplied with resources.*.cpu to determine minimum allowed unused CPU quota in namespace
alerting.http.sampleInterval 20m The time interval in which to measure HTTP responses for triggering alerts
alerting.http.referenceInterval 1w The time interval to compare with the sample interval to detect changes
alerting.http.maxSlowdown 2.5 The maximum HTTP response slowdown in the sample interval compared to the reference interval
alerting.http.max4xxRatio 2.5 The maximum HTTP 4xx ratio increase in the sample interval compared to the reference interval
alerting.http.maxClientCancellationRatio 2.5 The maximum client cancellation ratio increase in the sample interval compared to the reference interval
alerting.http.max5xxCount 0 The maximum number of HTTP 5xx responses (except 504) in the sample interval
alerting.http.maxTimeoutCount 0 The maximum number of HTTP gateway timeout responses (504) in the sample interval
alerting.grpc.requestsMetric grpc_server_handled_total The name of the Prometheus metric counting gRPC requests
alerting.grpc.sampleInterval 20m The time interval in which to measure gRPC responses
alerting.grpc.referenceInterval 1w The time interval to compare with the sample interval to detect changes
alerting.grpc.maxErrorRatio 2.5 The maximum gRPC error ratio increase in the sample interval compared to the reference interval
alerting.grpc.errorDuration The duration for which the gRPC error rate has to remain elevated before triggering an alert
alerting.grpc.ignoreErrorCodes [] Which non-OK gRPC status codes will be ignored for triggering alerts
alerting.grpc.maxCriticalErrors 0 The maximum number of critical gRPC errors responses in the sample interval
alerting.grpc.criticalCodes [Internal, Unimplemented] Which gRPC status codes are considered critical errors
alerting.custom.*.metric required if used The name of the Prometheus metric exposed by the service
alerting.custom.*.labelMatchers Prometheus label matchers to use for filtering the metric (e.g., some_key="some_value")
alerting.custom.*.aggregate required if used The aggregate function to use to combine metric values from multiple replicas (e.g., max or sum)
alerting.custom.*.increaseOver A sliding window in which to calculate the increase of the metric (e.g., 10m)
alerting.custom.*.averageOver A sliding window in which to calculate the average value of the metric (e.g., 10m)
alerting.custom.*.round false Round the result before evaluating the predicate
alerting.custom.*.predicate required if used An expression that triggers the alert when the metric fulfills it
alerting.custom.*.severity warning The severity of the alert
alerting.custom.*.topic The topic label for the alert
alerting.custom.*.summary required if used A short summary of the alert
alerting.custom.*.description required if used A longer description of the alert; can include metric labels via templating
alerting.logs.countInterval 5m The time interval in which to count the number of messages per log level
alerting.logs.levelLabel level The Loki label containing the log level
alerting.logs.levels.*.maxCount 0 The maximum number of messages of a specific log level in the interval to allow before alerting
alerting.logs.levels.*.severity warning The severity of the alert when the maximum count of a messages of a specific log level is exceeded
alerting.logs.levels.lokiConfigMap.label loki_rule The label attached to the ConfigMap holding the Loki Rules
alerting.logs.levels.lokiConfigMap.labelValue "" The value of the label attached to the Loki Rule ConfigMap
alerting.logs.createLokiRule false Whether to create a LokiRule custom resource of a ConfigMap for log alerting
alerting.logs.custom.*.regex Regular expression to use for matching log lines
alerting.logs.custom.*.labelMatchers Loki label matchers to use for matching log lines (e.g., some_key="some_value")
alerting.logs.custom.*.countInterval The time interval in which to count the number of matching log lines
alerting.logs.custom.*.predicate required if used An expression that triggers the alert when the number of matching log lines fulfills it
alerting.logs.custom.*.severity warning The severity of the alert
alerting.logs.custom.*.topic logs The topic label for the alert
alerting.logs.custom.*.summary required if used A short summary of the alert
alerting.logs.custom.*.description required if used A longer description of the alert; can include log labels via templating
sidecars [] Additional sidecar containers to be added to the Pod
sidecarTemplates [] Strings to be templated providing additional sidecar containers to be added to the Pod
initContainers [] Additional init containers to be added to the Pod
initContainerTemplates [] Strings to be templated providing additional init containers to be added to the Pod
rbac.roles [] Names of namespace-specific Kubernetes RBAC Roles to assign to the service (supports templating)
rbac.clusterRoles [] Names of cluster-wide Kubernetes RBAC Roles to assign to the service (supports templating)
rbac.customRoles.ROLE_NAME[].apiGroups required if used Namespace-specific Kubernetes RBAC Roles to create and assign to the service (name supports templating).
rbac.customRoles.ROLE_NAME[].resources required if used
rbac.customRoles.ROLE_NAME[].resourceNames []
rbac.customRoles.ROLE_NAME[].verbs `required if used
rbac.existingServiceAccount The name of an existing service account to use (instead of automatically creating one for the service)
global.alertLabels {} Additional labels to apply to alert rules
global.grafana.url The URL of a Grafana instance with access to the service's metrics
global.grafana.dashboard qqsCbY5Zz The UID of the Grafana dashboard visualizing the service's metrics
global.grafana.queryVariables {} Additional variables to be used in the to parametrize the service's Grafana dashboard

Environment variables

In addition to the environment variables specified via the env value, the following dynamic environment variables are automatically set:

Value Description
RELEASE_NAME The name of the Helm Release
POD_CONTROLLER The value of rollout.controller
POD_NAME The name of the Kubernetes pod
POD_NAMESPACE The namespace of the Kubernetes pod
POD_IP The cluster-internal IP of the Kubernetes pod
NODE_NAME The name of the Kubernetes node the pod is running on
REPLICAS The desired number of instances of the service that should be running (unset if autoscaling.enabled is true)
CONFIG_FILE :-separated list of paths of mounted YAML/JSON config files
PORT The ingress.port (if ingress.enabled is true)
METRICS_PORT The monitoring.port (if monitoring.enabled is true)
OTEL_* OpenTelemetry client configuration (if tracing.enabled is true)
JAEGER_* Jaeger client configuration (if tracing.enabled is true)


This Helm chart generates a number of Resources based on the specified Values. These resources reference each other:



Instructs Kubernetes to create a certain number of Pods (replicas) running a specific image.

Created if ingress.enabled or monitoring.enabled is true.

Created if ingress.enabled is true, is not empty and ingress.istio.enabled is false.

Created if ingress.enabled and ingress.istio.enabled are both true.

Created if monitoring.enabled is true.

Created if alerting.enabled is true.

ConfigMap Created if config is not empty.

Created if persistence.enabled is true.

Created if rbac.roles and/or rbac.clusterRoles is not empty.

Created once for every entry in rbac.roles.

Created once for every entry in rbac.clusterRoles.

Created if replicas is greater than 1.

Created if autoscaling.enabled is true.