Runnie is an experimental basecaller that works in 'run-length encoded' space. Rather than calling a sequence of bases, where one call is one base, runs of bases (homopolymers) are called and so one call may represent many bases of the same type.
Run-length encoding separates a sequence into two parts: a run-length compressed sequencing containing only the identities of each run of bases, and the corresponding length of each run. Factorising in this manner has a particular advantage for Oxford Nanopore reads since the identity of a homopolymer is separated from its length. Since homopolymer indels are a significant class of error in single-read Nanopore basecalls, calls in "RLC" space are more accurate and so may led to better mapping and consensus results.
Run-Lengths 112 7 112 11113 111114 13 12 1115 112
Assuming Flappie already works, see, then a runnie
can be created by:
make runnie
Basecalling using runnie
is a two-stage process: firstly, a .run
file is
created containing the Run-Length Compressed (RLC) basecall, along information
about the likely length of each run, then this is decoded into a fasta
basecall. The executable runnie
performs the initial RLC basecall, which is
then processed by the misc/
The misc/
script requires a numpy installation.
# ! It is highly recommended that OpenBLAS is run in single threaded mode
# Process reads directory
runnie reads/ >
# Create a .fasta from .run
python -O misc/ > basecalls.fa
# Run in parallel
find reads -name \*.fast5 | parallel -P $(nproc) -X runnie | gzip >
# All in one go
find reads -name \*.fast5 | parallel -P $(nproc) -X runnie | python -O misc/ --threads 4 > basecalls.fa
Rather than making a single call for the length of a homopolymer, Runnie
emits two parameters for each base called ('shape' and 'scale') that describe a
distribution over all possible lengths. The estimate of the homopolymer
run-length is created from the distribution, e.g. by the mode or mean.
The advantage of describing the possible run-lengths by a distribution is that it contains information about confidence in a particular run-length and likely alternative calls. The extra informartion provided by the distribution may be particularly helpful for consensus calling, allowing different run-lengths to be combined in a principled manner.
Currently, the distribution over run-lengths is assumed to be a Discrete Weibull distribution , with shape and scale parameters produced for each base by the basecalling network. The discrete Weibull distribution is formed by integating the (continuous) Weibull distribution between neighbouring integers, so the probability that run-length is l is W(l + 1 | a, b) - W(l | a, b), where W(x | a, b ) is the cumulative density function for the Weibull distribution with shape a and scale b.
The exact proceedure for estimating the length of a homopolymer run from the run-length distribution is being refined. The current approach is to estimate the mode of the Discrete Weibull distribution by rounding down the mode of the equivalently parameterised continuous Weibull distribution, for which there is a closed form expression.
The output of runnie
is a simple encoding of the run-length compressed
basecall and information about the length of the run distribution. While
having many deficiencies, the .run
format is simple and contains richer
information about the run distribution than could be put in the fasta or
fastq calls.
The primary purpose of the .run
format is to allow experimentation with
different methods of decoding the run length and may be replaced by a different
format in the future. It is unlikely that the ONT production basecallers will
produce this format if / when Run-Length Encoding is integrated into our
commercial products.
Each entry starts with a comment containing the read ID, followed by one line for each base in the run-length compressed basecall. These lines contain the following values, tab-separated: base called, the shape and scale of the run-length distribution, and the number of blocks in that run.
Being a initial research release, Runnie
several limitations and is only
fit for research use. In particular:
- Only R9.4.1 reads from MinION are supported.
- Modified basecalling is not supported.
- Multi-read fast5 files are not supported.
These limitations may be addressed in future releases.
(c) 2018 Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd.
Runnie is distributed under the terms of the Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Ltd. Public License, v. 1.0. If a copy of the License was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
The vectorised math functions used by Flappie src/sse_mathfun.h are from and the original version of this file is under the 'zlib' licence. See the top of src/sse_mathfun.h for details.
Research releases are provided as technology demonstrators to provide early access to features or stimulate Community development of tools. Support for this software will be minimal and is only provided directly by the developers. Feature requests, improvements, and discussions are welcome and can be implemented by forking and pull requests. However much as we would like to rectify every issue and piece of feedback users may have, the developers may have limited resource for support of this software. Research releases may be unstable and subject to rapid iteration by Oxford Nanopore Technologies.