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Fastcat Device List

JSD and Offline Devices

For every JSD Device there is an Offline Device to emulate the behavior of the hardware.

Name Manufacturer Description
PlatinumActuator Elmo Elmo Platinum derived Actuator controller
GoldActuator Elmo Elmo Gold derived Actuator controller
Egd Elmo Elmo Gold Drive
El1008 Beckhoff 8-channel 24v Digital Input
El3208 Beckhoff 8-channel RTD Input
El3162 Beckhoff 2-channel 0-10v SE Analog Input
El3602 Beckhoff 2-channel +/-10v Diff. Analog Input
El2124 Beckhoff 4-channel 5v Digital Output
El2809 Beckhoff 16-channel 24v Digital Output
El4102 Beckhoff 2-channel 0-10v Analog Output
Ild1900 Micro-Epsilon Distance Laser Sensor
AtiFts ATI Force-Torque Sensor
JED0101 JPL JPL EtherCAT Device 0101 - EELS
JED0200 JPL JPL EtherCAT Device 0200 - SAEL

Fastcat Devices

Fastcat Devices do not have any physical EtherCAT hardware equivalent. The operate identically regardless if they consume Offline Device or JSD Device Signals

Name Description
Commander Routes Signals to command arguments and issues internal commands to other devices
Conditional Logical test for signal with a boolean state data field
Faulter Emits a fault if a the input signal != 0
Filter Supports Digital AB and Moving Average filtering on Signals
Fts Reads in N (some number >=6) 'raw' signals and multiplies them through a 6xN calibration matrix to compute a wrench
Function Applies a function to a single input signal (e.g. parametrized N-order polynomial)
Pid Applies a PID Controller to signal with deadband and persistence arguments
Saturation Applies upper and lower saturation limits to a signal
SchmittTrigger Simple software debounce trigger, parameterized with upper and lower thresholds
SignalGenerator Generates a parameterized signal (e.g. sine wave or sawtooth) useful for testing devices and configurations
VirtualFts Reads in 6 signals (corresponding to a wrench) and applies the adjoint wrench transformation to different 6DOF pose
LinearInterpolation Passes a signal through a user-specified table using linear interpolation

YAML Parameters

Fastcat Global Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Recommended Value
target_loop_rate_hz Loop Rate of Fastcat Application double 100 - 500
zero_latency_required Controls Manager reaction if circular Signal dependencies exist bool True
actuator_position_directory Parent directory of actuator saved position file string /tmp/
actuator_fault_on_missing_pos_file If true, Fastcat will fail during initialization if a saved pos file does not exist bool True


Some devices use of the loop period to provide better performance so the application should try to honor this loop rate. For example, the EGD slave uses the loop period to perform some interpolation between commands. The fastcat::manager class has a getter for this loop rate parameter, double GetTargetLoopRate() so applications can easily extract this parameter from the library without redundant parameterization or YAML parsing.


During initialization, devices will be reordered by the manager to ensure that the processing order ensures that Signal consumers follow Signal producers. If there exists a cyclic dependency (e.g. A observes B and B observes A) this parameter controls how the manager reacts when 'zero latency' cannot be achieved within the fastcat device bus. If True, the manager will fault during configuration. If False, the manager will print out a helpful warning message and ignore the cyclic dependency.


To work seamlessly with actuators, the manager may need to cache the last known position of actuators if they are using any non-absolute position sensor (e.g. incremental encoder, Hall-effect sensor) The Manager will look inside the actuator_position_directory for a pre-existing fastcat_saved_positions.yaml file to restore position from this file.


The fastcat_saved_positions.yaml may not exist for any number of reasons. If this file does not exist, this parameter controls how the manager reacts. if True, then the manager will fault and not initialize. if False, the assumed startup position for all actuators is 0 and when a new fastcat_saved_positions.yaml fill will be created when the manager is shutdown by the application.


# Recommended For Online Hardware
	target_loop_rate_hz:                500   # 100 - 500
	zero_latency_required:              True  # Always
	actuator_position_directory:        /cal/ # or any other global location on your filesystem
	actuator_fault_on_missing_pos_file: True  # Online - True, Offline - False
# Recommended For Offline Hardware
	target_loop_rate_hz:                500   # 100 - 500
	zero_latency_required:              True  # Always
	actuator_position_directory:        /tmp/ # Recommended this is different from the Online path
	actuator_fault_on_missing_pos_file: False # Let Fastcat Create this for us!

Bus Parameters

Fastcat can support multiple buses of each type

Parameter Name Description
bus/type Specifies which devices are on this bus {offline_bus, jsd_bus, fastcat_bus}
bus/ifname The interface name only used by JSD bus to indicate which NIC is used for the EtherCAT Master
bus/enable_autorecovery jsd_busonly. Enables a feature that may attempt to recover the bus if the working counter changes


Only 3 special strings are permitted to define the bus types. All devices within a bus are handled by the same context manager so you cannot specify JSD Devices on the same bus as Fastcat Devices for example.

Each jsd_bus denotes a unique EtherCAT Master.

Multiple buses of any time can be supported.


Functionally only used by the jsd_bus to specific which Network Interface Controller (NIC) is being used for that EtherCAT Master instance.

Tip: use ip a or ifconfig to check your list of interfaces on Debian/Ubuntu


This feature aims to recover the EtherCAT Master if a change in working counter (WKC) is detected. This can occur if a slave is not responding properly, the physical bus topology has been changed, or some intermittent power/communication issue is present.

This feature is NOT real-time safe so it is not recommended to be used beyond debugging efforts.


	- type: offline_bus
	  ifname: offline_1
	    ... # Only offline JSD devices can be specified here
	- type: jsd_bus
	  ifname: eno1
	  enable_autorecovery: False
	    ... # Only online JSD devices can be specified here
	- type: fastcat_bus
	  ifname: fastcat_1
	    ... # Only fastcat devices can be specified here
	... # add more {offline_bus, jsd_bus, fastcat_bus} buses as desired

Device Parameters

All devices configurations are contained in a devices YAML sequence within a bus.

Every device has a device_class that matches the fastcat API class name. A special device class called IGNORE is used on jsd_bus to tell the EtherCAT master to ignore certain slaves when initializing slaves and exchanging PDOs. The following snippet shows how to use the IGNORE device class to ignore the EK1100 passive EtherCAT Bus Coupler.

  - type: jsd_bus
    - device_class: IGNORE # EK1100 Coupler
    - device_class: ... 

Every device has a name parameter that must be unique for all devices on the bus. The name parameter is important because this is how commands are marshaled from the Manager command queue to each unique device.

These two parameters, device_class and name, are not explicitly covered in the following device configuration parameter descriptions but must be specified for each and every device.

JSD and Offline Device Parameters

GoldActuator and PlatinumActuator

Care was taken to ensure the Gold and Platinum device configuration parameters are shared between these two device drivers.

Note: the egd_ suffix was changed to elmo_ in v0.12.0

Engineering Units (EU) are radians for revolute actuators and meters for linear actuators.

Parameter Description
actuator_type Either revolute or linear. This dictates EU of radians or meters respectively.
gear_ratio The gear ratio relating motor speed to actuator output (e.g. input/output)
counts_per_rev The number of sensor counts per motor revolution
max_speed_eu_per_sec Maximum actuator Output speed this drive may be commanded
max_accel_eu_per_sec2 Max actuator output accel this drive may be commanded
over_speed_multiplier Multiplicative factor over max_speed_eu_per_sec that triggers a fault
vel_tracking_error_eu_per_sec Fault if tracking error fabs(Actual Vel - Cmd Vel) exceeds this parameter
pos_tracking_error_eu Fault if tracking error fabs(Actual Pos - Cmd Pos) exceeds this parameter
peak_current_limit_amps Peak instantaneous current permitted to actuator
peak_current_time_sec Max apply duration of Peak current before dropping down to Max Continuous current
continuous_current_limit_amps Max current permitted to actuator
torque_slope_amps_per_sec Rate to apply torque in certain profiled torque command modes
low_pos_cal_limit_eu Lower Position Limit typically corresponding to a hardstop. Used for Calibration Command
low_pos_cmd_limit_eu Lowest allowable command position value
high_pos_cal_limit_eu Upper Position Limit typically corresponding to a hardstop. Used for Calibration Command
high_pos_cmd_limit_eu Highest allowable command position value
holding_duration_sec Duration to hold position after reset or after a motion command before re-engaging brakes
elmo_brake_engage_msec How long it takes to re-engage the brakes
elmo_brake_disengage_msec How long it takes to disengaged the brakes
elmo_crc CRC of the flashed Elmo parameter set
elmo_drive_max_current_limit The fixed, maximum drive current for the Elmo Drive
smooth_factor Affects controller smoothing, defaults to 0
winding_resistance OPTIONAL: Winding resistance of motor for optional power calculation
torque_constant OPTIONAL: Torque constant of motor for optional power calculation
motor_encoder_gear_ratio OPTIONAL: Capture any gear ratio between the motor and the encoder, i.e. an output encoder
ctrl_gain_scheduling_mode OPTIONAL: Gain scheduling mode for the drive's controller: DISABLED, SPEED, POSITION, and MANUAL. When not specified, the mode stored in the drive's non-volatile memory is used.
prof_pos_hold OPTIONAL: Perform active position control after completion of a position profile command. Useful to mimic brakes on actuators that do not have them.

Implementation Notes

  • The Actuator device Class is based of the JSD Elmo Gold Drive (Egd) device
  • Wherever possible, the responsibility to check faults is delegated down to the EtherCAT Slave (rather than keep that logic at the Application layer) to promote the fastest fault-checking possible
    • Position and Velocity Tracking faults are delegated to the Egd slave
    • Overspeed faults are delegated to the Egd slave
  • The Egd must be tuned prior to use within Fastcat.
    • Some parameters like max_speed_eu_per_sec are checked against these internal parameters and cannot be exceeded with flashing the drive.
    • Modifying any of the GPRM parameters and calling SV will change the egd_crc
    • The Elmo CRC value is checked to make sure the YAML parameters align with the drive parameters


    - device_class:                  PlatinumActuator #or GoldActuator 
      name:                          tool
      actuator_type:                 revolute # eu = radians
      gear_ratio:                    19
      counts_per_rev:                6
      max_speed_eu_per_sec:          100
      max_accel_eu_per_sec2:         10
      over_speed_multiplier:         3.0
      vel_tracking_error_eu_per_sec: 0.157
      pos_tracking_error_eu:         0.157
      peak_current_limit_amps:       25.46
      peak_current_time_sec:         1.0
      continuous_current_limit_amps: 7.5
      torque_slope_amps_per_sec:     2.0
      low_pos_cal_limit_eu:          -1e15
      low_pos_cmd_limit_eu:          -1e15
      high_pos_cmd_limit_eu:         1e15
      high_pos_cal_limit_eu:         1e15
      holding_duration_sec:          5.0
      elmo_brake_engage_msec:         10 
      elmo_brake_disengage_msec:      10
      elmo_crc:                       -3260
      elmo_drive_max_current_limit:   10
      smooth_factor:                 0

Egd (Elmo Gold Drive)

This is a thin wrapper around the JSD EGD device. This does not have fastcat-side profiling nor any notion of gear ratio so the drive must be commanded in encoder counts.

Parameter Description
cs_cmd_freq_hz The Target loop rate to command the drive in {CSP, CSV, CST} modes
drive_cmd_mode Either CS or PROFILED see notes below for more details
max_motor_speed Maximum speed this drive may be commanded in counts/sec
torque_slope Rate to apply torque in certain profiled torque command modes
max_profile_accel ELMO-side profiler acceleration in counts/sec
max_profile_decel ELMO-side profiler deceleration in counts/sec
velocity_tracking_error ELMO-side velocity tracking error in counts/sec
position_tracking_error ELMO-side position tracking error in counts
peak_current_limit Peak instantaneous current in Amp
peak_current_time Max apply duration of Peak current before dropping down to Max Continuous current
continuous_current_limit Max continuously supplied current permitted to actuator
motor_stuck_current_level_pct See Elmo docs for details on this feature, 0 disables
motor_stuck_velocity_threshold See Elmo docs for details on this feature, 0 disables
motor_stuck_timeout See Elmo docs for details on this feature
over_speed_threshold High motor speed used for overspeed violations in counts/sec
low_position_limit Lower position the drive can move to in position mode, in counts
high_position_limit Upper position the drive can move to in position mode, in counts
brake_enage_msec How long it takes to re-engage the brake
brake_disengage_msec How long it takes to disengage the brake
crc CRC of the flashed parameter set
drive_max_current_limit The fixed, Maximum drive current for the EGD

drive_cmd_mode controls the structure of the Process Data Objects (PDO) exchanged with the device during nominal runtime. The Gold Drive has a fixed limit on the size of the PDO which means that it cannot support all DS-402 commands in the same configuration (in the preferred manner we like to use the drive anyways). The Elmo Platinum Drive does not have this PDO limitation so it will accept all 6 command modes.

drive_cmd_mode: PROFILED means that ONLY profiled commands are accepted:

  • egd_prof_pos
  • egd_prof_vel
  • egd_prof_torque

drive_cmd_mode: CS means that ONLY Cyclic-Synchronous commands are accepted:

  • egd_csp
  • egd_csv
  • egd_cst

Note: the GoldActuator device uses the Egd device in CS mode. Profiled commands like ACTUATOR_PROF_POS are implemented with fastcat-side profiling.

    - device_class:                    Egd
      name:                            egd_1
      cs_cmd_freq_hz:                  100
      drive_cmd_mode:                  PROFILED
      max_motor_speed:                 50000
      torque_slope:                    0.25
      max_profile_accel:               50000
      max_profile_decel:               50000
      velocity_tracking_error:         10000000
      position_tracking_error:         100000000
      peak_current_limit:              1.5
      peak_current_time:               0.5
      continuous_current_limit:        1.0
      motor_stuck_current_level_pct:   0
      motor_stuck_velocity_threshold:  0
      motor_stuck_timeout:             1.0
      over_speed_threshold:            100000
      low_position_limit:              0
      high_position_limit:             0
      brake_engage_msec:               0
      brake_disengage_msec:            0
      crc:                             0
      drive_max_current_limit:         5

El3208 (8-channel RTD Input)

Parameter Description
element type of hardware element connected to each channel
connection number of wires in each channel's connection {2WIRE, 3WIRE, 4WIRE, NOT_CONNECTED}
wire_resistance resistance of wires in Ohms, used to improve the temperature estimate if line resistance is known
low_threshold Fault issued if temperature drops below this threshold (deg C.)
high_threshold Fault issued if temperature exceeds this threshold (deg C.)

Allowable element values (See the EL3208 Beckhoff Manual 0x80n0:19 Data Object)

  • PT100
  • NI100
  • PT1000
  • PT500
  • PT200
  • NI1000
  • NI1000_TK1500
  • NI120
  • OHMS4096 - Outputs resistance instead of temp. Senses up to 4096 Ohms (1/16 Ohm resolution)
  • OHMS1024 - Outputs resistance instead of temp. Senses up to 1024 Ohms (1/64 Ohm resolution)
  • KT100_ET_AL


- device_class: El3208
  name: el3208_1
  element:         [PT100, NI100, PT100, PT100, PT100, PT100, OHMS1024, NOT_CONNECTED]
  connection:      [2WIRE, 2WIRE, 3WIRE, 2WIRE, 4WIRE, 2WIRE, 2WIRE,    NOT_CONNECTED]
  wire_resistance: [0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,        0            ]
  low_threshold:   [-100,  -100,  -100,  -100,  -1,     -100,  -100,     1           ]
  high_threshold:  [100,   100,   100,   100,   1,    100,   100,      -1            ]

El3162 (2-channel 0-10v Single-Ended Analog Input)

The El3162 device has no configuration parameters


- device_class: El3162
  name: el3162_1

El1008 (8-channel 24v Digital Input)

The El1008 device has no configuration parameters


- device_class: El1008
  name: el1008_1

El3602 (2-channel +/-10v Diff. Analog Input)

Parameter Description
range_ch1 Voltage Range for Channel 1
range_ch2 Voltage Range for Channel 2

The permitted range values are:

  • 10V - +/- 10 volts
  • 5V - +/- 5 volts
  • 2_5V - Corresponding to +/- 2.5 volts
  • 75MV - Corresponding to +/- 75 milliVolts
  • 200MV - Corresponding to +/- 200 millivolts


- device_class: El3602
  name: el3602_1
  range_ch1: 10V
  range_ch2: 5V

El2124 (4-channel 5v Digital Output)

The El2124 device has no configuration parameters


- device_class: El2124
  name: el2124_1

El2809 (16-channel 28v Digital Output)

The El2809 device has no configuration parameters


- device_class: El2809
  name: el2809_1

El4102 (2-channel 0-10v Analog Output)

The El4102 device has no configuration parameters.


- device_class: El4102
  name: el4102_1

El3318 (8-channel Thermocouple module)

Parameter Description
element type of TC hardware element

The permitted elements are:

  • TYPE_K
  • TYPE_J
  • TYPE_L
  • TYPE_E
  • TYPE_T
  • TYPE_N
  • TYPE_U
  • TYPE_B
  • TYPE_R
  • TYPE_S
  • TYPE_C


- device_class: El3318
  name: el3318_tc_location_1
  element: TYPE_K

Ild1900 (Distance Laser Sensor)

Parameter Description
model Model number
measuring_rate Number of measurements per second (Hz)
averaging_type Type of averaging formula applied to measurements
averaging_number Number of consecutive measurements averaged together
exposure_mode Exposure mode
peak_selection Peak selection strategy

The allowed model numbers are the following strings:

  • 2 - measuring range 2 mm, start measuring range 15 mm
  • 10 - measuring range 10 mm, start measuring range 20 mm
  • 25 - measuring range 25 mm, start measuring range 25 mm
  • 50 - measuring range 50 mm, start measuring range 40 mm
  • 100 - measuring range 100 mm, start measuring range 50 mm
  • 200 - measuring range 200 mm, start measuring range 60 mm
  • 500 - measuring range 500 mm, start measuring range 100 mm
  • 2LL - measuring range 2 mm, start measuring range 15 mm
  • 6LL - measuring range 6 mm, start measuring range 17 mm
  • 10LL - measuring range 10 mm, start measuring range 20 mm
  • 25LL - measuring range 25 mm, start measuring range 25 mm
  • 50LL - measuring range 50 mm, start measuring range 40 mm

The available averaging types are:

  • NONE - no averaging
  • MEDIAN - median from specified number of measurements
  • MOVING - arithmetic average from specified number of measurements
  • RECURSIVE - Weighted average of new measured value with previous averaging value.

The available exposure modes are:

  • STANDARD - exposure time automatically adjusted so that intensity is %50
  • INTELLIGENT - for moving objects or material transitions
  • BACKGROUND - improves ambient light tolerance, but halves output rate

The available peak selection strategies are:

  • HIGHEST - peak with highest intensity
  • WIDEST - peak with largest surface
  • LAST - peak furthest away from sensor
  • FIRST - nearest peak to sensor


  • The maximum measuring rate is 10000.
  • If averaging_type is NONE, averaging_number will be ignored and can be omitted.
  • If averaging_type is MEDIAN, averaging_number must be 3, 5, 7, or 9.
  • If averaging_type is MOVING, averaging_number must be a power of 2: 2, 4, 8, ..., 4096.
  • If averaging_type is RECURSIVE, averaging_number must be in the range [1, 32000].


- device_class: Ild1900
  name: ild1900_1
  model: 100
  measuring_rate: 250.0
  averaging_type: MEDIAN
  averaging_number: 9
  exposure_mode: STANDARD
  peak_selection: HIGHEST

AtiFts (Force Torque Sensor)

Parameter Description
calibration Integer value corresponding to as-quoted calibration entries
max_force_x If the force on x axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_force_y If the force on y axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_force_z If the force on z axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_torque_x If the torque on x axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_torque_y If the torque on y axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_torque_z If the torque on z axis exceed this value, emit a fault

The calibration value by default is 0 if additional calibrations were ordered from ATI, the can be accessed by increasing this index value. It's not possible to look up which calibration integer maps to which calibration, but fastcat will report the calibration name and relevant units.

The max_force_{x,y,z} and max_torque_{x,y,z} fault checks are evaluated like so:

if fabs(f{x,y,z}) > max_force_{x,y,z}) then fault


- device_class: AtiFts
  name:         ati_fts_1
  calibration:  0
  max_force_x:  25
  max_force_y:  25
  max_force_z:  100
  max_torque_x: 2
  max_torque_y: 2
  max_torque_z: 10

This calibration: 0 yields SI-580-20 with units of Newtons and Newton-Meters.

[SUCCESS](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd.c:420)   slave[1] ATI EtherCAT F/T Sensor - Configured
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:103) Configuring slave no: 1,  SII inferred name: ATI EtherCAT F/T Sensor
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:105)    Configured name: ati_fts_1
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:139)    ATI Firmware version: 1.0.17
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:153)    ATI Serial Number: FT33228
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:154)    ATI Calibration Integer (0) maps to: SI-580-20
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:156)    ATI Calibration Family: ECat
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:157)    ATI Calibration Date: 2021-01-15 05:00:00Z
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:158)    ATI force units: N (2)
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:159)    ATI torque units: N-m (3)
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:160)    ATI counts_per_force: 1000000
[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:161)    ATI counts_per_torque: 1000000

If calibration: 1 is specified, the results SI-290-10

[ INFO  ](/tmp/fastcat/build/_deps/jsd-src/src/jsd_ati_fts.c:154)    ATI Calibration Integer (1) maps to: SI-290-10


Parameter Description
initial_cmd A float64 that is sent in the initial cmd PDO. Unused.


- device_class: Jed0101
  name: jed0101_1
  initial_cmd: 42


Parameter Description
initial_cmd A float64 that is sent in the initial cmd PDO. Unused.


- device_class: Jed0200
  name: jed0200_1
  initial_cmd: 42

Fastcat Device Parameters

Recall only Fastcat Devices can use Signals to acquire state data from other modules.

Signal Specification

Signals are defined in a way such that they can be parse the same regardless of which device use them. The only exception to this rule is for Commander devices, which have an additional parameter called cmd_field_name This is covered in the Commander section below.

There are 2 types of Signals that devices may observe: Device Signals and Fixed-value Signals.

  • Device Signals are updated every process loop by the device's Read() method

  • Fixed-value Signals are specified constant values

Both types have their usefulness within fastcat systems.

If the observed_device_name does not exist, the manager will display a warning and fault during initialization.

If the request_signal_name does not match a valid field of the observed device class, the then manager will display a warning and fault during initialization.


A device signal that observes the output of a SignalGenerator device named sig_gen_1:

  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name:  output
  # ... more signals here if applicable

A fixed-value signal that causes the Fastcat Device to always observe a value of 1:

  - observed_device_name: FIXED_VALUE
    fixed_value:          1
  # ... more signals here if applicable


The commander device observes multiple signals and emit a specified command. The number of signals must match the number of arguments in the command.

Parameter Description
start_enabled If true, the commander start issuing the command after initialization. Otherwise, it needs to be enabled first by application command.
skip_n_loops If enabled, the commander will skip this number of process loops before issuing the next command. Set skip_n_loops: 0 for the commander to issue the command every process loop.
device_cmd_name The name of device to which commander sends its command
device_cmd_type Specifies which command to issue in ALL_CAPS e.g. EL2124_WRITE_CHANNEL_CMD

The list of commands is defined in src/fcgen/fastcat_types.yaml . The number of signals MUST match the number of arguments in the command, else the manager will fail to initialize.

The additional Signal parameter cmd_field_name is used to specific which signal maps to which argument. This parameter was need in order to no rely on signal ordering to index into command arguments.


The following example illustrates a simple bang-bang heater controller using a SchmittTrigger, Commander, and EL2124 (digital output) devices. Say we have a heater circuit attached to the Channel 1 output of the EL2124 device and want to use the EL2124_WRITE_CHANNEL_CMD to turn a heater on or off depending on some sensed temperature.

First, we need to understand the command arguments defined in src/fcgen/fastcat_types.yaml shown below:

  # ... 
  - name: el2124_write_channel
    - name: channel
      type: uint8_t
    - name: level
      type: uint8_t
  # ... 

In the following YAML snippet, the commander observes a SchmittTrigger boolean signal and passes it along to the level argument of the command. The channel argument is fixed to 1 by the FIXED_VALUE signal. Notice the use of cmd_field_name to ensure that the order of level or channel signals do not matter.

- device_class: Commander
  name: el2124_commander 
  start_enabled: False
  skip_n_loops:   0  
  device_cmd_name: el2124_1
  device_cmd_type: EL2124_WRITE_CHANNEL_CMD
  - observed_device_name: FIXED_VALUE
    fixed_value:          1
    cmd_field_name:       channel
  - observed_device_name: st_1
    request_signal_name:  output
    cmd_field_name:       level

This YAML generates the following fcviz graph:


Parameter Description
conditional_type Comparison operator. Valid types: {<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=}
compare_rhs_value Value on the "Right-hand Side" of the operator

The Signal is always on the left-hand side of the logical test, like so:

bool output = (double)signal_value > (double)compare_rhs_value;

Note: The comparison types are double so be careful when using == and !=


This Example checks if the observed signal is greater than 9.5

- device_class: Conditional
  name: cond_1
  conditional_type: ">"
  compare_rhs_value: 9.5
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name: output


Parameter Description
start_enabled If True, starts monitoring the input signal immediately after initialization

The Faulter device observes the input signal and will emit a global fault if the signal value is non-zero.

Tip: Give your Faulter devices a descriptive name that will help you diagnose which fault condition was tripped.


- device_class: Faulter
  name: faulter_high_sine_value
  start_enabled: False
  - observed_device_name: cond_1
    request_signal_name: output


Parameter Description
filter_type The type of filter {DIGITAL_AB, MOVING_AVERAGE}
A DIGITAL_AB only. The variable-sized A coefficients array
B DIGITAL_AB only. the variable-sized B coefficients array
buffer_size MOVING_AVERAGE only. The number of samples to compute the moving-average over.

Digital AB filters take the form:

  • n is the current sample iteration
  • M is the length of A
  • N is the length of B
  • Y is the response, saved in the state data of the filter device.


Digital AB Filter Example:

- device_class: Filter
  name: filt_lowpass_1
  filter_type: DIGITAL_AB
  # 2nd order Butterworth, Wn=0.5 - aggressive
  A: [1.0, 0.0, 0.1715729]
  B: [0.2928932, 0.5857864, 0.2928932]
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name:  output

Simple Moving Average Example:

- device_class: Filter
  name: filt_ma_1
  filter_type: MOVING_AVERAGE
  buffer_size : 10
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name:  output


Parameter Description
calibration_matrix the 6x6 calibration matrix. Converts 6 input signals to wrench.
max_force_x If the force on x axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_force_y If the force on y axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_force_z If the force on z axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_torque_x If the torque on x axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_torque_y If the torque on y axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_torque_z If the torque on z axis exceed this value, emit a fault
wrench[6x1] = calibration_matrix[6x6] * signals[6x1]

The max_force_{x,y,z} and max_torque_{x,y,z} fault checks are evaluated like so:

if fabs(f{x,y,z}) > max_force_{x,y,z}) then fault

Note: Exactly 6 signals must be specified in the signals list.


- device_class: Fts
  name: fts_1
  calibration_matrix: [1,0,0, 0,0,0,  
                       0,1,0, 0,0,0, 
                       0,0,1, 0,0,0, 
                       0,0,0, 1,0,0,  
                       0,0,0, 0,1,0,  
                       0,0,0, 0,0,1]
  max_force_x: 4900
  max_force_y: 4900
  max_force_z: 4900
  max_torque_x: 10000
  max_torque_y: 10000
  max_torque_z: 10000

  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name:  output
  - observed_device_name: FIXED_VALUE
    fixed_value:          0
  - observed_device_name: FIXED_VALUE
    fixed_value:          0
  - observed_device_name: FIXED_VALUE
    fixed_value:          0
  - observed_device_name: FIXED_VALUE
    fixed_value:          0
  - observed_device_name: FIXED_VALUE
    fixed_value:          0


Parameter Description
order order of polynomial
coefficients Polynomial coefficients; length must be equal to order + 1 . Starts with highest-power term.
for SUMMATION: no additional parameters, specify signals field only, signals will be added together
for MULTIPLICATION: no additional parameters, specify signals field only, signals will be multiplied together
for POWER: raises a single signal to a constant power: (x^a)
exponent exponent
for EXPONENTIAL raises a constant to the value of a single signal: (a^x)
base base (a; optional; if not provided, defaults to euler's number e)
for SIGMOID: logistic function defined by 1.0 / (1 + e^-x)


The coefficients (here coeff) are specified in the following order (N)

y = coeff[0] * x^(N) + coeff[1] * x^(N-1) + ... + coeff[N-1] * x^(1) + coeff[N] * x^(0);

Note: The function device only accepts a single signal. Multi-variate polynomial functions are not currently supported.


Implement the function y = 1*x + 100

- device_class: Function
  name: fun_1
  function_type: POLYNOMIAL
  order: 1
  coefficients: [1, 100]
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name: output


Specify two or more signals to sum together


Implement the function y = x1 + x2

- device_class: Function
  name: fun_2
  function_type: SUMMATION
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name: output
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_2
    request_signal_name: output


Specify two or more signals to multiply together


Implement the function y = x1 * x2 * x3

- device_class: Function
  name: fun_3
  function_type: MULTIPLICATION 
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name: output
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_2
    request_signal_name: output
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_3
    request_signal_name: output


Raise a constant to the power of the signal


Implement the function y = e^x

- device_class: Function
  name: fun_4
  function_type: EXPONENTIAL
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name: output

Implement the function y = 2.0^x

- device_class: Function
  name: fun_5
  function_type: EXPONENTIAL
  base: 2.0
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name: output


Return the sigmoid logistic function


Implement the sigmoid logistic function y = 1.0 / (1.0 + e^-x)

- device_class: Function
  name: fun_6
  function_type: SIGMOID
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name: output


Parameter Description
kp Proportional Gain
ki Integral Gain
kd Derivative Gain
windup_limit The max contribution of the integral term (e.g. ki * error)

A basic PID controller. The feedback comes from the observed signal and the controller response is recorded as a Pid device state variable. In order to apply a PID control loop within fastcat, a Commander device must observe the Pid response state variable and route it to the proper command argument.


- device_class: Pid
  name: pid_1
  kp: 0.05
  ki: 0
  kd: 0.01
  windup_limit: 0
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name:  output


Parameter Description
lower_limit The lower value that the signal will be clipped at
upper_limit The upper value the signal will be clipped at

Saturates an input signal


- device_class: Saturation
  name: sat_1
  lower_limit: -0.05
  upper_limit: 0.05
  - observed_device_name: pid_1
    request_signal_name:  output


Parameter Description
low_threshold The low threshold setting
high_threshold The high threshold setting

A Schmitt Trigger is a simple debounce software trigger. The following is pseudo code for implementing it:

if signal is rising
	if signal > high_threshold -> Disable Trigger, set falling
if signal is falling
	if signal < low_threshold -> Enable trigger, set rising


- device_class: SchmittTrigger
  name: st_1
  low_threshold: 1000
  high_threshold: 4000
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name: output


Parameter Description
signal_generator_type The type of signal to generate {SINE_WAVE, SAW_TOOTH, GAUSSIAN_RANDOM, UNIFORM_RANDOM}
angular_frequency sine wave angular frequency
phase sine wave phase
amplitude sine wave amplitude
offset sine wave offset
max max value of the sawtooth wave
min min value of the sawtooth wave
slope The rate of change in EU/sec. May be positive or negative
mean mean signal value
sigma standard deviation
seed specify random seed as an optional unsigned integer; each signal generator uses its own random seed; if no random seed is provided, defaults to 1
max maximum signal value
min minimum signal value
seed specify random seed as an optional unsigned integer; each signal generator uses its own random seed; if no random seed is provided, defaults to 1

The SINE_WAVE signal generator output is computed as:

output = amplitude * sin(angular_frequency * t + phase) + offset

The SAW_TOOTH signal generator output is computed as:

  • Start at 'lower' limit (min if slope > 0, max if slope < 0)
  • Loop
    • apply slope each process update
    • when the 'upper' limit is reached, reset the output 'lower' limit


- device_class: SignalGenerator
  name: sig_gen_1
  signal_generator_type: SINE_WAVE
  angular_frequency: 0.3141593Repeat 
  phase: 0
  amplitude: 10
  offset: 0
- device_class: SignalGenerator
  name: sig_gen_2
  signal_generator_type: SAW_TOOTH
  max: 1
  min: 0
  slope: 1
- device_class: SignalGenerator
  name: sig_gen_3
  signal_generator_type: GAUSSIAN_RANDOM
  mean: 0.0
  sigma: 0.2
  seed: 50
- device_class: SignalGenerator
  name: sig_gen_4
  signal_generator_type: UNIFORM_RANDOM
  min: -5.0
  max: 10.0
  # seed is optional


Parameter Description
position The translation component of transformation
quaternion the rotation component of transformation as {u, x, y, z} , Option 1
euler the rotation component of transformat as Euler angles {roll, pitch, yaw}, Option 2
max_force_x If the force on x axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_force_y If the force on y axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_force_z If the force on z axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_torque_x If the torque on x axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_torque_y If the torque on y axis exceed this value, emit a fault
max_torque_z If the torque on z axis exceed this value, emit a fault

The VirtualFts transforms a wrench as if it were sensed at the pose of the specified coordinate frame using the adjoint wrench transformation.

The max_force_{x,y,z} and max_torque_{x,y,z} parameters are the same as the Fts device

Only one of quaternion or euler parameters need to be specified

Note: The Euler angles are specified in [Roll, Pitch, Yaw] order but are actually computed in Z-Y-X order


- device_class: VirtualFts
  name: virtual_fts_1
  position: [1, 0, 1]
  quaternion: [0.7071, 0.35355, 0, 0.35355]
  max_force_x: 4900
  max_force_y: 4900
  max_force_z: 4900
  max_torque_x: 10000
  max_torque_y: 10000
  max_torque_z: 10000
  - observed_device_name: fts_1
    request_signal_name: raw_fx
  - observed_device_name: fts_1
    request_signal_name: raw_fy
  - observed_device_name: fts_1
    request_signal_name: raw_fz
  - observed_device_name: fts_1
    request_signal_name: raw_tx
  - observed_device_name: fts_1
    request_signal_name: raw_ty
  - observed_device_name: fts_1
    request_signal_name: raw_tz


Parameter Description
domain Variable-length array of domain values
range Variable-length array of range values
enable_output_bounds_fault controls fault behavior

The LinearInterpolation provides a general method for converting a signal by interpolation table. Within the domain, the output is linearly interpolated between adjacent pivot points where the input is between the pivot points (e.g. domain[i] < intput < domain[i+1])

  output = range[i] + (range[i+1] - range[i]) / (domain[i+1] - domain[i]) * (input - domain[i])

If the input falls outside the valid domain specified by the input YAML, the output signal saturates and does not attempt extrapolation. the state feedback value is_saturated is also set to indicate this has happened.

If enable_output_bounds_fault is true then a Fastcat fault is emitted when the device saturates. Otherwise, no faults are emitted by a LinearInterpolation device and it will silently saturate.


This example implements an absolute value function over the range of [-9, 9]

- device_class: LinearInterpolation
  name:         my_lin_interp_1 
  domain:       [-9, 0, 9]
  range:        [ 9, 0, 9]
  enable_out_of_bounds_fault: false
  - observed_device_name: sig_gen_1
    request_signal_name:  output


Parameter Description
thermal_mass_node_1_on The thermal mass that represents the winding node -- node 1 (J * kg / deg C) when the motor is on (used to over-estimate how quickly heating occurs while running motor)
thermal_mass_node_1_off The thermal mass that represents the winding node -- node 1 (J * kg / deg C) when the motor is off (used to under-estimate how quickly cooling occurs)
thermal_mass_node_2 The thermal mass that represents the stator node -- node 2 (J * kg / deg C)
thermal_res_nodes_1_to_2 The effective thermal resistance between nodes 1 and 2 (deg C/W)
thermal_res_nodes_2_to_3 The effective thermal resistance between nodes 2 and 3 (deg C/W)
winding_res The electrical resistance of the motor windings at the specified reference temperature (ohms)
winding_thermal_cor The thermal coefficient of resistance (% / deg C)
k1 Weight for for node 1 used for the weighted-average temperature estimate of node (unitless)
k2 Weight for for node 2 used for the weighted-average temperature estimate of node (unitless)
k3 Weight for for node 3 used for the weighted-average temperature estimate of node (unitless)
persistence_limit The number of allowable cycles to occur at or above the a temperature threshold before faulting (counts)
ref_temp The reference temperature of the calibrated resistance parameter above, and to calculate the motor resistance (deg C)
max_allowable_temps An array of allow able temperatures at each node, in order (deg C)

The ThreeNodeThermalModel provides a simplified predictive thermal model used to estimate temperature change over time in specific locations in a motor. This is primarily useful for estimating when a motor's internal temperature is at risk of exceeding a threshold that could damage it's operation. The maximum allowable temperature at each node is prescribable in the max_allowable_temps parameter supplied to this device.

If the temperature at any one node exceeds the specified max temperature for more the number of cycles specified by persistence_limit, then a Fastcat fault is emitted.

The following equations are utilized within the thermal model:

  1. Initialize System:

    • Node 1 and 2 temperatures initialized with Node 3 temperature
  2. Every iteration

    • $R_{winding}=R_{ref}*(1 + C_{temp} * (T_1 - Temp_{ref}))$
    • $Q_{in}=I^2*R_{winding}$
    • $T_1+=(Q_{in} - Q_{1T2}) * (dt / CM_1)$
    • $T_2+=(Q_{1T2} - Q_{2T3}) * (dt / CM_2)$
    • $T_4=(k_1 * T_1 + k_2 * T_2 + k_3 * T_3) / (k_1 + k_2 + k_3)$

Where $C_{temp}$ represents the thermal coefficient of resistance, and $CM_{n}$ represents the thermal mass for node $n$


- device_class: ThreeNodeThermalModel
  name:         three_node_thermal_model_1 
  thermal_mass_node_1_on: 0.8
  thermal_mass_node_1_off: 1.0 
  thermal_mass_node_2: 2.0
  thermal_res_nodes_1_to_2: 3.0
  thermal_res_nodes_2_to_3: 4.0
  winding_res: 5.0
  winding_thermal_cor: 6.0
  k1: 1.0
  k2: 1.0
  k3: 2.0
  persistence_limit: 5
  ref_temp: 20
  max_allowable_temps: [65.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0]
  - observed_device_name: node_3_temp
    request_signal_name:  output
  - observed_device_name: egd_1
    request_signal_name:  actual_current
  - observed_device_name: egd_1
    request_signal_name:  motor_on