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CMR Python Wrapper

A wrapper for in python


  1. Python 3.6 or better.
  2. Can access
  3. Optional: an account on
  4. Third party libraries are not to be used unless absolutely necessary (none as of now)
    • some tools like pylint and pydoc_markdown are used however for the development envirnment


  1. Coding Styles are defined as PEP 8.
  2. This project uses the file .editorconfig
  3. Use: pylint * or -l to check code
  4. Local rules can be found in doc/
  5. Architectural Design

Building and Installing

This tool is not presently hosted on There are several ways to install the library:

Stable from github:

NOTE: Not yet implemented, as there is not a current stable build yet. When the first official version is created, this section will be updated.

Latest from github:

WARNING: This will install the latest build which may not be the most stable code!

To install the latest build directly from github, the following command can be used.

pip3 install

Install Local Build:

NOTE: Preferred method.

pip3 install wheel

To install the library from a local wheel file it will first need to be generated using the '' script. On a command line, run the following from the CMR/python directory:

./ -p -i

This will create a file like dist/eo_metadata_tools_cmr-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (version number may very) and install it with pip3. Reviewing the script will show the exact steps to be:

python3 sdist bdist_wheel
pip3 install dist/eo_metadata_tools_cmr-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl


To uninstall the library, use -u. Uninstalling is done when testing specific versions of the library or when it is no longer of need.

Using Library without pip3

To run the library without installing it, then try the following in the calling script (where the path is the location of the CMR/python directory inside the git clone directory):

import sys, os


For usage help on the command, try: -h for help.

Basic Searching

Here are some basic examples of how to do some simple sesarches, more information can be found under the demos directory.


from import collection

# get records that mention fish
result ={'keyword':'fish'})

# get no more then 100 records
result ={'keyword':'fish'}, limit=100)

# search for a few fishy UAT records
result ={'keyword':'fish'}, limit=100, config={'env':'uat'})


from import granule

# basic granule search bound by a provider
result ={'provider':'ORNL_DAAC'})

# find collections about water and grab a sample of granules from those collections
result = gran.sample_by_collections({'keyword':'water'})

# limit to 2 granules per collection and 5 collections in all
result = gran.sample_by_collections({'keyword':'water'}, limits=[2,5])


from import providers

# list all providers
result =

# list some providers using RegExp
result = providers.search_by_id('.*ghrc.*')

UAT vs Production

For testing and general exploration it is advised that the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment of CMR be used instead of Production. These two end points have different URLs which are managed by the API. The default is production, however to use the UAT service pass in an optional configuration as shown here:

results =, config={'env':'uat'})


If you need to use tokens, use the EDL Token Generator to create a token. Then if your on a Macintosh, store the token in the Keychain application (found in the Utilities folder) by creating a password. Do this by selecting either File->New Password Item... or pressing command-n. In the resulting window make the following settings:

  • Name: cmr-lib-token
  • Account: user
  • Where: cmr lib token
  • Comments: put a note here that this is for the cmr python library and which envirnment the token is foro
  • Show Password: put your token here

Save. When you request a token in code, a popup will display asking for your keychain password.

A less secure way to store your token is to save it to a text file at ~/.cmr_token. The code will use the first line which does not start with #. For non-production environments you can save the token to ~/.cmr_token.uat or ~/.cmr_token.sit. Once your token is saved, you can have it included in your queries by calling the following:

import as coll
import cmr.auth.token as t{'keyword':'modis'},
    config=t.use_bearer_token(config={'env': 'uat'}))

This example shows how to use a token stored in ~/.cmr_token.uat against the UAT version of CMR. You do not need to put "Bearer " in the token file as this will be handled for you. Also, as a general rule, do not store any token (or private keys) on a computer you do not control or is not properly protected from unauthorized use.

Running Tests

Use either -t or coverage run --source=cmr -m unittest discover

Also, when testing in notebooks, care should be taken to make sure the correct version of this library is being used. If the wheel version from the internet was installed with pip3, then it will need to be uninstalled if tests of a specific branch are to be run. Use the script to uninstall any existing version of this library and then package and install the version to test.

Using the script

The script documents how to run all the software stages for the project like testing, building, and installing. The script takes many flags. Below is a table of these flags.

Usage example: ./ -f -u -f -p -i -f which means: find, uninstall, find, package, install, find

Flag Option Name Description
-c clean Clean up all generated files and directories
-C coverage Run the code coverage report
-d document Generate documentation files
-f find Find the package in pip3
-h help Print out this help message and then exits
-H html Generate the HTML coverage report
-i install Install latest wheel file
-u uninstall Uninstall the wheel file
-l lint Print out this help message
-p package Package project into a whl file
-r report Doc-It tag report
-t unit test Run the unit tests
-v <value> version Appends a version number to python and pip commands
  • Note: If no flags are given, then -l -t (linter and test) is assumed.
  • Note: -v is useful if multiple versions of python are installed.