Adjust the nrf/make_fules/arm_gcc_rules.mak file by setting the
symbol.I'm using [Version 13.2.Rel1](https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/arm-gnu-toolchain-downloads) referenced via a symlink: /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-13.2.Rel1 A symlink /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi -> gcc-arm-none-eabi-13.2.Rel1 Using this installation requires no modification to the make rules.
An alias for
is helpful. Something like:alias gdb-arm='/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi/arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb --quiet'
If you do not like C++, well, you better look elsewhere. Boost libraries will used as they make sense. The boost::intrusive is certainly going to be used. This is an excellent library for embedded work.
Boost 1.70.0 is being used at this time.
I'm using boost 1.70.0 installed in /opt/boost_1_70_0
with symlink /opt/boost -> boost_1_70_0
When boost is built and installed its directory structure differs from when it is merely copied. At this time the 'headers only' boost installation is required. However, when boost is built and then installed it creates a different directory structure than when merely copied.
Built and Installed Headers location:
Copied Headers location:
The Makefiles set the symbols BOOST_ROOT
to work within
the Built and Installed Boost headers path.
To use the copied version the simplest method for resolving the seach paths is to set a symbolic link within the Boost copied directory:
cd /opt/boost
ln -s . include
Detar or Unzip boost into a build directory.
cd <build_directory>
./bootstrap.sh bootstrap.sh --prefix=/opt/boost_1.70.0
sudo ./b2 install
cd /opt
sudo ln -s boost_1.70.0 boost
The Nordic SDK v15.2 will be installed automatically when 'make' is invoked. The installation director is:
The symbolic link nrf/sdk
points to this location.
A few SDK files need replaced or moved out of the way. If
execution is successful this also should be done automatically. The file replacement scipt can be found in:nrf/nordic/sdk-modified/replace_sdk_files
GoogleTest version 1.8.1 is downloaded into
It is used by the nrf/unit_test modules.
From the top directory nrf
$ make
It should compile and link all projects without errors or warnings.
- The boost libraries are required to be pre-installed as described above.
- The ARM cross-compiler must also be installed as described above.
- GoogleTest and the Nordic SDK will be installed as part of
if they are not found under the external top level directory. A symlink to your own existing installation can be used to avoid duplication of files. If you're using your own installation see the notes above regarding files which need to be replaced.
From the top directory nrf
(or any of the project files):
$ make checks
This will run the checker clang-tidy
using the project Makefiles.
The clang-tidy rules, definitions and targets are located in
. Errors and any unsupressed warnings are
output into the _checks
directory inside each project.
To find any errors or unsupressed warnings found during a check:
$ find . -type f -iname '*.check' -not -size 0c -exec cat {} \;
This will find any clang-tidy unsupressed warnings and errors from the checker runs by look for non-zero length output files.
CMake seems to be a wonderful work in progress. I think I'll wait until they release their Beta.
In the mean time, here is some stuff to ponder: