Note: This project is currently under substantial development to include additional use cases and show off more features of CircleCI.
This message will be removed once the CircleCI documentation matches this repository again.
This is an example application showcasing how to run a Java app on CircleCI 2.0.
This application uses the following tools:
- Gradle
- Java 11
- PostgreSQL
- Spring Boot
- Thymeleaf
./gradlew bootRunDev
Navigate to http://localhost:8080
We use the H2 Database in memory for local development. You can access the datbase UI at http://localhost:8080/h2-console with the following credentials.
username: `sa`
password: `password`
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
Copyright © 2019 CircleCI
Distributed under the MIT license, see the file LICENSE.