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File metadata and controls

359 lines (269 loc) · 10.9 KB


Context-dependent computation pipelines


Express your code as functional pipelines and forget the differences between synchronous and asyncronous control flow!

No callbacks, no promises, no sagas or thunks - same control flow fragments for everything:

  • Want to react on debounsed input change events? Sure.
  • Want to decide which API to fetch after some other API response is available? Easy!
  • Want to map a function over an API response? Why not!


  • Simple control flow abstractions
  • Objects, arrays and primitive data doesn't require wrapper functions
  • Dynamic switching between different transport mechanisms
  • Ability to add any pure function to the pipeline with lifting
  • Easy automated testing and fuzzing


npm install hyperlane


// To run built-in unit-tests
npm test

// To run example flow
npm run example


Simple example: querying JSON APIs

import https from 'https'
import nodeFetch from 'node-fetch'
import { lift, chain, get, set, map, filter, eq } from 'hyperlane'

// Promise logger
const log = x=> x.then(y => { console.log(; return y })

// Generic HTTP readers
const agent = new https.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false })
const fetch = lift(url => nodeFetch(url, { agent }).then(res => res.text()))
const readJson = lift(data => JSON.parse(String(data)))

// A bit more specific API communication fragments
const fetchEntity = url => readJson(fetch(url))
const fetchCollection = url => get('results', readJson(fetch(url)))

// Fetch all people data and then fetch homeworld data
// for each character from a separate URL
const peopleHomeworlds = chain(
    name: get('name'),
    homeworld: get('name', fetchEntity(get('homeworld')))

// Fetch character names and homeworlds and then
// filter the results by homeworld name
const whosFrom = chain(
  set('planet', get('')),
  filter(eq(get('homeworld'), get('planet')))

log(peopleHomeworlds()) // lists Star War characters with their homeworlds
log(whosFrom('Tatooine')) // lists Star War characters from Tatooine

Built-in fragments

lift(f) - turn any pure function into a hyperlane fragment:

const f = lift((x, y, z) => x + y / z)

message(data, scope) - wrap data and state (computation context) into a hyperlane message:

const m = message('wow', { such: 'doge!' }); // => Message{ data: 'wow', scope: { such: 'doge!' } }

get(name) - get a value from computation context:

const doge = get('doge')

// All of the following produce: 'wow'

doge({ doge: 'wow!', such: 'much' }).data
doge(message({ doge: 'wow!', such: 'much' })).data
doge(message({ doge: 'wow!' }, { such: 'much' })).data
doge(message(null, { doge: 'wow!', such: 'much' })).data
doge(message({ doge: 'wow!' }, { doge: 'nope', such: 'much' })).data

set(name, value) - sets a value in computation context:

const setDoge = set('doge', get(''))

// All of the following produce a message where the scope

setDoge('wow!') // => Message{ data: 'wow!', scope: { doge: 'wow!' } }
setDoge(message('wow!')) // => Message{ data: 'wow!', scope: { doge: 'wow!' } }
setDoge(message('wow!', { such: 'much' })) // => Message{ data: 'wow!', scope: { such: 'much', doge: 'wow!' } }
setDoge(message('wow!', { doge: 'such much' })) // => Message{ data: 'wow!', scope: { doge: 'wow!' } }

when(condition, yes, [no]) - control flow fork: the yes path is taken is the condition is evaluated to be truthy, the no path is taken otherwise. Note that no parameter is not only optionsl, but it is not be calculated at all in case of falsy condition

const check = when(get('doge'), set('says', 'wow'), set('says', 'nothing'))

check({ doge: 'here' }) // => Message{ data: { doge: 'here' }, scope: { says: 'wow!' } }
check({}) // => Message{ data: {}, scope: { says: 'nothing' } }

either(main, default) - default value abstraction (think ||). Evaluates main and if it's value is undefined evaluates default instead

const safe = either(get('doge'), 'here')

// All following cases produce => Message{ data: 'here', scope: { says: 'wow!' } }
safe({ doge: 'here' })

chain(flow1, flow2, flow3, ...) - control flow fragment for sequential operations:

const countPosts = chain(httpGet(''), count)

all(flow1, flow2, flow3, ...) - control flow fragment for parallel operations. Each sub-flow receives a copy of the original message, results are merged together. Asynchronous sub-flows are executed in parallel, control is passed downstream only when all the parallel tasks are completed.

const test = all(get('doge'), get('such'))

test({ doge: 'here', such: 'much' }) // => Message{ data: ['here', 'much'], scope: {} }

map(flow) - control flow fragment for parallel operations on a collection (array or hash-map) of incoming data. Similar to all, except that each sub-flow gets only a single item from the collection as its input data.

const test = map(get('says'))

test({ doge: { says: 'wow!' }, cat: { says: 'meow' } }) // => Message{ data: { doge: 'wow!', cat: 'meow' }, scope: {} }

filter(condition) - apply condition to each item in the input collection and returen new collection with only those items for which the condition is truthy

values(collection) - returns an array of values from input collection (array or hash-map)

const test = values(get(''))

test({ a: 100, b: 200, c: 300, d: 400 }) // => Message{ data: [100, 200, 300, 400], scope: {} }

keys(collection) - returns an array of keys from input collection (array or hash-map)

const test = keys(get(''))

test({ a: 100, b: 200, c: 300, d: 400 }) // => Message{ data: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], scope: {} }

concat(array, array) - concatenate two arrays

const test = concat(get(''), array(300, 400))

test([100, 200]) // => Message{ data: [100, 200, 300, 400], scope: {} }

push(array, value) - push an element into an array

const test = push(get(''), 300)

test([100, 200]) // => Message{ data: [100, 200, 300], scope: {} }

head(array) - takes first element of an array

const test = head(get(''))

test([100, 200, 300, 400]) // => Message{ data: 100, scope: {} }

tail(array) - removes first element from an array

const test = tail(get(''))

test([100, 200, 300, 400]) // => Message{ data: [200, 300, 400], scope: {} }

slice(array) - extracts a range of elements from an array

const test1 = slice(1, get(''))
const test2 = slice(1, 3, get(''))

test1([100, 200, 300, 400]) // => Message{ data: [200, 300, 400], scope: {} }
test2([100, 200, 300, 400]) // => Message{ data: [200, 300], scope: {} }

uppercase(string) - convert string to upper case

const test = uppercase(get(''))

test('wow!') // => Message{ data: 'WOW!', scope: {} }

lowercase(string) - convert string to lower case

const test = lowercase(get(''))

test('WOW!') // => Message{ data: 'wow!', scope: {} }

add(number1, number2) - summate two numbers or concatenate two strings

const test = add(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: 3, scope: {} }
test({ a: 'doge', b: 'wow!' }) // => Message{ data: 'dogewow!, scope: {} }

subtract(number1, number2) - subtract two numbers

const test = subrtact(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: -1, scope: {} }

multiply(number1, number2) - multiply two numbers

const test = multiply(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 2, b: 5 }) // => Message{ data: 10, scope: {} }

divide(number1, number2) - divide numbers

const test = divide(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 8, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: 4, scope: {} }

not(x) - logical negation

const test = not(get('a'))

test({ a: true }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }
test({ a: false }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }

and(x, y) - logical AND

const test = and(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: true, b: false }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }
test({ a: true, b: true }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }

or(x, y) - logical OR

const test = or(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: true, b: false }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test({ a: false, b: false }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }

xor(x, y) - logical XOR

const test = xor(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: false, b: false }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }
test({ a: true, b: false }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test({ a: false, b: true }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test({ a: true, b: true }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }

eq(x, y) - strict equality

const test = eq(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 2, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test({ a: 100, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }

neq(x, y) - strict non-equality

const test = neq(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 2, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }
test({ a: 100, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }

gt(x, y) - greater than

const test = gt(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 2, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }
test({ a: 100, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }

lt(x, y) - less then

const test = gt(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test({ a: 100, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }

gte(x, y) - greater than or equal

const test = gte(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 0, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }
test({ a: 2, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test({ a: 100, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }

lte(x, y) - less than or equal

const test = gt(get('a'), get('b'))

test({ a: 1, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test({ a: 2, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test({ a: 100, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }

isDefined(x) - check if input is defined

const test = isDefined(get(''))

test(100500) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test({ a: 2, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }
test(undefined) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }

isUndefined(x) - check if input is undefined

const test = isUndefined(get(''))

test(100500) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }
test({ a: 2, b: 2 }) // => Message{ data: false, scope: {} }
test(undefined) // => Message{ data: true, scope: {} }


  • More fragments (open for suggestions)
  • Examples & demos
  • Unit tests
  • Performance optimization


Apache 2 (see LICENSE file in the package directory)