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navneel99 edited this page Jun 15, 2018 · 2 revisions

The Sudo User

Sudo user acts as the superuser of the application. A specific URL has to be entered to go to the SudoUser login page. When running the app locally,

localhost:<ALLOWED PORT>/sudo

will open the Sudo User Portal. There is no visible difference in the portal except for the change in URL. Log in to the portal to open a form which gives various permissions to all the users. They Are:

  • If New Users can Register
  • If Everyone can see their Ratings
  • If Everyone can edit the Ratings
  • If Everyone can Rate others
  • Call the Update Function

Registration Enabled

The first option is to either allow or disallow the new users to get registered. This makes sure that, if the people in the organization are told a specific time period to get registered, no one else can enter the System.

Everyone canSee

Normally, a user can only see the ratings(both own and others) if he/she has rated everyone else. If this box is ticked, then everyone in the System can see the ratings of all members.

This option is overriden by Update Others if selected.

Everyone canRate

As the name suggests, this method allows a user to rate others. If not selected, then users can't rate one another.

Everyone canEdit

This option is important, as this option defines if the rating has to be changed, or added. When it is ticked, a user can change his previous rating/review. When not, a new rating/review is given.

canRate and canEdit, when used together, give a lot of power to the SudoUser.

canRate canEdit Situation
0 0 When Sudo doesn't want anything to change
0 1 Meaningless, the rating form won't appear
1 0 New Ratings will be given between the 2 users
1 1 Old Ratings can be changed

The Update Function

Update Function dictates changes in the System.

  • Selecting Update Others overrides the canSee parameter. Irrespective of whether canSee is ticked, if UpdateOthers is selected, then only those users who have rated everyone can see both their, and others ratings.

  • Calculates the Current and Cumulative ratings

    1. Current Rating is the average of the ratings within the last 7 days
    2. Cumulative Rating is the average of all the ratings.
  • Implements the canEdit Parameter. The canEdit Parameter selected before is implemented on ratings which were made within the last 2 days. In other words, it allows ratings up to 2 days old to be edited.

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