- The Skip-gram Model
- Backbone and base inspiration for this project
- Word Embeddings
- Math
- Object Serialization
- This makes everything cheaper
- BeautifulSoup Documentation
- Python package for web scraping
- Synonym Clustering with KMeans
- Due to computational restrictions, our implementation for synonym clustering relied on a cascading-style approach, loosely inspired by binary search.
- Skip-thoughts for Sentiment Analysis
- For future improvements, we can use this to detect sentiment bias in article content, and perhaps make modifications for political bias detection.
- Note: A little outdated, but still generally correct
- Python 2.7
- TensorFlow 1.0.1+
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib
- scipy
- numpy
- BeautifulSoup
- Django
- Basic UI allowing user login with Facebook
- API to dictate communication between frontend and backend controllers
- ReactJS
- Skip-gram model to vectorize and train on semantics of words
- Django backend with PostgreSQL DB
- Webcrawler to find and classify new data using the model, then feed the user relevant info