Assume you have obtained Container Service on from Bluemix.
The service defines and Registry URL, e.g: registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net/acmeair.
Assume you have created Acmeair Image by [instructions] (README_Docker.md)
docker login -u any -p <API key> -e a@b.c registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net
docker tag acmeair/web registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net/acmeair/acmeair_web
docker push registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net/acmeair/acmeair_web
docker tag mongo registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net/acmeair/mongo
docker push registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net/acmeair/mongo
please see instructions of the container service page on how to install ice-cli
ice login -k <API key> -H https://api-ice.ng.bluemix.net/v1.0/containers -R registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net
ice images
to show the pushed images
ice ps
to show containers
ice run --name mongo_001 registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net/acmeair/mongo
ice ps
until the container is in RUNNING status to get private ip, e.g.
ice run --name acmeair_web_001 -e MONGO_URL=mongodb:// registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net/acmeair/acmeair_web
ice run --name acmeair_web_002 -e APP_NAME=authservice_app.js -e MONGO_URL=mongodb:// registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net/acmeair/acmeair_web
ice ps
until the container is in RUNNING status to get private ip, e.g.
ice run --name acmeair_web_003 -e AUTH_SERVICE= -e MONGO_URL=mongodb:// registry-ice.ng.bluemix.net/acmeair/acmeair_web
ice ip request
get public ip, e.g.,
ice ip list
show all available floating ip
ice ip bind acmeair_web_001
ice ip bind acmeair_web_003
access application url
- You may hit some failures during login until it is successful. It is due to the network from container to outside world may take longer time to setup.