All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Added: Optional parameters "security_allow_no_token"
- Added: Optional parameters "security_token_lifetime_no_refresh"
- Added: optional SMS cleanup lambda
- Added: Missing variables for proxy URLs
- Added: New parameter "reduced_metrics_whitelist"
- Added: New optional parameters and secret to proxy verification requests to a third party
- Updated: Set default "download_schedule" to offset from "upload_schedule"
- Updated: Give access to "time_zone" parameter to all services that write metrics
- Updated: Remove "CALLBACK_REQUEST" from "metrics_config".
- Added: New parameter "push_cors_origin" to control CORS headers in push service
- Added: self isolation notices support.
- Updated: Remove "TOKEN_RENEWAL" from "metrics_config" to capture it on backend.
- Update: Updated policies for CI user to allow required lambda access.
- Updated: Set queue visibility timeout based on lambda timeout
- Added: "api_gateway_customizations_binary_types" variable to configure api gateway to serve custom binary types
- Added: "api_gateway_customizations_md5" variable to trigger api gateway stage deployments on both internal and external changes
- Added: Lambda policy option to allow sending SES emails based on a from whitelist
- Updated: Increased default timeouts and memory size for lambdas
- Added: Lambda options to manage S3 access content in the policy
- Updated: Restricted ci-user permissions
- Added: Optional parameters "security_callback_rate_limit_request_count" and "security_callback_rate_limit_secs"
- Updated: "lambda_callback_timeout" variable default to 180s as we have observed current 15s is insufficent for many tenants
- Updated: "lambda_exposures_timeout" variable default to 180s as we have observed current 60s is insufficent for many tenants
- Updated: "lambda_sms_timeout" variable default to 180s as we have observed current 15s is insufficent for many tenants
- Added: "cso_schedule" variable to control the cso lambda schedule
- Deleted: ci-user security access key credentials, so they are not included in the statefile and output
- Added: CloudWatch container insights activation option - default is disabled
- Added: "api_gateway_timeout_milliseconds" variable to control the API Gateway
- Removed: Cloudwatch dashboard
- Added: Bastion "bastion_instance_type" variable
- Added: Push API TLS policy as a parameter
- Changed: Modified lambda exposures default timeout
- Changed: Modified lambda exposures default memory allocation
- Added: Added extra ci-user privs to add vertical annotations to cloudwatch graphs
- Added: Push API TLS policy as a parameter
- Added: Added "attach_waf" variable to attach/detach WAF to ALBs and API Gateway
- Added: Added "disable_valid_key_check" variable to flag whether to disable check if key is still valid when generating export files
- Added: Added "variance_offset_mins" variable to add to lifetime of keys to check if they are still valid
- Added: Added "onset_date_mandatory" variable to control whether onsetDate/symptomDate is mandatory
- Added: New "api_gateway_minimum_compression_size" to allow compression configuration on the APIGateway
- Added: New variables to control ECS scaling adjustments
- api_ecs_autoscale_scale_down_adjustment
- api_ecs_autoscale_scale_up_adjustment
- push_ecs_autoscale_scale_down_adjustment
- push_ecs_autoscale_scale_up_adjustment
- Added:
- Added: Headers Cache-Control, Pragma, Strict-Transport-Security
- Changed: Push API TLS 1.2 enforcement
- Updated: Set "upload_max_keys" to "15" by default due to ENS changes
- Updated: moved lambda common resources in a separate file
- Updated: Added outputs: lambda security group, default tags, resources prefix id
- Removed: Redundant aws providers with aliases "us" and "root", we no longer use these
- Removed: Redundant template provider - we no longer use
- Added: Include additional mock APIGateway for HEAD /api/healthcheck
- Added: Added "db_pool_size" variable to control pg max pool size - Can be used by ECS API and ECS Push services
- Updated: Allow stats lambda to access "time_zone" parameter
- Updated: Added additional resources to the operators group policy for MFA
- Fix: Adjusted values displayed in the CloudWatch dashboard, so take into consideration doubled logs in ApiGateway logs
- Updated: CloudWatch dashboard to include more distinct metrics for ALB requests
- Updated: CloudWatch dashboard RDS connections sum changed to average
- Updated: Module versions, needed to ensure they result in no changes
- - Went with v8.2.0, cannot use latest as it requires AWS provider v3+ and TF v0.13+
- - Went with v0.19.2, is the latest at this time
- - Went with v2.48.0, is the latest at this time
- - Went with v0.31.0, cannot use latest, as it results in changes
- Fix: Parameter "upload_token_lifetime_mins" was using the wrong variable value
- Updated: Operators role can manage their MFA
- Added: extra properties to configure SNS SMS preferences
- Fix: sms cross region setup
- Updated: Alter terraform version requirement so we can start using v0.13.*, we now have >= 0.12.29 < 0.14
- Added: Enabled encryption on the CloudTrail and assets S3 buckets
- Added: Included the ALB arns (api and push) as outputs
- Updated: Fixed "time_zone" parameter value - used incorrect value previously
- Added: Added parameter "security_code_removal_mins" to control number of minutes before a one-time upload code is removed from the database by the cleanup lambda
- Added: Added parameter "upload_max_keys" to control maximum number of keys accepted per upload request
- Added: Added option to configure SNS SMS spent quota
- Added: Added option to configure SNS SMS delivery logs
- Added: Added parameter "use_test_date_as_onset_date" to flag whether to use testDate as onsetDate if the latter is omitted
- Added: Added required lambda "cleanup" to handle data cleanup which runs on a CloudWatch schedule
- Added: Default "lambda_default_runtime" variable - nodejs12.x
- Added: Option to use lambda custom runtimes, see the "lambda_custom_runtimes" variable
- Added: Ignore filename in lambda lifecycle
- Added: Added extra parameter "symptom_date_offset" to add an offset in hours to symptomDate or onsetDate in uploads
- Added: Added "api_gateway_account_creation_enabled" variable to control APIGateway account creation as needed for CloudWatch logging, if one already exists you may NOT want to create
- Added: Added extra parameter "TIME_ZONE" to set regional timezone for localised daily rate limiting
- Added: Re-added field "CALLBACK_REQUEST" = 60 to default "metrics_config" parameter value
- Added: Allow operators read the rds_readonly_user secret so they can connect to the RDS DB
- Added: Support for lambdas using transactional SMS
- Added: Added extra field "LOG_ERROR" = 60 to default "metrics_config" parameter value
- Added: Option to use an S3 bucket as the source for lambdas, will be a global setting and we do not manage this bucket as this is a non default option
- Added: Added option to send callback notifications using email via an SNS topic - subscription will not be automated
- Fixed: Altered the ECS image so the custom vars are just for the image and do not include the tag, we append the tag if using a custom image using the tag var
- Fixed: Fixed the "bastion_amazon_ssm_managed_instance_core" aws_iam_role_policy_attachment (Incorrect casing in name), this will result in a Terraform apply failure when applied, can run a second time to fix
- Fixed: Removed RDS admin user access where not needed
- Added: Added "verify" secret and changed "jwt_issuer" and "certificate_audience" parameters to support third party key server
- Updated: Added explicit depends_on for the APIGateway /healthcheck resources, need this to be applied on all envs before we can remove this mock integration
- Added: ALB logging - both ALBs log to the same bucket, using distinct prefixes - api and push
- Updated: Upgraded AWS provider from = 2.68.0 to ~> 2.70.0
- Updated: Switched to using templatefile function rather than deprecated template provider
- Added: Added ability to set ECS image url and image tag overrides, this is based on @segfault's PR at covidgreen#4
- Updated: Switched lambdas from using the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole to AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole managed policy
- Updated: Renamed the "root_profile" var and "root" AWS provider to "dns" as this is confusing, removed a redundant aws provider "root_us"
- Updated: Added changes @segfault added re explicit usage of the AWS CLI
--output json
usage in some of the scripts - Removed: Removed Terraform validate from the pre-commit hook config as this is being used as a module, have left the s3 backend config for now
- Updated: Switched all the lambdas from nodejs10.x to nodejs12.x
- Added: Use variables for the lambda memory size and timeout attributes with defaults, so we can configure via env-vars files
- Removed: Extracted cti, gct and ni content into specific repos - Will not be managed by this repo
- Added: Added new AWS parameters certificate_audience and jwt_issuer and removed security_exposure_limit AWS parameter
- Added: Docs on the 2 approaches to managing a project - external to this repo and internal to this repo
- Added: Added RDS reader/writer endpoint outputs
- Added: Surfaced bastion ASG desired count as a variable, will need when we use this repo as a module
- Added: Switched to using path.module prefixes for the CloudWatch dashboard template and the ECS container defintion templates
- Fixed: Changed the create TF store backend script to cater for us-east-1 being a special case - Location constraints
- Fixed: Replace all refs to cti, gct and ni with xyz in docs and shell script comments - this is just prep for the open source branch
- Added: Added the following optional lambdas to the operators group execute list: daily-registrations-reporter, download and upload
- Added: Pre-commit hook to include TF fmt, validation and linting
- Fixed: Linting issues - no logic
- Added: Split RDS user usage so we no longer need to use the master credentials
- Initial content