Each of these is in the bottom quartile of token parse times for all STL headers:
- atomic
- cassert
- cctype
- cerrno
- cfenv
- cfloat
- charconv
- chrono
- cinttypes
- ciso646
- climits
- clocale
- csetjmp
- csignal
- cstdalign
- cstdarg
- cstdbool
- cstddef
- cstdint
- cstdio
- cstdlib
- cstring
- ctime
- cuchar
- cwchar
- cwctype
- exception
- initializer_list
- iosfwd
- limits
- new
- ratio
- type_traits
- typeindex
- typeinfo
- utility
- version
Each of these is less than half the token parse time of the worst STL container header:
- deque
- forward_list
- list
- vector
You may wish to avoid using these headers if compile times are very important to you:
- algorithm
- filesystem
- functional
- iomanip
- memory, memory_resource
- regex
- random
- thread, future, shared_mutex, condition_variable, mutex, execution (any of the threading support)
Note that the iostream headers are actually fine, they all lie around the median.
You may wish to avoid using these containers if compile times are very important to you:
- unordered_map and unordered_set
- map and set
- valarray