This is an example setup for a police job. The resource defines a BoxZone around a clipboard in the gabz_mrpd
It's a simple set-up, we provide a unique name, define its center point with the vector3, define a length and a width, and then we define some options; the unique name again, the heading of the box, a bool to display a debug poly, and the height of the zone.
Then, in the actual options themselves, we define 'police' as our required job.
This is an example using exports
exports['qb-target']:AddBoxZone("MissionRowDutyClipboard", vector3(441.7989, -982.0529, 30.67834), 0.45, 0.35, {
name = "MissionRowDutyClipboard",
heading = 11.0,
debugPoly = false,
minZ = 30.77834,
maxZ = 30.87834,
}, {
options = {
type = "client",
event = "Toggle:Duty",
icon = "fas fa-sign-in-alt",
label = "Sign In",
job = "police",
distance = 2.5
-- This event is only for the QBCore resource qb-policejob, goes inside @qb-policejob/client/job.lua
RegisterNetEvent('Toggle:Duty', function()
onDuty = not onDuty
This is an example using the provided config
Config.BoxZones = {
["boxzone1"] = {
name = "MissionRowDutyClipboard",
coords = vector3(441.7989, -982.0529, 30.67834),
length = 0.45,
width = 0.35,
heading = 11.0,
debugPoly = false,
minZ = 30.77834,
maxZ = 30.87834,
options = {
type = "client",
event = "Toggle:Duty",
icon = "fas fa-sign-in-alt",
label = "Sign In",
job = "police",
distance = 2.5
-- This event is only for the QBCore resource qb-policejob, goes inside @qb-policejob/client/job.lua
RegisterNetEvent('Toggle:Duty', function()
onDuty = not onDuty
There is only one way you can define the job though, but you can also provide a [key] = value
table instead to enable checking for more jobs or gangs:
job = {
["police"] = 5,
["ambulance"] = 0,
gang = {
["ballas"] = 5,
["thelostmc"] = 0,
This also applies to citizenid's, but citizenid's don't have grades so we set them to true to allow them:
citizenid = {
["JFJ94924"] = true,
["KSD18372"] = true
When defining multiple jobs or gangs, you must provide a minimum grade, even if you don't need one. This is due to how key/value tables work. Just set the minimum grade to 0.
This is an example for ped interaction. It utilizes both the item
parameter and canInteract()
This is an example using exports
Config.Peds = {
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetModel(Config.Peds, {
options = {
event = "request:CuffPed",
icon = "fas fa-hands",
label = "Cuff / Uncuff",
item = 'handcuffs',
job = "police"
event = "Rob:Ped",
icon = "fas fa-sack-dollar",
label = "Rob",
canInteract = function(entity)
if not IsPedAPlayer(entity) then
return IsEntityDead(entity)
distance = 2.5,
This is an example using the provided config
Config.TargetModels = {
["targetmodel1"] = {
models = {
options = {
type = "client",
event = "request:CuffPed",
icon = "fas fa-hands",
label = "Cuff / Uncuff",
item = 'handcuffs',
job = "police",
type = "client",
event = "Rob:Ped",
icon = "fas fa-sack-dollar",
label = "Rob",
canInteract = function(entity)
if not IsPedAPlayer(entity) then
return IsEntityDead(entity)
distance = 2.5,
This is an example from a postop resource. Players can rent delivery vehicles in order to make deliveries. When they rent a vehicle, we apply this target to that entity only, which allows them to "get packages" from the vehicle. Reminder that the entity must always be networked for it to be interacted with.
This is an example using exports
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetEntity('mule2', {
options = {
type = "client",
event = "postop:getPackage",
icon = "fas fa-box-circle-check",
label = "Get Package",
job = "postop",
distance = 3.0
This is an example using the provided config
Config.TargetEntities = {
["entity1"] = {
entity = 'mule2',
options = {
type = "client",
event = "postop:getPackage",
icon = "fas fa-box-circle-check",
label = "Get Package",
job = "postop",
distance = 3.0,
In this example, we define the model of the coffee machines you see around the map, and allow players to purchase a coffee. You'll have to provide your own logic for the purchase, but this is how you would handle it with qb-target, and how you would pass data through to an event for future use.
This is an example using exports This example is not advised to use with the provided config
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetModel(690372739, {
options = {
type = "client",
event = "coffee:buy",
icon = "fas fa-coffee",
label = "Coffee",
price = 5,
distance = 2.5
-- server event to buy the item here
QBCore.Functions.Notify("You purchased a " .. data.label .. " for $" .. data.price .. ". Enjoy!", 'success')
This is an example of how you can dynamically create a target options in an event, for example, planting a potato plant.
This is an example using exports This example is not advised to use with the provided config
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
model = `prop_plant_fern_02a`
while not HasModelLoaded(model) do
local plant = CreateObject(model, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, true, true)
SetEntityInvincible(plant, true)
-- Logic to handle growth, create a thread and loop, or do something else. Up to you.
exports['qb-target']:AddEntityZone("potato-growing-"..plant, plant, {
name = "potato-growing-"..plant,
heading = GetEntityHeading(plant),
debugPoly = false,
}, {
options = {
type = "client",
event = "farming:harvestPlant",
icon = "fa-solid fa-scythe",
label = "Harvest potato",
plant = plant,
job = "farmer",
canInteract = function(entity)
if Entity(entity).state.growth >= 100 then
return true
return false
distance = 2.5