If you have a security concern, please see our security page.
If you're looking for programming help, for answers to questions, or to discuss with the team, please feel free to contact the project team at hi@elysiumphase.com.
If you'd like to contribute to s3-lambo, see our Contributing Guidelines.
If you've found a bug in a supported version of s3-lambo, please report it with the issue tracker.
The latest stable major version is currently supported by the team. For example, if the latest release is 1.6.y, then the 1.x.y versions are supported.
The latest stable release unilaterally receives all fixes from master
and the version prior to that receives the vast majority of those fixes
as time and bandwidth warrants.
- 1.x.y
When a release branch reaches the end of its support cycle, the series will be deprecated in NPM and a final end-of-support release will be made. This release will add a warning to inform that an unsupported version of s3-lambo is in use.
These steps are to help developers learn when a branch they're using becomes unsupported, but without being excessively intrusive to end users.