Add WebGL compatibility mode setting
Perspective aware Search Component
Bump Nevada - pick up zoom towards mouse and faster select changes
Handle duplicate properties for a category and removal of a label
Perspective relationship management
Hide uncategorised data and enable hiding categories
Add UI for hiding labels in the perspective
Avoid uniform value suggestions to improve search suggestion performance
Generate cypher correctly for temporal and spatial types
Run search on picking a suggestion, autocomplete with tab
Check if user is authorized on startup
Fix inconsistencies in perspective access
Suggest metadata on partial match
License check popup & watermark
Partial match property keys at search suggestions
Provide appropriate messages for connection failures
Firefox - editing properties not being saved
Fix dense node expansion and present appropriate message
Provide user friendly message for unique constraint violation on duplicate node
Disable duplicate node and create relationship if user lacks write permission
Make it possible to add multiple properties without closing edit mode
Invalidate search phrases with empty cypher queries
Ask to restore on startup
Fix the error that occurs when doing full text search for something in single quotes
Add streamline 3.0 icon set
Disable edit node option in more menu if editing is disabled