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Fraud Detection Using Neo4j Platform and PaySim Dataset

Fraud Detection and Investigation Using Graph Data Science Library

Example GDS workflow to demonstrate fraud detection and investigation using Neo4j Graph Data Science. This browser guide contains snippets of cypher code and a brief explanation in each slide to help with the demo.

We will use the GDS Library to get you started with few scenarios in first party and synthetic identity fraud detection and investigation.

Problem Definition

What is Fraud?

Fraud occurs when an individual or group of individuals, or a business entity intentionally deceives another individual or business entity with misrepresentation of identity, products, services, or financial transactions and/or false promises with no intention of fulfilling them.


Fraud Categories

  • First-party Fraud

    • An individual, or group of individuals, misrepresent their identity or give false information when applying for a product or services to receive more favourable rates or when have no intention of repayment.

  • Second-party Fraud

    • An individual knowingly gives their identity or personal information to another individual to commit fraud or someone is perpetrating fraud in his behalf.

  • Third-party Fraud

    • An individual, or a group of individuals, create or use another person’s identity, or personal details, to open or takeover an account.


We will use Neo4j GDS library to detect and label two types of fraudsters

  1. First party fraudsters (Module #1)

  2. Money Mules (Module #2)

Preliminary Data Analysis

We will use Paysim dataset for the hands-on exercises. Paysim is a synthetic dataset that mimics real world mobile money transfer network.

Let’s explore the dataset.

  1. Database Schema and Stats

  2. Nodes and Relationships

  3. Transaction Types

For more information on the dataset, please visit Dave Voutila’s Blog

Database Schema and Stats

CALL db.schema.visualization();

Counts of nodes, node labels, relationships, relationship types, property keys and statistics using our APOC library.

CALL apoc.meta.stats();

Nodes and Relationships

List all the node labels and corresponding counts.

CALL db.labels() YIELD label
CALL'MATCH (:`'+label+'`) RETURN count(*) as count', {})
YIELD value
RETURN label as Label, value.count AS Count

List all relationship types and corresponding counts.

CALL db.relationshipTypes() YIELD relationshipType as type
CALL'MATCH ()-[:`'+type+'`]->() RETURN count(*) as count', {})
YIELD value
RETURN type AS Relationship, value.count AS Count

Transaction Types

There are five types of transactions in this database. List all transaction types and corresponding metrics by iterating over all the transactions.

MATCH (t:Transaction)
WITH count(t) AS globalCnt
UNWIND ['CashIn', 'CashOut', 'Payment', 'Debit', 'Transfer'] AS txType
  CALL'MATCH (t:' + txType + ')
    RETURN count(t) AS txCnt', {})
  YIELD value
RETURN txType, value.txCnt AS NumberOfTransactions,
  round(toFloat(value.txCnt)/toFloat(globalCnt), 2) AS `%Transactions`
ORDER BY `%Transactions` DESC;

Module #1: First-party Fraud

Synthetic identity fraud and first party fraud can be identified by performing entity link analysis to detect identities linked to other identities via shared PII.

There are three types of personally identifiable information (PII) in this dataset - SSN, Email and Phone Number

Our hypothesis is that clients who share identifiers are suspicious and have a higher potential to commit fraud. However, all shared identifier links are not suspicious, for example, two people sharing an email address. Hence, we compute a fraud score based on shared PII relationships and label the top X percentile clients as fraudsters.

We will first identify clients that share identifiers and create a new relationship between clients that share identifiers

Identify clients sharing PII

MATCH (c1:Client)-[:HAS_EMAIL|:HAS_PHONE|:HAS_SSN]->(n) <-[:HAS_EMAIL|:HAS_PHONE|:HAS_SSN]-(c2:Client)
WHERE id(c1) < id(c2)
RETURN,, count(*) AS freq

Number of unique clients sharing PII

MATCH (c1:Client)-[:HAS_EMAIL|:HAS_PHONE|:HAS_SSN]->(n) <-[:HAS_EMAIL|:HAS_PHONE|:HAS_SSN]-(c2:Client)
WHERE id(c1) <> id(c2)

Create a new relationship

Create a new relationship to connect clients that share identifiers and add the number of shared identifiers as a property on that relationship

MATCH (c1:Client)-[:HAS_EMAIL|:HAS_PHONE|:HAS_SSN] ->(n)<- [:HAS_EMAIL|:HAS_PHONE|:HAS_SSN]-(c2:Client)
WHERE id(c1) < id(c2)
WITH c1, c2, count(*) as cnt
MERGE (c1) - [:SHARED_IDENTIFIERS {count: cnt}] -> (c2);

Visualize the new relationship created above.

MATCH p = (:Client) - [s:SHARED_IDENTIFIERS] -> (:Client) WHERE s.count >= 2 RETURN p limit 25;

Graph Algorithms

Graph algorithms are used to compute metrics for graphs, nodes, or relationships.

They can provide insights on relevant entities in the graph (centralities, ranking), or inherent structures like communities (community-detection, graph-partitioning, clustering).

The Neo4j Graph Data Science (GDS) library contains many graph algorithms. The algorithms are divided into categories which represent different problem classes. For more information, please click here: Algorithms

Fraud detection workflow in Neo4j GDS

We will construct a workflow with graph algorithms to detect fraud rings, score clients based on the number of common connections and rank them to select the top few suspicious clients and label them as fraudsters.

  1. Identify clusters of clients sharing PII using a community detection algorithm (Weakly Connected Components)

  2. Find similar clients within the clusters using pairwise similarity algorithms (Node Similarity)

  3. Calculate and assign fraud score to clients using centrality algorithms (Degree Centrality) and

  4. Use computed fraud scores to label clients as potential fraudsters

Graph Projection

A central concept in the GDS library is the management of in-memory graphs. Graph algorithms run on a graph data model which is a projection of the Neo4j property graph data model. For more information, please click here: Graph Management

A projected graph can be stored in the catalog under a user-defined name. Using that name, the graph can be referred to by any algorithm in the library.

CALL gds.graph.project('wcc',
        Client: {
            label: 'Client'
            type: 'SHARED_IDENTIFIERS',
            orientation: 'UNDIRECTED',
            properties: {
                count: {
                    property: 'count'
) YIELD graphName,nodeCount,relationshipCount,projectMillis;

Memory Estimation and Graph Projection

It is a good practice to run memory estimates before creating your graph to make sure you have enough memory to create an in-memory graph. For more information, click here: Memory Estimation

Named graphs can be created using either a Native projection or a Cypher projection. Native projections provide the best performance by reading from the Neo4j store files. Using Cypher projections is a more flexible and expressive approach with diminished focus on performance compared to the native projections. For more information, click here: Native and Cypher Projection

1. Identify groups of clients sharing PII (Fraud rings)

Run Weakly connected components to find clusters of clients sharing PII.

Weakly Connected Components is used to find groups of connected nodes, where all nodes in the same set form a connected component. WCC is often used early in an analysis understand the structure of a graph. More informaton here: WCC documentation

        nodeLabels: ['Client'],
        relationshipTypes: ['SHARED_IDENTIFIERS'],
        consecutiveIds: true
YIELD nodeId, componentId
RETURN gds.util.asNode(nodeId).id AS clientId, componentId
ORDER BY componentId LIMIT 20

GDS algorithms support four common execution modes: stream, mutate, write and stats. More informaton here: Execution modes

Write results to the database.

  • Writing results

    • Write mode lets us write back the results to the database.

    • Instead of write mode, here we are going to use cypher to filter clusters based on the size (>1) and then set a property on Client nodes*

        nodeLabels: ['Client'],
        relationshipTypes: ['SHARED_IDENTIFIERS'],
        consecutiveIds: true
YIELD componentId, nodeId
WITH componentId AS cluster, gds.util.asNode(nodeId) AS client
WITH cluster, collect( AS clients
WITH cluster, clients, size(clients) AS clusterSize WHERE clusterSize > 1
UNWIND clients AS client
MATCH (c:Client) WHERE = client
SET c.firstPartyFraudGroup=cluster;

*For large datasets, use periodic iterate from APOC library to set node properties (APOC)

Collect and visualize clusters in Neo4j Browser

Visualize clusters with greater than 9 client nodes.

MATCH (c:Client)
WITH c.firstPartyFraudGroup AS fpGroupID, collect( AS fGroup
WITH *, size(fGroup) AS groupSize WHERE groupSize >= 9
WITH collect(fpGroupID) AS fraudRings
WHERE c.firstPartyFraudGroup IN fraudRings

Pairwise similarity scores for additional context

We have observed that some identifiers (Email/SSN/Phone Number) are connected to more than one client pointing to reuse of identifiers among clients.

We hypothesize that identities that are connected to highly reused identifiers have higher potential to commit fraud.

We could compute pairwise similarity scores using Jaccard metric and build additional relationships to connect clients based on shared identifiers and score these pairs based on Jaccard score.

2. Compute pairwise similarity scores

We use node similarity algorithm to find similar nodes based on the relationships to other nodes. Node similarity uses Jaccard metric (Node Similarity)

Node similarity algorithms work on bipartite graphs (two types of nodes and relationships between them). Here we project client nodes (one type) and three identifiers nodes (that are considered as second type) into memory.

Graph projection using cypher

MATCH(c:Client) WHERE c.firstPartyFraudGroup is not NULL
WITH collect(c) as clients
MATCH(n) WHERE n:Email OR n:Phone OR n:SSN
WITH clients, collect(n) as identifiers
WITH clients + identifiers as nodes

WHERE c.firstPartyFraudGroup is not NULL
WITH nodes, collect({source: c, target: id}) as relationships

CALL gds.graph.project.cypher('similarity',
    "UNWIND $nodes as n RETURN id(n) AS id,labels(n) AS labels",
    "UNWIND $relationships as r RETURN id(r['source']) AS source, id(r['target']) AS target, 'HAS_IDENTIFIER' as type",
    { parameters: {nodes: nodes, relationships: relationships}}
YIELD graphName, nodeCount, relationshipCount, projectMillis
RETURN graphName, nodeCount, relationshipCount, projectMillis

Write similarity scores to in-memory graph (Mutate)

We can mutate in-memory graph by writing outputs from the algorithm as node or relationship properties.

CALL gds.nodeSimilarity.mutate('similarity',
        mutateProperty: 'jaccardScore',

Mutate mode is very useful when you execute more than one algorithm in a pipeline where outputs from the first algorithm is used as inputs to the second algorithm in the pipeline.

Mutate mode is very fast compared to write mode and it helps in optimizing algorithm execution times.

Write results from in-memory graph to the Database

In this step, we write back the property from in-memory graph to the database and use it for further analysis

CALL gds.graph.writeRelationship('similarity', 'SIMILAR_TO', 'jaccardScore');

More information on Graph Catalog Operations: Graph Catalog Ops

3. Calculate First-party Fraud Score

We compute first party fraud score using weighted degree centrality algorithm.

In this step, we compute and assign fraud score (firstPartyFraudScore) to clients in the clusters identified in previous steps based on SIMILAR_TO relationships weighted by jaccardScore

Weighted degree centrality algorithm add up similarity scores (jaccardScore) on the incoming SIMILAR_TO relationships for a given node in a cluster and assign the sum as the corresponding firstPartyFraudScore. This score represents clients who are similar to many others in the cluster in terms of sharing identifiers. Higher firstPartyFraudScore represents greater potential for committing fraud.

Write fraud scores to the database

Write back centrality scores as firstPartyFraudScore to the database using write mode.

        nodeLabels: ['Client'],
        relationshipTypes: ['SIMILAR_TO'],
        relationshipWeightProperty: 'jaccardScore',
        writeProperty: 'firstPartyFraudScore'

Modes of execution: Running Algorithms

4. Attach fraudster labels

We find clients with first-party fraud score greater than some threshold (X) and label those top X percentile clients as fraudsters. In this example, using 95th percentile as a threshold, we set a property FirstPartyFraudster on the Client node.

WHERE c.firstPartyFraudScore IS NOT NULL
WITH percentileCont(c.firstPartyFraudScore, 0.95) AS firstPartyFraudThreshold

WHERE c.firstPartyFraudScore > firstPartyFraudThreshold
SET c:FirstPartyFraudster;

End of Module #1: First-party Fraud

In this module:

  1. Identified clusters of clients sharing PII

  2. Computed pairwise similarity based on shared PII

  3. Computed first-party fraud score and

  4. Labeled some clients as first-party fraudsters

Module #2: Second-party Fraud/ Money Mules

According to FBI, criminals recruit money mules to help launder proceeds derived from online scams and frauds. Money mules add layers of distance between victims and fraudsters, which makes it harder for law enforcement to accurately trace money trails.

In this exercise, we detect money mules in the paysim dataset. Our hypothesis is that clients who transfer money to/from first party fraudsters are suspects for second party fraud.

  1. Identify and explore transactions (money transfers) between first-party fraudsters and other clients

  2. Detect second-party fraud networks

Transactions between first-party fraudsters and client

The first step is to find out clients who weren’t identified as first party fraudsters but they transact with first party fraudsters

MATCH p=(:Client:FirstPartyFraudster)-[]-(:Transaction)-[]-(c:Client)
WHERE NOT c:FirstPartyFraudster

Also, lets find out what types of transactions do these Clients perform with first party fraudsters

MATCH (:Client:FirstPartyFraudster)-[]-(txn:Transaction)-[]-(c:Client)
WHERE NOT c:FirstPartyFraudster
UNWIND labels(txn) AS transactionType
RETURN transactionType, count(*) AS freq;

Create new relationships

Let’s go ahead and create TRANSFER_TO relationships between clients with firstPartyFraudster tags and other clients. Also add the total amount from all such transactions as a property on TRANSFER_TO relationships.

Since the total amount transferred from a fraudster to a client and the total amount transferred in the reverse direction are not the same, we have to create relationships in two separate queries.

  • TRANSFER_TO relationship from a fraudster to a client (look at the directions in queries)

  • Add SecondPartyFraudSuspect tag to these clients

MATCH (c1:FirstPartyFraudster)-[]->(t:Transaction)-[]->(c2:Client)
WHERE NOT c2:FirstPartyFraudster
WITH c1, c2, sum(t.amount) AS totalAmount
SET c2:SecondPartyFraudSuspect
CREATE (c1)-[:TRANSFER_TO {amount:totalAmount}]->(c2);
  • TRANSFER_TO relationship from a client to a fraudster.

MATCH (c1:FirstPartyFraudster)<-[]-(t:Transaction)<-[]-(c2:Client)
WHERE NOT c2:FirstPartyFraudster
WITH c1, c2, sum(t.amount) AS totalAmount
SET c2:SecondPartyFraudSuspect
CREATE (c1)<-[:TRANSFER_TO {amount:totalAmount}]-(c2);

Visualize relationships in Neo4j Browser

Visualize newly created TRANSFER_TO relationships

MATCH p=(:Client:FirstPartyFraudster)-[:TRANSFER_TO]-(c:Client)
WHERE NOT c:FirstPartyFraudster

Second-party Fraud

Our objective is to find out clients who may have supported the first party fraudsters and were not identified as potential first party fraudsters.

Our hypothesis is that clients who perform transactions of type Transfer where they either send or receive money from first party fraudsters are flagged as suspects for second party fraud.

To identify such clients, make use of TRANSFER_TO relationships and use this recipe:

  1. Use WCC (community detection) to identify networks of clients who are connected to first party fraudsters

  2. Use PageRank (centrality) to score clients based on their influence in terms of the amount of money transferred to/from fraudsters

  3. Assign risk score (secondPartyFraudScore) to these clients

1. Graph Projection and WCC

Let’s use native projection and create an in-memory graph with Client nodes and TRANSFER_TO relationships.

CALL gds.graph.project('SecondPartyFraudNetwork',

We will see if there are any clusters with more than one clients in them and if there are, then we should add a tag secondPartyFraudGroup to find them later using local queries.

  • Write results to the database

YIELD nodeId, componentId
WITH gds.util.asNode(nodeId) AS client, componentId AS clusterId
WITH clusterId, collect( AS cluster
WITH clusterId, size(cluster) AS clusterSize, cluster
WHERE clusterSize > 1
UNWIND cluster AS client
MATCH(c:Client {id:client})
SET c.secondPartyFraudGroup=clusterId;

2. Second-party Fraudster PageRank scores

Use pagerank to find out who among the suspects have relatively higher fraud scores. Please note that relationships are weighted by the total amount transferred to fraudsters.

  • Write results to the database

    • Attach a secondPartyFraudScore tag to the clients with PageRank scores as values

)YIELD nodeId, score
WITH gds.util.asNode(nodeId) AS client, score AS pageRankScore

WHERE client.secondPartyFraudGroup IS NOT NULL
        AND pageRankScore > 0 AND NOT client:FirstPartyFraudster

MATCH(c:Client {})
SET c:SecondPartyFraud
SET c.secondPartyFraudScore = pageRankScore;

More information here: PageRank

Visualize second party fraud networks

MATCH p=(:Client:FirstPartyFraudster)-[:TRANSFER_TO]-(c:Client)
WHERE NOT c:FirstPartyFraudster

Clean up graph catalog

It is a good practice to removing all graphs from the Graph Catalog once you are done with executing algorithms and writing results back to the database

CALL gds.graph.list()
YIELD graphName AS namedGraph
WITH namedGraph
CALL gds.graph.drop(namedGraph)
YIELD graphName
RETURN graphName;

End of Module #2

In this module we accomplished the following tasks:

  1. Identified clusters of clients and first-party fraudsters transferring money between them

  2. Calculated second-party fraud score and identified second-party fraudsters