- Support specification of username/password for CI servers without guest access
- Lots of extra documentation added to the Wiki
- Failing TeamCity build types that are assigned and under investigation radiate as such
- Fix bug with marking builds as fixed in TeamCity
- Give immediate feedback to the user when marking a build
- Report a failure when any component of a view is providing no build data
- TeamCity build targets that have not yet build should report an 'unknown' status
- Improve scanning of builds on start-up
- Support Gravatar hosted pictures (thanks to Grundlefleck)
- Play woohoo when doh is over (thanks to Grundlefleck)
- Fix bug causing all-green squirrel to show when there are no builds at all
- Display all-green squirrel even in radiator mode
- Do not log errors if api.github.com is not accessible
- Log to file by default
- Fix bug with robustness of percentage instantiation
- Upgrade guava to 12.0.1; hamcrest to 1.3; apache http components and commons.io
- Upgrade check for new versions to use GitHub v3 API
- Fix bug that caused potential aggressive replacement of template pictures on restart
- Logic tweak for when the all-green squirrel is shown
- Bugfix to picture display code -- ensure pictures are correctly removed when not relevant
- Introduce 'grid mode' as a trial
- Support local storage (where available) to store radiator settings
- upgraded guava to 11.0.2; gson to 2.1; jquery to 1.7.1; httpcomponents httpclient to 4.1.3
- only cache reverse DNS lookup results for one hour
- fix tooltip bug in firefox
- show picture for "all-green and nothing building" event in desktop mode
- ensure readme is included in release jar
- fix logging bug causing log properties to be ignored
- support for https
- support for TeamCity 7.0
- support for radiating all builds on a given TeamCity server
- upgraded guava to 11.0; gson to 2.0; jquery to 1.7.1; commons-io to 2.1
- better startup message written to stdout
- better analysis of green jenkins jobs, so we always get the start time of the latest build
- toying with sound-effects for doh moments
- removed css media type for controlling desktop-mode
- introduced fly-out menu in the top-right corner to control desktop and silent modes
- major reworking of ant build.xml script to remove duplication and use parameters and macros properly
- rehoused resources in a /resources sub-directory so that they do not clutter the release jar
- adjusted the project structure to be more maven-esque, purely because this is a nice standard
- abstracted the dependency on log4J, as it is pretty crusty, and having static refs all over is smelly
- moved 3rd party javascript into the vendor directory
- general refactoring and whitespace nuking
This release upgrades gson to 1.7.2 with a fix for a threading bug (gson Issue 354), upgrades guava to 10.0 (and improves caching as a result), and tidies up some naming to ensure consistency.
Jenkins concurrent builds are now represented correctly, using multiple progress bars. TeamCity external links now login as guest automatically.
Displays the current landscape name in the title bar. Correctly responds with 404 to requests for static resources that do not exist. Redirects malformed landscape URLs. Fixes "doh" mode.
Committer analysis was improved. The program now checks for new versions automatically. The welcome page was improved.