New Relic offers a Fluent Bit output plugin to easily forward your logs to New Relic Logs. This plugin is also provided in a standalone Docker image that can be installed in a Kubernetes cluster in the form of a DaemonSet, which we refer as the Kubernetes plugin.
This document explains how to install it in your cluster using our Helm chart.
Despite the newrelic-logging
chart being able to work standalone, we recommend installing it as part of the nri-bundle
chart. The best way of doing so is through the guided installation process documented here. This guided install can generate the Helm 3 commands required to install it (select "Helm 3" in Step 3 from the previous documentation link). You can also opt to install it manually using Helm by following these steps. To uninstall it, refer to the steps outlined in this page.
To install the repo you can run:
helm repo add newrelic
To update the repo you can run:
helm repo update newrelic
The newrelic-logging
chart can be installed either alone or as part of the nri-bundle
chart (recommended). The chart default settings should be suitable for most users. Nevertheless, you may be interested in overriding the defaults, either by passing them through a values-newrelic.yaml
file or via the command line when installing the chart. Depending on how you installed it, you'll need to specify the newrelic-logging
-specific configuration values using the chart name (newrelic-logging
) as a prefix. In the table below, you can find a quick reference of how to configure the chart in these scenarios. The example depicts how you'd specify the mandatory licenseKey
and cluster
settings and how you'd override the fluentBit.retryLimit
setting to 10
Installation method | Configuration via values.yaml | Configuration via command line |
Standalone newrelic-logging |
As part of nri-bundle |
See values.yaml for the default values
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.cluster - cluster |
The cluster name for the Kubernetes cluster. | |
global.licenseKey - licenseKey |
The license key for your New Relic Account. This will be the preferred configuration option if both licenseKey and customSecret* values are specified. |
global.customSecretName - customSecretName |
Name of the Secret object where the license key is stored | |
global.customSecretLicenseKey - customSecretLicenseKey |
Key in the Secret object where the license key is stored. | |
global.fargate |
Must be set to true when deploying in an EKS Fargate environment. Prevents DaemonSet pods from being scheduled in Fargate nodes. |
global.lowDataMode - lowDataMode |
If true , send minimal attributes on Kubernetes logs. Labels and annotations are not sent when lowDataMode is enabled. |
false |
rbac.create |
Enable Role-based authentication | true |
rbac.pspEnabled |
Enable pod security policy support | false |
image.repository |
The container to pull. | newrelic/newrelic-fluentbit-output |
image.pullPolicy |
The pull policy. | IfNotPresent |
image.pullSecrets |
Image pull secrets. | nil |
image.tag |
The version of the container to pull. | See value in [values.yaml]` |
exposedPorts |
Any ports you wish to expose from the pod. Ex. 2020 for metrics | [] |
resources |
Any resources you wish to assign to the pod. | See Resources below |
priorityClassName |
Scheduling priority of the pod | nil |
nodeSelector |
Node label to use for scheduling on Linux nodes | { linux } |
windowsNodeSelector |
Node label to use for scheduling on Windows nodes | { windows, BUILD_NUMBER } |
tolerations |
List of node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6) | See Tolerations below |
updateStrategy |
Strategy for DaemonSet updates (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6) | RollingUpdate |
extraVolumeMounts |
Additional DaemonSet volume mounts | [] |
extraVolumes |
Additional DaemonSet volumes | [] |
initContainers |
Init containers that will be executed before the actual container in charge of shipping logs to New Relic is initialized. Use this if you are using a custom Fluent Bit configuration that requires downloading certain files inside the volumes being accessed by the log-shipping pod. | [] |
windows.initContainers |
Init containers that will be executed before the actual container in charge of shipping logs to New Relic is initialized. Use this if you are using a custom Fluent Bit configuration that requires downloading certain files inside the volumes being accessed by the log-shipping pod. | [] |
serviceAccount.create |
If true, a service account would be created and assigned to the deployment | true | |
The service account to assign to the deployment. If serviceAccount.create is true then this name will be used when creating the service account |
serviceAccount.annotations |
The annotations to add to the service account if serviceAccount.create is set to true. |
global.nrStaging - nrStaging |
Send data to staging (requires a staging license key) | false |
fluentBit.path |
Node path logs are forwarded from. Patterns are supported, as well as specifying multiple paths/patterns separated by commas. | /var/log/containers/*.log |
fluentBit.linuxMountPath |
The path mounted on linux Fluent-Bit pods to read logs from. Defaults to /var because some engines write the logs to /var/log and others to /var/lib (symlinked to /var/log) so Fluent-Bit need access to both in those cases | /var |
fluentBit.db |
Node path used by Fluent Bit to store a database file to keep track of monitored files and offsets. | /var/log/containers/*.log |
fluentBit.k8sBufferSize |
Set the buffer size for HTTP client when reading responses from Kubernetes API server. A value of 0 results in no limit and the buffer will expand as needed. | 32k |
fluentBit.k8sLoggingExclude |
Set to "true" to allow excluding pods by adding the annotation "true" to pods you wish to exclude. |
false |
fluentBit.additionalEnvVariables |
Additional environmental variables for fluentbit pods | []] |
fluentBit.persistence.mode |
The persistence mode you want to use, options are "hostPath", "none" or "persistentVolume" (this last one available only for linux) | |
fluentBit.persistence.persistentVolume.storageClass |
On "persistentVolume" persistence mode, indicates the storage class that will be used for create the PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim. | |
fluentBit.persistence.persistentVolume.size |
On "persistentVolume" persistence mode, indicates the capacity for the PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim | 10Gi |
fluentBit.persistence.persistentVolume.dynamicProvisioning |
On "persistentVolume" persistence mode, indicates if the storage class used provide dynamic provisioning. If it does, only the PersistentVolumeClaim will be created. | true |
fluentBit.persistence.persistentVolume.existingVolume |
On "persistentVolume" persistence mode, indicates and existing volume in case you want to reuse one, bear in mind that it should allow ReadWriteMany access mode. A PersistentVolumeClaim will be created using it. | |
fluentBit.persistence.persistentVolume.existingVolumeClaim |
On "persistentVolume" persistence mode, indicates and existing volume claim that will be used on the daemonset. It should allow ReadWriteMany access mode. | |
fluentBit.persistence.persistentVolume.annotations.volume |
On "persistentVolume" persistence mode, allows to add annotations to the PersistentVolume (if created). | |
fluentBit.persistence.persistentVolume.annotations.claim |
On "persistentVolume" persistence mode, allows to add annotations to the PersistentVolumeClaim (if created). | |
fluentBit.persistence.persistentVolume.extra.volume |
On "persistentVolume" persistence mode, allows to add extra properties to the PersistentVolume (if created). | |
fluentBit.persistence.persistentVolume.extra.claim |
On "persistentVolume" persistence mode, allows to add extra properties to the PersistentVolumeClaim (if created). | |
daemonSet.annotations |
The annotations to add to the DaemonSet . |
podAnnotations |
The annotations to add to the DaemonSet created Pod s. |
hostNetwork |
Set the hostNetwork property for fluentbit pods. | |
enableLinux |
Enable log collection from Linux containers. This is the default behavior. In case you are only interested of collecting logs from Windows containers, set this to false . |
true |
enableWindows |
Enable log collection from Windows containers. Please refer to the Windows support section for more details. | false |
fluentBit.config.service |
Contains fluent-bit.conf Service config | |
fluentBit.config.inputs |
Contains fluent-bit.conf Inputs config | |
fluentBit.config.extraInputs |
Contains extra fluent-bit.conf Inputs config | |
fluentBit.config.filters |
Contains fluent-bit.conf Filters config | |
fluentBit.config.extraFilters |
Contains extra fluent-bit.conf Filters config | |
fluentBit.config.lowDataModeFilters |
Contains fluent-bit.conf Filters config for lowDataMode | |
fluentBit.config.outputs |
Contains fluent-bit.conf Outputs config | |
fluentBit.config.extraOutputs |
Contains extra fluent-bit.conf Outputs config | |
fluentBit.config.parsers |
Contains parsers.conf Parsers config | |
fluentBit.retryLimit |
Amount of times to retry sending a given batch of logs to New Relic. This prevents data loss if there is a temporary network disruption, if a request to the Logs API is lost or when receiving a recoverable HTTP response. Set it to "False" for unlimited retries. | 5 |
fluentBit.sendMetrics |
Enable the collection of newrelic-fluent-bit-output internal plugin metrics. See this documentation page for more details. | false |
dnsConfig |
DNS configuration that will be added to the pods. Can be configured also with global.dnsConfig . |
{} |
fluentBit.criEnabled |
We assume that kubelet directly communicates with the container engine using the CRI specification. Set this to false if your K8s installation uses dockershim instead, in order to get the logs properly parsed. |
true |
Fluent Bit uses a database file to keep track of log lines read from files (offsets). This database file is stored in the host node by default, using a hostPath
mount. It's specifically stored (by default) in /var/log/flb_kube.db
to keep things simple, as we're already mounting /var
for accessing container logs.
Sometimes the security constraints of some clusters don't allow mounting hostPath
s in read-write mode. That's why you can chose among the following
persistence modes. Each one has their pros and cons.
(default) will use ahostPath
mount to store the DB file on the node disk. This is the easiest, cheapest an most reliable option, but prohibited by some cloud vendor security policies.none
will disable the Fluent Bit DB file. This can cause log duplication or data loss in case Fluent Bit gets restarted.persistentVolume
(Linux only) will use aReadWriteMany
persistent volume to store the DB file. This will override thefluentBit.db
path and use/db/${NODE_NAME}-fb.db
instead. If you use this option in a Windows cluster it will default tonone
on Windows nodes.
If you're using the persistentVolume
persistence mode you need to provide at least the storageClass
, and it should be ReadWriteMany
. This is an example of the configuration for persistence in GKE Autopilot.
mode: persistentVolume
storageClass: standard-rwx
linuxMountPath: /var/log
Since Fluent Bit Kubernetes plugin is using newrelic-fluent-bit-output we can configure the proxy support in order to set up the proxy configuration.
The easiest way to configure the proxy is by means of specifying the HTTP_PROXY
variables as follows:
# values-newrelic.yml
value: https://your-https-proxy-hostname:3129
If you need to use a proxy using self-signed certificates, you'll need to mount a volume with the Certificate Authority bundle file and reference it from the Fluent Bit configuration as follows:
# values-newrelic.yaml
extraVolumes: []
- name: proxyConfig
# Example using hostPath. You can also place the caBundleFile.pem contents in a ConfigMap and reference it here instead,
# as explained here:
path: /path/in/node/to/your/caBundleFile.pem
extraVolumeMounts: []
- name: proxyConfig
mountPath: /proxyConfig/caBundleFile.pem
outputs: |
Name newrelic
Match *
licenseKey ${LICENSE_KEY}
endpoint ${ENDPOINT}
lowDataMode ${LOW_DATA_MODE}
Retry_Limit ${RETRY_LIMIT}
proxy https://your-https-proxy-hostname:3129
caBundleFile /proxyConfig/caBundleFile.pem
Since version 1.7.0
, this Helm chart supports shipping logs from Windows containers. To this end, you need to set the enableWindows
configuration parameter to true
Windows containers have some constraints regarding Linux containers. The main one being that they can only be executed on hosts using the exact same Windows version and build number. On the other hand, Kubernetes nodes only supports the Windows versions listed here.
This Helm chart deploys one DaemonSet
for each of the Windows versions it supports, while ensuring that only containers matching the host operating system will be deployed in each host.
This Helm chart currently supports the following Windows versions:
- Windows Server LTSC 2019, build 10.0.17763
- Windows Server LTSC 2022, build 10.0.20348