- Nick Kosarev (@hmbanan666)
- Timezone on channel working hours (#242)
⚠️ Working days and timezone (#243)- Create new checkouts (#245)
- Delivery and pickup as options (#246)
⚠️ Phone, conditions and minAmountForDelivery (#247)- Check on radio button (#248)
- Settings page with data (#249)
- Update channel general data (#250)
- Cart guard on client side (#251)
- Prisma migration (#252)
- Install food by url (#254)
- Added nuxt-zod-i18n (#257)
- Added confetti (#259)
- Georgian locale (#261)
⚠️ Address now is a part of checkout (#244)- Args on script (#253)
- Some visual fixes (#255)
- Check minAmount (#256)
- Locale rework (#258)
- New codes (#260)
⚠️ Working days and timezone (#243)⚠️ Phone, conditions and minAmountForDelivery (#247)⚠️ Address now is a part of checkout (#244)
- Nick Kosarev (@hmbanan666)
- Swr for index and catalog pages (#232)
- Now we can choose product variant on client side (#235)
⚠️ Address and paymentMethod (#236)- Finish page (#240)
⚠️ Time and type on checkout (#241)
- Buttons gradient rework (#230)
- Image size optimization (#234)
- Create pull request template (#237)
- Lib updates (#238)
- Payment methods on client (#239)
- Nick Kosarev (@hmbanan666)
- Alexander a.hywax@gmail.com
- Added nuxt/image for optimizations (#219)
⚠️ Media files with several sizes (#220)- Removing old images on new upload (#224)
- Warehouses (#226)
- Release version (#216)
- Storage path (#221)
- Storage path (#222)
- Storage path (#223)
- Sharp versions for other os (#227)
- Lib updates (#217)
- Menu activity status change, user name (#225)
- Warehouse rework (#228)
- First category check for LCP (#229)
- Timeout on livenessProbe (a810e6e)
⚠️ Media files with several sizes (#220)
- Nick Kosarev (@hmbanan666)
- Turborepo, no nx (#165)
- Website (#166)
- New logo, mike and jake (#172)
- Food app (#173)
- Session creation (#186)
- Search products right on client (#189)
- Command center sign-in page (#191)
- Cool avatars (#196)
- Forms with validation (#201)
- Menu creation (#206)
- Product page (#208)
- Product update (#212)
- Product availability switch (#213)
- Update menu (#215)
- New k8s data (#169)
- Icons, color mode, deploy (#170)
- Ui reworked (#171)
- Prisma, components (#175)
- More components (#176)
- K8s config update, useChannel update (#177)
- Pages, product image (#178)
- Cart on desktop (#180)
- Food demo url changed (#184)
- Cart lines, schema update (#185)
- UseCheckout updated (#187)
- Breadcrumbs (#188)
- Checkout page (#190)
- New domain (#193)
- Sign-in by credentials (#194)
- Some localization (#195)
- Lib updates (#197)
- Removed nuxt ui, now shadcn is main config (#199)
- Ui rework (#200)
- Lib updates (#203)
- Components rework, api tests (#205)
- Lib updates (#207)
- Removed old code (#209)
- Locale currency (#210)
- Some k8s updates (#211)
- Nick Kosarev (@hmbanan666)