The repository includes the following feature.
bettery busybox
Use to snapshot of camera
For streaming of camera
rRTSPServer (Manually add) RTSP server still have some bug on performace and decoding frame, use with your risk. Notice: For G2, RTSP server only work at high resolution in firmware 3.5.8, For firmware 3.4.6 and 3.5.7,
for Camera G2, open rtsp://[IP]]/ch0_0.h265 (high resolution) or rtsp://[IP]]/ch0_1.h265 (low resolution) with vlc etc.
For low resolution.
h264grabber -f -r low &
rRTSPServer -e -r low &
For high resolution.
h264grabber -f &
rRTSPServer -e &
for Camera G2H, open rtsp://[IP]]/ch0_0.h264 (high resolution) or rtsp://[IP]]/ch0_1.h264 (low resolution) with vlc etc.
For low resolution.
h264grabber -f -r low &
rRTSPServer -r low &
For high resolution.
h264grabber -f &
rRTSPServer &
Or copy two binary and a script to /system/bin, then add to /etc/init.d/S90app or use monitor (add configuration to /etc/normal.xml)
- www.tar.gz www folder of httpd, add httpd to /etc/init.d/S90app or use monitor (add configuration to /etc/normal.xml) for example
busybox-armv7l httpd -p 8080 -h /www
How to enable telnet without open case and no need solder UART (on G2H only from @macchas )
create a file 'hostname' which its content as below and put it in sdcard.
passwd -d root
echo WITH_TELNET=y >> /etc/.config
Then try to use putty to login to see it works or not. If it worked, you can remove hostname
How to enable telnet in hard way (need to solder UART)
See the image to know TX RX of UART and wire out the UART TTL (115200 8N1), login with root/09qjuS@3.
echo WITH_TELNET=y >> /etc/.config
If you want to remove password, you can enter the below command
passwd -d root